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Camera fog??


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Hello, here there is nothing to do the fog of the camera. Any suggestions? These are the values I have, but I do not see anything meaningful on the screen.


--Entity Camera.

function Script:Start()

self.entity:SetFogRange (0,1000)
self.entity:SetFogColor (0.72,0.73,0.67,1.0)
self.entity:SetFogAngle (0, 180)

self.entity:SetClearColor(0.721, 0.352, 0,1)






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I'm looking to create a dark green fog that is very dense (sewer system), but I keep getting a too bright green when dense or almost no fog when I let up on the alpha value. I am confused as to HOW to get the RGBA values - it's not like I can grab them from photoshop and input them - they seems to be 0.v, 0.v, 0.v,0.v where v = some value. I know they are in order (R, G, B, A), but I have no idea how to get a specific color with this format.  How do I set this predictably?

Here is the code:

--Set Fog

    self.camera:SetFogRange (0,25)
    self.camera:SetFogColor (0,0.10,0,0.5)
    self.camera:SetFogAngle (0, 180)
    self.camera:SetClearColor(0.0, 0.0, 0,0)

What is the correct settings for a very dark green dense fog (and i'd love floating particles in the air as well - how would I do this in Leadwerks?


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To acquire the values for SetFogColor you will need to divide each RGBA value by 255.

Script.fogcolor = Vec4((14/255),(79/255),(0/255),(255/255))


self.camera:SetFogColor (self.fogcolor.r,self.fogcolor.g,self.fogcolor.b,self.fogcolor.a)

You could also use the colour selector:

Script.fogcolor = Vec4(1.0,1.0,1.0,1.0) --color "Color Picker"



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17 hours ago, karmacomposer said:

(and i'd love floating particles in the air as well - how would I do this in Leadwerks?


Should be pretty simple with with LWs particles.   Sometimes with particles you need to combine a number of emitters to get what you want in a smart way (i.e. without harming performance, or with a particular look)Try attaching the emitter as a child of your character controller and maybe see if a second emitter also attached deals with more distant particles or a variation so it's doesn't look like the particles are just around your character.


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Thank you.  Got the fog working perfectly and the particles kick tushy!!!  Very atmospheric now.


MSI Dominator Laptop - Core i7 - 8 cores / 3ghz / 32gb RAM / Nvidia 980 GTX with 16gb vram / SSD drives

MSI Dominator Laptop - Core i7 - 8 cores / 3ghz / 32gb RAM / Nvidia 1060 GTX with 8gb vram / SSD drives

Alienware Laptop - Core i7 - 8 cores / 3ghz / 32gb RAM / Nvidia 1070 Ti with 16gb vram / SSD drives

My Patreon page: https://www.patreon.com/michaelfelkercomposer

My music for sale: https://www.tgcstore.net/category/513?format=all&perpage=30&textures=undefined&price=all&order=default&artists[]=87213

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