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[LE 3.1 Steam] Auto save when running map


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Even With auto save disabled in options , LE3 auto saves a map when running the game.


How to test :

- Just take a map , add a green cube

- then run the game, then stop the game

- open a new map, do nothing

- Re open first map : you can see it has been auto saved with the green cube

Stop toying and make games

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Sorry other software 3D engine, nothing has been saved by running a map. After running it, if you load another map then it ptoposes you to save or not. That's not natural to save stuff and files just running them , software don't work like that could it be Blender, Visual Studio and all existing software.


Could be some MyMap_temp_run.map that would be run instead of saving the map you are running on.

Stop toying and make games

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