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Pick detection


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I have two points with debug spheres , i use a pick and an entity barell with a mass and empty script don't get detected by the ray. It is normal ?


 local pickinfo=PickInfo()

 local p0 = self.entity:GetPosition(true)
 p0.y = p0.y + 3     
 local p1 = p0
 p1.y = p1.y - 3  

 if self.entity.world:Pick(p0,p1, pickinfo, 0,true) then  
       self.debug="Raycast HIT COLLISION"    



Any idea ?

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Yes, because the player entity is casting the raycast so i coded :



This way the player that is casting the ray form it's center won't be taken in consideration for collision etection.


I must have something wrong elsewhere ? , but the ray should detect BSP floor or walls ?

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You are aware, that your ray goes into y-direction, which is upwards? I think you rather meant to edit z, not y (as anything with a mass won't stay above you for long ;) ) Also these are global coordinates, so you would probably want to move the points along forward direction, not along a constant axis.

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Yes, it is not what is doing the code ?

The ray starts at p0 that is player center that is foots , i added 3 in Y to have it start just above hear of player model.

And the ray ends at p1 that is p0 with y-3 , that is foots of the player.

I had spheres debug to see the ray start and end position on 3D space and landing on a barrel entity it didn't detectd anything. ray.jpg

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Can you try this?

-- disable model picking

local world = World:GetCurrent()
local pickinfo = PickInfo()
local pivotPos = self.entity:GetPosition()
local rayStart = Vec3(pivotPos.x, pivotPos.y+1, pivotPos.z)
local rayEnd = Vec3(rayStart.x, rayStart.y-50, rayStart.z)
local pickSize = 0
if (world:Pick(rayStart,rayEnd,pickinfo,pickSize,true,Collision.Prop)) then
 local pickentity = pickinfo.entity
-- reenable model picking


If that does not work try to set the pickSize higher.

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  • 2 weeks later...

I have no results and i don't understand if i use it well or not ?

I have a sphere to visualize the ray end and it is okay, and i use pick like that :


I put true so it returns the first intersection collision only, and no last parameter to return any kind of collision.



function Script:RaycastPlayer()

-- disable model picking

local world = World:GetCurrent()
local pickinfo = PickInfo()
local pickSize = 0

local rayStart = self.entity:GetPosition(true)

local pivot = self.entity:FindChild("ray")
local rayEnd = pivot:GetPosition(true)


if (world:Pick(rayStart,rayEnd,pickinfo,pickSize,true)) then

local pickentity = pickinfo.entity
if pickentity ~= nil and pickentity.id == 1 then
return true

-- reenable model picking

return false


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I would also like to debug on entities that are not associated with camera and that are using Raycast and a real 3D line is possible.


Anyway i could debug better with your method, but the raycast passes through BSP , i would expect the ray to return the first collision, and when it's BSP that is first collision , the Pick should not find the player character then.

I just need les theoric tutorials and more gameplay practical examples laugh.png

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The main problem i have is the ray, it detects the player, but it detects the player throught BSP walls ?


What means that in the doc of Pick()

  • closest: if set to true, the closest intersection will be found, otherwise the operation will return as soon as a single intersection is found.

It's not very clear.

True means one collision only is returned, the first closest collision that happens

False means all collisions will be returned

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I found a working solution :




function Script:RaycastPlayer2()

-- disable model picking
local world = World:GetCurrent()
local pi = PickInfo()
if (world:Pick(self.entity:GetPosition(true), self.target:GetPosition(true), pi, 0, true)) == false then 

return 0 


-- did we hit our target?
if pi.entity == self.target then 
 return 1 


-- we hit something else
return 2


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