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PhysX Fails, Newton Sails


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here is my second report.

I spent some time last night merging the file differences so that the project compiles and runs.


I have not made any tuning or correction yet, instead I tried to get the same demo that Josh showed at the Benning of these thread. The video is here (I do not know how to make visible)


You will see some glitches because among the stuff ms Pierre omitted are things like

Collision groups and material parameters.

In the demo the newton objects are using the default restitution of 0.6

and only the bodies connected by immediate joints aren't generation contact joints.

Each body is generating a contact joint with every other body that is close enough

that trivial rejection can't decide if is a contact or not, so the more expensive collision routine is called.

This make that newton have to do a lot of house keep work for nothing.

Everyone here with experience using the newton engine knows these setting can and must be control

for a high quality simulation. Later I will adjust those things.


I also made two graphs to show the performance Characteristics of all three engines

Newton 3.14, PhysX 3.4 and Bullet 2.85


you will see that once you remove the burden of Newton having to solve the joints 4 time for no reason,

when he uses his tricks in PhysX and all other engines, the performance do get better but as you see in the video

is not where near the quality of Newton and is marginally slower.


I hope I am using mr Pierre special Physx 3.4 because if I am not, maybe mr Pierre should should my error and put in GitHub the library he would like to see.



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I just watched the video you post and how do we know the settings the engines are using ? for all we know the Newton physics are just using settings to keep the mesh parts more ridged while the settings on the other meshes are just using settings to make them more floppy this isn't showing you anything but whoever made the tests wants you to see and also I have seen a comment from the original poster saying the other physics engines disable physics until interaction and this is true! but this is because they have performance features that let you turn simulation off until interacted with because they are engines used in game engines and leaving things simulating all the time will cause so many issues in a game but I know for sure there are ways to change it so the physics always simulate on physx

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I don't know what the debate is, I nail my house in the walls with a stone, others do it with other tools, but in the end depends on the needs of users, Leadwerks + Newton, is perfect for machines of medium and low range, the rest is for high range. So the images can say more than a thousand words. 




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