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Blog Comments posted by beo6

    Leadwerks 3 Update Available

    Hi Rick. I see it this way at the moment:

    The attached script is really only for the entity behavior.

    So if you have a moving/rotating platform add the rotation and movement functions to it. You don't need to use both when you need only one movement. Then I would see the pure logical flowgraph entities for the events: button press -> start the movement of the platform.


    I know you would need to have another entity for a button anyway, just couldn't think for a better example.


    With multiple scripts attached you need to find the correct script first as Josh shows in the post.

    Leadwerks 3 Update Available

    I like this too. But i think i have issues to understand the script change.

    Why is it now impossible to have multiple scripts attached?


    Maybe some sort of index for attached scripts could work?


    I think now scripts can sometimes have repeated code in it.


    For example the Volume Trigger script together with the Sound Node Script attached to one entity. Now i need to have 2 entities or put both scripts together into a single script.


    Or maybe the Scripting wasn't made for such small script parts in the first place.

  1. Hello,

    i know that i am very inactive, if not the most inactive member here. I was always silently looking forward to Leadwerks 3.


    I have always seen Josh as a nice and open person so i dont think he has set the price without thinking. There are many companies (even bigger ones) that rely mostly on one or a few persons,


    Yes. The price is a bit high for a start compared to leadwerks 2 and i currently dont know if i can afford buying leadwerks 3 at the moment since i am only a hobbyist. I will finaly decide when Josh releases his roadmap. Leadwerks 3 already has most of the things i would like to see. Networking would be a nice addition that doesn´t need to be available from the beginning.


    the higher price at least could force me more to actual finish a gaming project and since my next project i would like to start is a lot smaller than my first try. (learning by failing)


    i hope he will add to the roadmap which of the features on it will require a paid update of the engine.


    Only two things i would complain at the moment.

    the price for the android version would require to get the pc + android version in addition that the lower price will only be available until april.


    How much of the price is due to the box shipment?

    Is it really required or wouldn´t a download only version make it a bit cheaper? (and what is the secret addition in the box? ;) )



    Well. these points weren´t really complains. more of suggestions and questions that will most likely get answered in the near future.


    So long

    and thanks for the fish

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