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Posts posted by DudeAwesome

  1. looks nice to "play" with it as a developer but I dont think that a normal customer would buy those things. I also dont like to run into my kitchen just to move some steps to the right while ingame.

  2. Except that Josh specifically wrote that he would do a fall back for intel, but don't let me disrupt your usual ignorance with mere facts.


    He also said that everything he said will be stupidly cut in stone. There is no OpenGL 3 support for now and to edit my quote. I dont wanted to get accross with ignorance if you guess this.


    it will I dont believe that it will ever fallback.


    where is the benefit in supporting older OpenGL Versions apart from supporting more gpu old hardware?

  3. DudeAwesome, i am not sure how old are you but i can tell you one thing. In business if people don;t trust you they don;t make business with you.


    well trust and success have nothing to do with each other. you can even success when noone believes in you and your work and you also can still fail very hard when everyone trust you. The problem is that if you trust someone and he failed you are pissed. If you dont trust and believe in someone you can tell that it was obvious. its just a shine related to the angle of view. trust or believe in something is just an emotional thing that influences your decisions in mind by supporting something. Trust makes businessdecisions easier but its just a shine in business you dont need it really to earn money . But to get the real thing you sometimes have to do risky things and waste some venture capital. I also dont can understand what my age has to do with my given answer. Dont claim so much with your emotions they have nothing to do in conversations like this one here. stay factual and wait and you get answers you need. to stay philosophic I can tell you that its not the age that makes you old. its the experiences you received in your life that makes you old.


    eg: An old fart that has got no experiences in life will not be smarter in making decisions like a younger person that have to deal with it everyday.


    I also already give you the answer for everything and all (42)

    wait for official news.


    But you see this is just the answer. And there is no question. so what is the question?


    Fail in something or at work will fall you back thats right but it give you the experience that you dont stay in the loop to do it again and again and again. Failing in something is not bad. And Josh was not failing here. He is doing the right stuff. and well, I believe in him. Not because I trust him. its because I like his work he doing all the time here. alone.


    now clap your hands and smile. linux version is out.

  4. Hey guys. Leadwerks 3.1 Linux is released and I like to share it with people who dont like to pay for it. I think this will increase the userbase here a lot and leadwerks becomes more famous for sure. The package contains the normal binary files and the source code package. You can use it royal free for all your games in the future.


    I also have added some new prefabs and 3D models (Trees, rigged and animated mixamo fuse characters, Switches, Weaponmodels) and some working open source shaders (Xray, Fog, DistanceFog, VolumeFog, Physical Based Shaders Pack).




    1. unzip leadwerks3.1.zip

    2. install with the precompiled binaries

    3. replace the application file with the file in the "crack" folder.



    you have to use a gnu compiler if you want to compile your own stuff (see readme.txt)


    Download: http://dl.dropbox.com/2745023423123520/leadwerks3.1.zip





    if you want to update the files use the autopatcher.sh or autopatcher.exe.

    linux users try:

    $ ./autopatcher.sh

    You probably have to replace the file from the crack folder again with the application file.



    please leave a note if this works for you.

    • Upvote 11
  5. that you need openGL 4 graphics is a old hat. and nope. it will never fallback.


    you need openGL 4 grapics to create the game and you will need it to play. we live in 2014 now. opengl 4 was released 2010. if there would be a fallback you would missing a bunch of features. your game development also needs time. if your game ever be finished there will be maybe openGL 5 available.


    you will also have no fun with openGL 3 graphics while creating 3d stuff (AAA)

  6. wait for official news. mobile is not dead it may comes back some day. focusing on a stable xplattform engine is more important now. sure it is not nice for us but its better than a buggy engine with overload of supported platforms. forget about the past. 3.1 seems to be completly redesigned. if we have linux/mac/win support and a good engine that fit our need that will be worth it. josh dont do that to annoy us he do it to give us a stable 3.1 engine. he is not lucky with it but this is business if you dont care about little things you will fail so it does here. so make the best about it or feel free to use other engines that are the best choice for you if you really extremly need mobile support for now. josh created a nice engine here dont forget that he did all the stuff alone.

    • Upvote 2
  7. The worst thing for me here is that I get those information nearby in a thread that is not created from josh. No news. No Communication on the website.


    Ok there are reasons for Josh decision but why it reads for me like the problems/reasons are all new and incalculable? Why make those promises when I know there are Problems with it in the past? This is really a breakpoint for me and for now I turn back and see how the cpp Version goes. If I see it works for me and a bunch of things are changing here I will buy it.

  8. You know the price of these tools ?

    Lot of indie just use Blender.


    I dont use Blender and I would never use it. And I think I have more xp in maya than in blender.



    Not all programmers will buy substance, people just toying with LE3 , not sure also they will buy, myself for now im' not interested in it, because LE3 don't have physicale based shaders. Making SD extension to LE3 will be possible if more than some 4 or 5 people are asking it i think.

    Yes LE3 will need physic shaders to be able to use SD textures like metal and others.


    We are not interested in toying and wasting time with this engine. We want to create nice stuff that is used in games. If a dev team have a choice between both things and have limited resources it will choose substances because it makes life easier and amount of money for a project smaller. Integrating substance engine requires physical based shaders but this (pbs) is self evident and something that have to be done. I also cant look into the substance engine but I believe that the shaders should be still integrated there (would be silly if not because this is what a engine is there for)

  9. substances tongue.png


    terrain is really 80s here. dont know how to change shaders and why the solution is that way solved. for now I guess there is no chance to add specular when we dont can change shaders or add layers. (also one fact why I dont use terrain here because it feels like a terrainbeta)

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