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Vegetation causing crashes


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Using vegetation tools makes LE 4 crash on my machine. If no vegetation layers are used, everything works fine. If I am painting, or have painted vegetation, its only a matter of time before it crashes. This could take 30 seconds or 3 minutes, but it'll crash without fail.


If I remove the vegetation layer, everything is fine again.


What gives?


Using Asus G73JH laptop if that helps, with Windows 10.

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I have a similar error . My Game Crashes if i enable the collision in the vegetation tool (at this time only the beach tree ) . If I remove the trees Everything is fine . The same if I disable the Collision. Likewise, everything is fine when I launch the map directly . When I open the map on a Map Start with start menue then comes this error after loading (only if collision enabled). Everything was fine until I 've overwritten FlowGUI with the new update . I think the fault lies there. But why then just affected the vegetation tool is .. no idea

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