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Prefab component have no properties


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If prefabs can be modified without breaking the prefab, then they are not prefabs, they are templates.

The idea of prefabs is you can go back and modify the file, and all your maps adjust without having to be updated.

I have not yet added functionality to "break" prefabs, which would turn an object from a prefabs into a regular non-prefab object that gets stored in the map.

If that is not the behavior we want, then we should have a discussion about that. But my understanding is that prefabs retain all their original properties except position, rotation, and scale.

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11 hours ago, Josh said:

I have not yet added functionality to "break" prefabs, which would turn an object from a prefabs into a regular non-prefab object that gets stored in the map.

Yeah, probably it should be enough. Currently prefabs are just useless if i need to change anything in component values.

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