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I am missing GetTriangleVertex? [solved]


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I have an error message stating GetTriangleVertex is a nil value. does anyone know what that means? It is listed as GetTriangleCorner or GetTriangleVertex under Surface in the documentation but neither seem to work


I have created a "nearest Vertex" Script, based on GetEntityNeighbours.It returns the vector nearest the position stated. Here it is


It will be slow with high numbers of vertices

GetVertexCallbackTable = nil
function WorldGetVertexInAABBDoCallback(entity,extra)
local k = entity:GetKeyValue("mining","")
local p = entity:GetPosition(true)
if k == "true" then
local d = {}
local v = 1000
local a = 0
local b = 0
local sfc = entity:GetSurface(0)
for i = 0,sfc:CountVertices()-1 do
local u = sfc:GetVertexPosition(i)
local pos = extra - p
d[i] = pos:DistanceToPoint(u)
for i = 0,sfc:CountVertices()-1 do
for u = sfc:CountVertices()-1,0,-1 do
if d[i] <= d[u] then
 if v > d[i] then
 a = i
 v = d[i]


function GetVertex(entity,position)
local result
local aabb = AABB()
local p = entity:GetPosition(true)
aabb.min = p - 5
aabb.max = p + 5
local table = GetVertexCallbackTable
GetVertexCallbackTable = {}
result = GetVertexCallbackTable
GetVertexCallbackTable = table
return result

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Without code its hard to say, but if you are iterating through vertex index of the triangle, make sure you have the count right for CountTriangles --> 0 to CountTriangles()-1 like shown here: http://www.leadwerks.com/werkspace/page/documentation/_/command-reference/surface/surfacegettrianglevertex-r770


as for GetTriangleCorner - i dont see that command listed in the docs

Win7 64bit / Intel i7-2600 CPU @ 3.9 GHz / 16 GB DDR3 / NVIDIA GeForce GTX 590

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macklebee's channel

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here is the code


for i = 0,2 do

local v = self.srfc:GetTriangleVertex(self.hitmark,i)

local vp = self.srfc:GetVertexPosition(v)

local p = self.entity:GetPosition(true)






it is the link in the index under Surface that has the reference to GetTriangleCorner on the website, at least for me. its not on any other part of the website, and it doesn't highlight, but still this should have returned a triangle not nil method


self.hitmark refers to a Pick Triangle

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Hmmm offhand i would guess that its GetTriangleVertex just because that matched LE2's command - but you never know. You could try a System:Print(self.hitmark) to see what that value actually is... maybe you are picking the value of CountTriangle when GetTriangleVertex is actually indexed from 0 to (CountTriangle-1).


edit - Have you tried the example code to see if that works?


also, how are you getting the surface? how is self.srfc defined?

Win7 64bit / Intel i7-2600 CPU @ 3.9 GHz / 16 GB DDR3 / NVIDIA GeForce GTX 590

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macklebee's channel

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its come up -1, you are right. Is it normally a simple process with a Pick triangle? It should come back with the triangle integer according to the PickInfo section.

this is the pick script



w:Pick(b,b + d,pk,3,true)

if pk.entity ~= nil then

local v = pk.entity:GetKeyValue("mining","")

if v == "true" then

pk.entity.script.hitmark = pk.triangle

pk.entity.script.srfc = pk.surface

pk.entity.script.hitnorm = pk.normal



local v = pk.entity:GetKeyValue("hit","")

if v == "false" then




would it be more than one with that radius? - edit


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I would try it with a radius of 0 to see.


-edit -- I assume pk has been defined as PickInfo

pk = PickInfo()


also it might be failing because it doesnt know what to do with pk.entity.script.xxx...



local pk = PickInfo()


self.hitmark = pk.triangle

self.srfc = pk.surface

self.hitnorm = pk.normal


then perform the getVertexTriangle as just:


Win7 64bit / Intel i7-2600 CPU @ 3.9 GHz / 16 GB DDR3 / NVIDIA GeForce GTX 590

LE / 3DWS / BMX / Hexagon

macklebee's channel

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I have tried that now but it has no triangle at all now. I will look in to it.




Is it possible to find a triangle on a pick entity that is imported? the triangles might not register in the same way, as when i made the pickinfo global and tried the impact on two places the triangle variable stayed at 0. I will try it on a internal model

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