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Everything posted by panz3r

  1. Looks like they chosed to cripple themselves. Also the gamepad looks "cheap" and engaget review don;t speak highly about it. This combined with less then stellar raw performance don;t make it interesting for 100. For 50 yeah mabye as novelty. Can I play my OUYA games on my other Android devices? Not at this time. Can I play Android games purchased from Google Play on OUYA? No.
  2. I see it diferently. You support/fund a project in advance and you get later what you payd for (if the prject fly).
  3. altough i understand the need to promote the android/mobile modules i think OUYA is a bit dead in the watter. For 100 you can get a new Nintendo WII and for a bit more a PS3 if you watch promotioons. I disagree with previous poster, there would not be too many pledges (of substantial values) if all you would get back would be a thank you email from an automatic mail system.
  4. I propose to add as stretch goals a friendly GUI. I am sure this is usefull for everybody.
  5. Does anyone know if there are any code examples for mobile ? Only reference i could see was Aggror tutorial. Josh, can you please be so kind and let us know how you implemented the virtual joystick in on the ipad movie ? I started to work at my game but i figured out i have no idea how to control the spaceship on mobile.
  6. Something like a health bar, some buttons to press while game running, maybe a popup window where you have some buttons and check boxes
  7. A tutorial about GUI would be really great. Even something basic that would give some pointers would be nice.(i recall i seen a debug console yiu made but never found the code)
  8. Maybe is cheaper to back 200 for linux version You get a guaranteed price for 3.1
  9. I googled something like 50$ . That would be a good deal actually for the extra features.
  10. Josh, fair enough, that sounds like a lot of work. But how long you plan to provide bugfix support to 3.0 ? I appologize if this is writed somewhere and i fail to read it. How about GUI can it come together with terrain ?
  11. I hope Josh will be reasonable with the upgrade price finding the balance between funding and features. From what i saw in version 2 it was around 50$ which seems ok. I backed 100 bucks on kickstarter for linux version .
  12. @Aggror: thank you, that asnwer my questions. @Josh:Thank you. is there anything that is prohibited to call from threads (i supose engine itself is not thread safe). What i have in mind is to use on 1 thread the networking, on another the game logic and on 3rd the game engine calls.
  13. Is it possible to use multithreading inside C++ applications made with leadwerks ? If yes are there any guidelines/limitations/recommendations/examples/api (basically something about) ? In before i am asked if know anything about subject and why i need this etc: i have experience with possix threads under c in linux. As pretty much every machine today have more than 1 core (even the poor atom have hyperthreading) i think this is a valid point.
  14. space mmo i don;t need terrain for start gui is kind of necesarry, i am too lazy to make (a good) one. I need engine to be stable and fast and if there are stability bugs to be fixed.
  15. i think as well that leadwerks is a great engine with a lot of potential. there are some problems with the roadmap, mostly about bugfix support. If 3.1 comes and i don;t upgrade i doubt the author will backport to 3.0, and even more when there will be 3.9 there will be 8 versions to backport.
  16. I didn;t say i will leave, i just said untill the directions become more clear i will evaluate other stuff.
  17. Fair enough, I will suck it up and not feel self entitled to those features. I don;t have any code worth of speaking yet in leadwerks so while the author figures out what is the direction i will give a spin to unity and esenthel.
  18. what speculations ? i just mentioned that i am not fine with paying intraversion, and in my opinion they should be free, especially considering that is a very young product with bugs and missing functionality. If they will cost i will simply move to something else ( i have all 3 packages so i supose every update will cost substantial). Paying for version 4.0 is totally fine and author can charge whatever he feel like.
  19. Ok, i think pretty much the ideea i have in mind is: if i payed initially for version 3.0 i would expect to be sorted for 1-2 years with bug fixes, having the basic features in(terrain, gui), and maybe some new cool features(opengl4, deffered) . When version 4 comes out i would expect that version 3 is stable and usable. Although i hate to give names look at unity model . Even with version 4 out and kicking they still do support on version 3, they added dx11 in version 4 without asking for money etc.
  20. Mike I agree with what you say, and i was thinking pretty much the same. Btw i wasn't thinking to udk, i don't like that model either. All i want is a fair model. This payed intra-version upgrade is hot subject and i think will not help leadwerks on long road ( i believe there are some users who already switched because of this). Selling profesional support would be a better way to make money or maybe some feature funding like - opengl 4, we need to get 5000 to happend.
  21. @YouGroove Are you sure other engines, offer such support, and such features for such price Yes, i won't name here but there are some in range 0-1500 Even Lightmapping + shaders + CSG integrated tool, dynamic shaders, same easy workflow, script only possible to make games ? you're kidding ? Is posible to make game only in open gl, this is not the point As easy C++ functions to call ? Subjective. Why not, Steam platform will always sell always last version of products. Because nobody will use it without it. You think that average gamer x that buy it on steam will stay to make a gui and make terrain in blender ? Something simple is needed : game gui, a bit of terrain, a bit of lua scripting, some example project for a fps EDIT: And maybe the most important part, being a brand new product bug fixing is very important. Does it means if 3.1 appear and i don't upgrade i will have to live with those bugs ?
  22. you can't add features to a version and then still call it the same version. it defeats the purpose of versioning. it can be 3.0.1 or 3.0f but nut 3.0. EDIT: In my opinion without terrain, opengl4, dynamic lights and shadows/ deferred rendering and GUI the engine is not complete. Would not hurt to improve the particles and the documentation. Maybe I am wrong but this is what i expect for what i payed. Linux would be fair game, would be nice to be for free but it is also fair to be for money. 2nd Edit: This not should be released on steam(assuming it passes the greenlight) without terain and gui if any success is expected.
  23. Of course you can, is your product. But let's be fair, only relation between leadwerks 2 and 3 is that you made both. Leadwerks 3 is a new product, not too mature and not too complete yet, that uses the leadwerks brand and was a also a bit rushed on market. The price was fair for 3.0 assuming that at some point 3.x it will catch up with 2.x for free. The fair thing to do is to give to 3.0 buyers a mature and complete game engine comparable to what other engines offer by 3.x free upgrades. Milking every small upgrade will eventually alienate existing users and make them leave. (I mean look at other engines how much stuff they add inside the same version). EDIT: You can sell support to the companies that are using it professionally and this would insure a steady stream of money, while not pissing off the hobbyists.
  24. It is true about world editor but there is blender, about game framework i am not really sure what you mean and about scripting- lua is mixed. Anyway, it all depends about how much will cost the upgrade. If 3.0 to 3.1 is going to be like 200 for all 3 packages i am out for sure, if is couple of movies at cinema sounds acceptable (only if linux will be included).
  25. Pff, paying for intra version upgardes is a bit meh. I don;t mind to chip-in a little bit to support the product (especially for linux). But if adding must-have heave features like terrain are going to cost i can only wonder how was version 3.0 better then irrlicht which is free 100%, have source code etc . I was used with the line where you pay for major version not minor version. Don;t wan't to troll, i mostly bought the product to support it and use it sometime after it become more complete but if every minor version upgrade costs .....
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