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Pixel Perfect

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Posts posted by Pixel Perfect

  1. Yeah, ideally it could do with a series of switchable options for the type and look of the water. That would make it pretty universal.


    Wouldn't it be nice to have flowing water as well though, that flowed at right angles to the normals of the enclosing terrain so it would look like it flowed round corners etc. I have no idea how we'd even start to do that!

  2. I did just this back in the 2.1 days. I used the existing water shader and applied it to my own planes (non infinite). I had to adjust some of the settings in the shader I seem to recollect to get the scaling right and I did have some z order issues with the textures where the plane met the terrain; but it worked.

  3. The fact that the pivots are parented to the sun or the planets does not preclude having independant rotational speed of the satelite objects to the objects they are orbiting as you can develop maths fairly easily to rotate an object about a given point in space (i.e. the pivot points). However, as Laurens points out you wont get elliptical orbits using this method alone.


    I had a play around with the idea of a solar pool game in the early days of Leadwerks and had planets on a pool table with orbiting satelites that you could roll down the table as the moons revolved on a constant plane.


    [edit] I found a vid I made of it at the time:


    Old Solar Pool Demo


    I abandoned it at the time because of problems with the physics and moved onto other things.

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  4. The alpha test shader will not give variable transparency, just full transparency for alpha channel values over a certain value. Rick appears to be looking for the full 256 transparency values to be reproduced. Your texture has no varied transparency set in its alpha channel, just the full on and full off values.


    He's looking for the equivalent of the alpha_blend setting we used to use in material files (which is presumably the alphablend version of the frag shader) but i'm sure they needed to be rendered in the transparency layer to work correctly, although I may be wrong!

  5. I have a transparent texture working on a model in the Editor but again its just using the alpha test shader to allow complete transparency over the face area of a hair mesh . That's simply using the mesh_diffuse_alphatest.frag shader defined in the material file and it works fine. I just tried substituting it for the mesh_diffuse_alphablend.frag shader but that doesn't work, the transparent area shows up as opaque black!

  6. I don't know what language you are using with Leadwerks but there are many free libraries available in C++ for reading and writing to ini files and I'd be almost certain that some must exist for BlitzMax too. This would probably be the easiest route. Failing that you could always write your own parser to read in the file and write it out again if need be.


    [Edit] Just noticed this post is in the C++ forum so I guess that's answered that biggrin.gif


    Here is a link to one I've used successfully in the past: INI File Lib

  7. It is. Thats why he said he prefers his own because of the overhead from boost, since he is only on a win machine

    I'm surprised it doesn't use conditional compilation to avoid additional overhead! Thats how things like that are normally handled in C and C++. Exactly what is the additional overhead?

  8. I will try in the future not to break any code. It seems like people are pretty comfortable running frequent updates as long as it doesn't break their existing code.

    Thanks Josh. I'd say a pretty good dictum to follow to keep your customers happy. As macklebee stated most of us understand that sometimes change is inevitable for the good of the product; but it should only be where absolutely necessary if it’s likely to break existing code and broadcast in advance of the update.

  9. I generally agree. I think the problem just now is most people don't see a problem in performance because very few are pushing their game engine in any way. Once people have large amounts of NPCs, path finding and AI running against them they will start to realise just how precious those few milliseconds become per frame loop and how much more important optimisation and efficiency are. It's not till you get to these points that you start to appreciate the difference between languages.


    Multithreading and the ability to divide work across game loop iterations becomes important too as mechanisms to maximise use of the available CPU time without slowing the frame rate. I also agree with Theo's method of combining good coding practice with profiling, this is one of the most effective ways of streamlining your code.

  10. Thought I'd point people at this site. They provide a variety of free model packs and textures which can be used in non-commercial or commercial games free of charge. The quality looks reasonable although I have not converted any to gmf format yet to test them in the engine. For anyone not wanting to layout for purchased assets might be worth a look:



  11. Well if it wasn't really good, I don't think some of the big name AAA titles would have used it, do you?

    AAA companies do not use LUA to write their game engines as far as I am aware, its generally used for high level scripting of AI of which all of the base functionality has already been written in C++ or some comparable language. But this is besides the point, we were given the impression by Josh that LUA would be optional and its not proving to be quite the case!



    not disagreeing with you one bit... it should be optional. I was just curious on how you were handling the fact that the Editor uses scripts to handle stuff and your program does not... So I assume that you do not even bother with putting entities like the atmosphere, emitters, waterplanes, in your editor scene then? Since all of those things you are saying that you are going to control by your code... I am just curious on how you handle it... because at the moment, I am getting tired of the lua only working in the editor as well.

    I could use the editor as a full WYSIWYG level designer and rely on the use of scripts but I really don't need to as I mainly use my own Editor for the fine tuning and dynamic running of my game levels. Most of my emitter based classes have lots of encapsulated functionality with them and I create them in my own Editor either with simple placeholders in the sbx file or via a seperate config file that is saved from my editor and loaded by the engine. Now I could convert all this to LUA and gain the advantage of using them directly in the Editor, but then I'm having to do so in a language which is not my first preference and there are many things that the leadwerks Editor just can't do for me anyway ... so there is little gain for me.

  12. use scripts in the editor but not in your game? seems like that would be difficult to do... or at the very least it removes the WYSIWYG feature of the editor...

    Thats the exact point I'm trying to make. We are all being forced down the Lua route like it or not ... this was not what we were led to believe prior to the release of 2.3 I prefer to handle everything directly myself in C++, I don't want to be reliant on other peoples high level code unless I chose to. We have only really just got the engine API stable and now we are adding dependancy on a whole new layer and one which is much slower and suffers from a complete lack of professional debug facilities.


    I've not bought into the 'Lua is the new holy grail' bit and I object to being railroaded into it!

  13. The point I guess is that classname was a generic place holder for identifying the entity type in question. Other unique keys may exist which could be used but their original intention was not to fullfill this requirement but to represent a property value. The solution is not very eloquent. This is just the sort of 'pulling the rug from underneath peoples feet' that annoys people. People have to yet again dig into their code and alter it. Not everyone is even using Lua or intends too.

  14. I badly want to buy the Leadwerks engine but I'm committed to Techlords 'DarkGDK Open Source Project' at the moment.

    Well that's admirable, team work and commitments are important and I respect that. Officially I believe that 3DWS, as it stands, is unsupported now so the likelihood of this being fixed is small. As you say the new version, should that come to fruition, is likely to be a better CSG editor and less of a level editor although as far as I'm aware no definite announcement has been made on functionality yet.


    If I get some spare time I will look at this issue in a bit more depth and see if there is anything I can do. In the meantime good luck with the project and maybe we'll see you using LE at some point in the future.

  15. This is a bug in 3DWS, it bleaches all the color out of textures on the terrain when the lightmap is built. Some textures seem worse effected than others. It does not exhibit this with the same textures applied to meshes. However, turn the intensity of lighting up 5 times and you will get an identical effect on the mesh textures too.


    Sure you can export as DBO and have DARKGDK do the blending for you but you will never get the same color reproduction due to technical issues with DARKGDK's rendering of DBO objects and you will lose the culling as it will group everything into massive heirarchies which prevents the Dark Basic engine from applying frustum culling. This is why I wrote the loader in the first place to get over these problems. Sorry Matty but it's kind of out of my control. If Josh would like to explain why this happens I might be able to apply some sort of algorthm to reverse it in the loader code; but it would be far easier to have it fixed at source.


    I would recommend you move to the Leadwerks Engine though, it's a far better engine in just about every respect imho smile.gif

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