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Posts posted by ZioRed

  1. I'm working in an IT company, my role is web development specialist, Windows software programmer and information systems architect. I work as programmer from about 14 years, though my programming experience is about 17 years, I started with QBasic on a Commodore64 and then Turbo Pascal 4-5-6 until Windows95 came up and so switched to Visual Basic 4-5-6 and finally I moved to .NET forever. From about one year I went deeper in C++ learning due to my dream to enter game development and expecially for Leadwerks Engine (the only C++ engine I use), that I left when I exited university to perform military service (luckily for current generations it is no more mandatory in my country, it was a great waste of time!).


    Now I'm trying to make games myself and/or with some indie team, I'm just excited at this very moment because yesterday I received a cool invitation by an indie company from London to make a FPS game and if I'll succeed to complete it within their milestone date (that is 6 months) they told will offer me a position for some AAA games and this is making me excited very much!

  2. I have no experience at all about physics engines but, since I hardly rely on an open source software for my commercial products, I voted PhysX both because it's developed and mantained by a well-known company like NVIDIA and because it's used in many games and engines.... if the most known engines trust it then I think there is a really good reason to trust it too.


    PS: yes I don't like open source at all for professional use and it has absolutely no clue that it's free, I want to pay and have support if I have to sell my product, I cannot rely on a 1000000000000 different developers but on a single company. Of course for private home use, open source is a good thing, but ONLY for that use and not for professional.


    PS2: @Mika your "statistics" about linux users who want to pay is very funny and ridiculous as 99% of your stats about linux and open source in general, I'm ever glad to read fakes from utopian penguins :)

  3. I just uploaded again the latest version that we released for LE.NET, also you could be interested in Lazlo's Leadwerks.NET framework that is built on top of LE.NET but I don't remember the URL for his SVN repository so Lazlo should create a new thread about it in the C# forum to notify again.

  4. File Name: LE.NET

    File Submitter: ZioRed

    File Submitted: 21 Apr 2011

    File Updated: 21 Apr 2011

    File Category: Tools


    This is the base unofficial engine wrapper for Microsoft .NET languages, brought to you for free by the community itself.


    This version has been implemented, released and mantained by Brandon, Roland and ZioRed.


    The package contains both a compiled version and its source code with a user reference manual in PDF.


    Click here to download this file

  5. It is automatically done by the site when I upload a file in asset store, the original screenshot is this. Also I don't see the screenshot image in the "showcase topics" and I think it's because IPB expects a well-known file extension (jpg, gif, ...) and doesn't accept dynamic image urls

  6. index.php?app=downloads&module=display&section=screenshot&id=180

    File Name: Leadwerks Builder

    File Submitter: ZioRed

    File Submitted: 21 Apr 2011

    File Updated: 20 Jul 2011

    File Category: Tools


    This software is the evolution of Roland's Project Wizard and much more! This project has been designed, implemented and mantained by Roland Strålberg and ZioRed.


    Manage Your Templates

    You can create your LEBuilder template package very easily starting from your pre-built C++/LUA/C# project.


    Share With The Community

    It allows you to manage your own project templates and share templates with the IMPORT and EXPORT PACKAGE functions.


    Click here to download this file

  7. So what can you do in the scripting? Can you script events or create a rudimentary walk-around level? I know it says the player is automatically affected by Leadwerk's physics - is it possible to change the direction and make then slide?

    You build your entire game in the supported/unsupported language of your choice, in the editor you can build your scene and save into a SBX file that you can load from e.g. C++ with a simple LoadScene("myscene.sbx") command

  8. LE2 is not only the editor but above all it's a graphic API to render 2D and 3D objects (and physics with Newton library) and you can use C++, BlitzMax or LUA as your language (also C# and Java are supported by community but not officially by LE).


    What are the AI features like....?

    Unfortunately LE2 has no other features than rendering, so you must all by your own or find a third party C++ library to link into your project. It seems that LE3 will have some features as other game engines, at least we hope Pathfind and GUI.


    Is that a bundle pack?

    It's an unwrapper software and many of us use it to convert models through different formats.

  9. If you need to learn C++ I cannot see why you should learn DarkGDK and then also LE, just go into Leadwerks and learn both C++ and game development with it. About the models if you buy Ultimate Unwrap 3D you should be able to convert almost all format models to Leadwerks' GMF (and also to mostly every other format).

  10. When docs say there should be DrawText(int x, int y, string text)

    If you open engine.cpp you will see that the inline function DrawText calls leDrawText(buffer, x, y), that is the real function called (you can see at EntityPosition too as example).

  11. If you are used to Unity3D then you should forget all your previous behaviors, expectations from editor and probably workflow.... but wait, you said "don't want to buy Leadwerks engine", so how could you use sandbox? :)


    However it is possible to create a complete game only within the editor if you plan to make it with LUA scripting.

  12. I'm a little confused, you wrote:


    Everything draws fine with this code ...

    ..and this code;



    but then you say:


    but with this code;


    ..my screen dosn't have the texture


    So... that works or not? The only difference is the calling to DrawImage.

  13. Ok I found the problem and it's solved here (since at this moment there is not effectively an active team to mantain the headers, you can download that source, update and compile yourself; but I hardly hope we can organize and form a team to mantain and debug the headers until LE3 comes [and hope it will avoid the need a wrapper any more]).


    With that you can use this:


       Engine.Initialize(DisplayMode.Window, 800, 600);
       //FileSystem.AbstractPath = "C:/Leadwerks Engine SDK";
    Mesh cube = new Mesh.Cube();
    Framework.Layers.Main.Camera.Position = cube.Position;
    Framework.Layers.Main.Camera.Move(new Vector3(0, 0, -2));
    Framework.Layers.Main.Camera.PointAt(cube, 3);
    while (!(Window.HasRequestedClose || Keyboard.KeyHit(Key.Escape)))
       Vector3 loc = cube.Position;
       Vector3 newloc = Framework.Layers.Main.Camera.Unproject(loc);
       Draw.Text("loc: " + loc.ToString(), 0, 20);
       Draw.Text("unproject: " + newloc.ToString(), 0, 40);
       Draw.Text("Test", (int)newloc.X, (int)newloc.Y);
       Draw.Text("This is some text");

  14. Thanks, with this source I found the bug and fix for Camera Project/Unproject:



    replace this:

    public Vector3 Project(Vector3 position)
    Core.CameraProject(this.Pointer, position);
    return position;
    public Vector3 Unproject(Vector3 position)
    Core.CameraUnproject(this.Pointer, position);
    return position;


    with this:

    public Vector3 Project(Vector3 position)
    float[] p = position.Clone();
    Core.CameraProject(this.Pointer, p);
    return p;
    public Vector3 Unproject(Vector3 position)
    float[] p = position.Clone();
    Core.CameraUnproject(this.Pointer, p);
    return p;




    Now I think we should organize a team to mantain these source somewhere, I am available to support it.


    PS: Framework.Terminate() + Engine.Terminate() have been replaced with just Engine.Dispose() ?

  15. Here is a simple scene loading and a text printed at top-left corner, just drop inside its folder Leadwerks.dll, engine.dll, newton.dll, shaders.pak and the Scripts folder from your SDK.
  16. That repository doesn't contain the headers, it currently contains only a small WIP game library from Tyler and an old implementation of LETKControl from klepto. You should download the new headers 2.0 and read the (poor) tutorials here (I also updated my public C# templates here).


    PS: at this moment the source of the headers 2.0 is not public and currently mantained privately by Lazlo and Tyler.

  17. The mat file seems ok, have you checked the format of the DDS? It is suggested to be in DXTC5 format with mipmaps saved (you will find these settings clicking OPTIONS in the window of MakeDDS program, if you use LE's tool to convert the texture).

  18. I find scale is a pain in the bum to get just right when I use 3rd party models. Scale, save as gmf to editor folder, open editor, drag in model, drag in comparing model (oil drum or whatever you like), compare, close editor, rescale, rinse and repeat until you get it right. That's so annoying. Would be cooler if we had a scaling program where we could load in another gmf file (like the oil drum) and get real-time scaling of our original gmf model, then save it as gmf.


    I would be interested to know if there is a better way of doing this, because that's been my flow and it's a pain.


    For the scale stuff tkunze wrote a GMF viewer/editor which allow you to scale a GMF model very easily and export the result into another GMF file in the export folder. I just try it and it saves you very much time in the workflow.


    PS: the best place for the GMFViewer download would be the DOWNLOAD>TOOLS instead of just inside a topic.

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