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Posts posted by Guppy

  1. You use the express editions free of charge.


    I didn't realize they changed their licensing terms to include commercial use, still not all expenses are measured in money ;)


    ofc If you have no intentions of using your end product outside the whindows eco system I'm sure VSE is a workable solution.

  2. While I realize that at the moment the priority is the full 3.1 release I cannot help but wonder how are suggestions prioritized?


    If it's based on user feed back then how do we provide it - liking the suggestion post, adding a "+1" post, sending Josh a valentine, etc..


    If not then how are they prioritized ?


    The current suggestions can be categorized as:

    • Need to have
    • Nice to have
    • "meh"


    each user will properly feel different about each suggestion, but I'd hate to see a whole bunch of "meh" get implemented simply because it's fast/easy at the cost of "Need to have" stuff.

  3. Ive been trying to figure out the headbobbing in the last few days, but cant get anything to work.



    ( or just google images for "walk cycle" )


    as you can see the head follows a familiar pattern ( stretched sin ) - simply adjust the cameras offset to the ground accordingly as long as the player is moving forward and set it to the normal/high height when they stop.

  4. hi,


    ok the error is gone.think that was my mistake.


    in my script i write a comment


    -- Änderung gegenüber altem code (1 -1)


    I change to


    -- aenderung gegenueber altem code (1 -1)


    now everything is ok again.


    greeting norbert

    Lacking utf-8 support is kind of a big deal, this should really be documented ( or better yet fixed )

  5. The "f:\dd\.. " is on josh's drive - not really sure why MSVC++ insists on storing those paths in exe's - so you can ignore that.



    as for the error it self I looks like your trying to pass an number to a lua function that is outside the expected range ( -1 .. 255 )

  6. the sourcecode is available so its possible but you have to do it by yourself to extract your needed classes


    Since I was talking about the license change ( from lgpl to zlib ) it's entirely reasonable to think I am well aware that the project is opensource. Given this perhaps one could deduct that I was asking if the project was designed in such a way as to let you use pieces - in this case input specifically - independently of the rest of the framework.

  7. So how true is that precision of a mouse in a gamepay? I assume you used it at Valve? I have a hard time believing that can honestly be achieved.



    Would be good to add support for regulare controllers aswell tho the ps3/ouya/xbox ones are more widespread and being able to use those aswell would be a huge plus for the game / engine

  8. http://mercurial.selenic.com/wiki/QuickStart


    It may seem a little overwhelming at start but it's really worth it, the main advantage of mercurial is that it's a distributed system. So each developer has their local code under revision control aswell, and the version db is stored with the code - so if you take a copy of the code you get complete version history aswell ( making backups quite a bit easier )

  9. Segfaults no more!


    the problem was that the c++ bindings

    include <CL/cl.hpp>


    is broken and randomly segfaults when trying to pass a gl context on amd cards \o/ - the less than obvious solution is to use the regular c API to create a context and then use that to initialize cl::Context.


    stopping the program also segfaults - only way I've found to solve this is to re-initialize cl::Context in non-interop mode and then hunt down and remove all pointers to anything openCL before openGL / glut starts it's clean up

  10. Ah if you want to be static, collideable but not moveable, it should have mass 0.


    Just a mass larger than the player, no? ( that way you can still knock over the fence with a truck or explosion if so desired)

  11. Indeed: that I understand fairly well, it's just Rigify has some fancy foot roll, IK / FK switching, and hip movement stuff built in that would have been nice to be able to use outside of Blender.


    It's certainly worth bringing up for when Josh reaches the 'Integration with blender' goal

  12. The only issue I have at the moment is that when I set up and apply my body material the fingers of the mesh suddenly look like they've been run over by a bus, like the vertex positions have been scrambled out of shape. They're still noticeably fingers, they just look a little mangled.


    Check the bone rotation of the fingers

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