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win32 registration key commands


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bool GetRegKey(const WString& name, WString& value)
        auto sarr = name.Split("\\");
        if (sarr.size() <= 1) return false;

        WString file = sarr[sarr.size() - 1];
        WString dir = name.Left(name.size() - 1 - file.size());

        HKEY root;
        if (sarr[0] == "HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT")
            root = HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE;
        else if (sarr[0] == "HKEY_CURRENT_CONFIG")
            root = HKEY_CURRENT_CONFIG;
        else if (sarr[0] == "HKEY_CURRENT_USER")
            root = HKEY_CURRENT_USER;
        else if (sarr[0] == "HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE")
            root = HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE;
        else if (sarr[0] == "HKEY_USERS")
            root = HKEY_USERS;
            return false;

        dir = dir.Right(dir.GetSize() - sarr[0].GetSize() - 1);

        HKEY hKey = NULL;
        auto res = RegOpenKeyExW(root, dir.c_str(), 0, KEY_READ, &hKey);
        if (res != ERROR_SUCCESS) return false;

        WCHAR szBuffer[2048];
        DWORD dwBufferSize = sizeof(szBuffer);

        DWORD type = REG_LINK;
        res = RegQueryValueExW(hKey, file.c_str(), 0, &type, (LPBYTE)szBuffer, &dwBufferSize);

        if (res != ERROR_SUCCESS) return false;

        value = wstring(szBuffer);

        return true;

    bool GetRegKey(const WString& name, uint32_t& value)
        auto sarr = name.Split("\\");
        if (sarr.size() <= 1) return false;

        WString file = sarr[sarr.size() - 1];
        WString dir = name.Left(name.size() - 1 - file.size());

        HKEY root;
        if (sarr[0] == "HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT")
            root = HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE;
        else if (sarr[0] == "HKEY_CURRENT_CONFIG")
            root = HKEY_CURRENT_CONFIG;
        else if (sarr[0] == "HKEY_CURRENT_USER")
            root = HKEY_CURRENT_USER;
        else if (sarr[0] == "HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE")
            root = HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE;
        else if (sarr[0] == "HKEY_USERS")
            root = HKEY_USERS;
            return false;

        dir = dir.Right(dir.GetSize() - sarr[0].GetSize() - 1);

        HKEY hKey = NULL;
        auto res = RegOpenKeyExW(root, dir.c_str(), 0, KEY_READ, &hKey);
        if (res != ERROR_SUCCESS) return false;

        DWORD result;
        DWORD dwBufferSize = sizeof(result);

        DWORD type = REG_DWORD;
        res = RegQueryValueExW(hKey, file.c_str(), 0, &type, (LPBYTE)&result, &dwBufferSize);

        if (res != ERROR_SUCCESS) return false;

        value = result;

        return true;

    bool GetRegKey(const WString& name, uint64_t& value)
        auto sarr = name.Split("\\");
        if (sarr.size() <= 1) return false;

        WString file = sarr[sarr.size() - 1];
        WString dir = name.Left(name.size() - 1 - file.size());

        HKEY root;
        if (sarr[0] == "HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT")
            root = HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE;
        else if (sarr[0] == "HKEY_CURRENT_CONFIG")
            root = HKEY_CURRENT_CONFIG;
        else if (sarr[0] == "HKEY_CURRENT_USER")
            root = HKEY_CURRENT_USER;
        else if (sarr[0] == "HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE")
            root = HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE;
        else if (sarr[0] == "HKEY_USERS")
            root = HKEY_USERS;
            return false;

        dir = dir.Right(dir.GetSize() - sarr[0].GetSize() - 1);

        HKEY hKey = NULL;
        auto res = RegOpenKeyExW(root, dir.c_str(), 0, KEY_READ, &hKey);
        if (res != ERROR_SUCCESS) return false;

        uint64_t result;
        DWORD dwBufferSize = sizeof(result);

        DWORD type = REG_QWORD;
        res = RegQueryValueExW(hKey, file.c_str(), 0, &type, (LPBYTE)&result, &dwBufferSize);

        if (res != ERROR_SUCCESS) return false;

        value = result;

        return true;


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