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Blog Comments posted by tournamentdan

  1. I like the idea for the filter. Blender has something similar for tools but not for objects. Blender has a outliner which can get cluttered with objects. I think it would be a good idea to include a search filter like blender for tools. With blender you have hot keys and the gui can get a little confusing, but if you forget where something is all you have to do is hit space bar and search for it, and presto.

  2. The problem with all phone games is the lack of input controls. I don't think I've played a game on either Android or WP7 for longer than 20 mins total and most of the time it's because they are pretty limited and the way I see it it's because of the lack of options for user input. I have played some with really cool graphics, but they all had horrible controls. Putting buttons on the screen doesn't really help as that never plays as good as a real controller and I tend to want to press down hard on my screen like I used to with console controllers which probably isn't good for my screen :)Look at the first Atari controller vs an XBox 360 controller. To be able to create highly interactive and compelling games you need more input options. Until that happens I think phone games are doomed to be fairly meh in comparison. Tablets will most likely have more success because of the extra screen space to put some controls on.


    This problem may be easly fixed. Pretty much every phone has bluetooth right. I know you can pair a ps3 controller to a pc. So it should not be to hard for a phone I would think. But then again I am not a programer :D Here is link for PC.

  3. Thanks gamecreator. You can add detail a couple different ways. You could find a picture of the detail you want to place on your skeleton and place it in a normal map generator.Or import your skeleton into a 3d modeler(like blender) add a lot more polys to it and sculpt the detail and then bake a normal map from high poly to low poly.


    And yes I created the models pain by pain, or I mean plane by plane. :)

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