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I sent a program to my friend and to my surprise, it crashed on him. I put in notifications to help me debug where it fails and it seems to be on the CreateFramework function. It tells him that the graphics mode was set successfully but after he clicks ok, the program just crashes. Neither of the next messages are displayed. The code snippet is below.


He has Windows 7 (I have XP), has modern games installed and I'm pretty sure he also has .NET (but not 100%). Any idea what the problem could be?


if(!Initialize()) exit(1);
 MessageBoxA( 0,"Failed to set graphics mode.","Error",0);

MessageBoxA(0,"Set graphics mode successfully\nAbout to create framework","Message",0);

fw = CreateFramework();
 MessageBoxA(0,"Failed to create framework.","Error",0);
MessageBoxA(0,"Set framework successfully","Message",0);


I've attached the program if anyone else would like to try it and see if they can run it.



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It might be the OpenAL32.dll which you have in your folder. In Windows 7 you can't just copy OpenAL, but it must be installed with the oalinst.exe /q installer.

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