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Pixel Perfect

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Posts posted by Pixel Perfect

  1. I'm normally a big fan Michael but this is just not working at all for me. I don't quite know how to put my finger on it but something does just not feel right. The trees in particular seem cold and sterile with no contrast and light variation. There seems to be some essential ingredient that is just missing and I wish I could say for sure what it is. Sorry, I did wonder whether I was better just not saying anything ... but that is my honest opinion.

  2. Then I load in the b3d file into unwrap3d and change the textures 1 by 1 to use the .dds file

    Just a tip ... you don't need to do this if you don't want to as Leadwerks simply uses the filename of the embedded texture and ignores the extension. So if your texture name was text1.png it will look for a material file called text1.mat and so long as that references the dds file (it doesn't even need to be the same name) all will be well.


    I seem to recollect the red look can be caused by having the animation option selected when exporting models with no animation. Ensure you don't have this option selected when exporting to gmf. Although the screen shot does look like its just selected in the editor!

  3. I know of no way of converting 3DWS terrains to a DarkGDK format unless having imported it via a dbo format it can then be converted internally. Either way, the questions you are really asking are more to do with DarkGDK and might be better posted on the TGC forums.


    One possible answer might be to export the 3DWS terrain as a heightmap and import that into DarkGDK if it supports terrain generation from heightmaps.


    By the way, there is a seperate forum for 3D World Studio which you can access by scrolling down towards the bottom of the main forums page, you might be better posting any further questions in there rather than the General Discussion forum.

  4. Well I'm impressed. The most professional opening to a game I've seen yet in Leadwerks. Polished menu and presentation with a good introduction. Sound and graphics quality looks pretty nice. Unfortunately, on my old PC although it runs well and looks great I have no main character being rendered, just the gun. I do have an old ATI driver on this PC so maybe that's the issue. But I also managed to walk through a wall and then off the terrain which crashed the game!


    I'll retry it on my nVidea machine which has up to date drivers but I can see you've put a lot of work into this since the last demo you published. Great work Juuso!

  5. I've said this before and I think its worth repeating. Most Indie game engine developers would go out of business if they only sold their engine SDKs to people who were actually capable of producing games and taking them to the marketplace. Obviously the intension is to have people do just that but in reality it's not their main customer base. The main customer base is all the people who dream of making a game and have sufficient liquid assets to purchase a nice looking engine but in reality have little to no idea of how much work is involved and will end up playing at it. There is nothing wrong in that, but it does make a big difference to the priority that a developer puts on his development list; which may seem at odds with the wishes of the smaller percentage of genuine game developers. Basically, a candle that burns brightly will attract more attention and that represents survival to a small developer. So eye candy is important for raw sales; as is perceived ease of use. Integrated and sophisticated toolsets are expensive to develop and small fixes and improvements to things that are not going to be obvious to a new buyer do not generate new income of as themselves.


    It's a cynical view I know but one which I believe is part reality if the developer has not reached a certain level of financial security. I believe Marcus was quite correct when he inferred a one man business cannot realistically compete on the same level as some of the bigger outfits.


    I've stuck with Leadwerks primarily because I think the API is so well written that it’s a pleasure to code with and because whilst I'm going through the learning curve of 'making a game' it's as good a vehicle as any. I hope new people keep buying the engine and give Josh continued stability so that eventually some of the much needed improvements and toolsets come to be. I do have great faith in Josh's ability and perception and hope that by the time I am nearing the end of my exercise in building a game engine with LE2 that these issues will have been addressed and we can take advantage of them.

  6. I agree. My issue generally comes around gaps in the engine.

    That's where I think Josh's idea of a community game is a good one. With him driving it hopefully it will come to fruition and some of the problem areas in the engine will be exposed and get fixed. Some are just a question of performance improvements where as others are a little more fundamental. This is a natural evolution for any game engine as some issues do not become apparant until people start to push the limits ... and who better to push those limits than the developer who is best positioned to fix them!


    I agree with you Lumooja too, in as much that my normal mode of operation is to apply solution 3 whilst opting for 1 as well. The problem with 1 is they don't always get fixed and I have requests for functionality which have been outstanding now for over 6 months and are unlikely ever to see the light of day! So I've settled for second best in some areas which detracts from an otherwise outstanding engine.

  7. The trouble is you can wait for ever and a day for someone to hand it to you on a silver platter. Some times it's better to just jump in the deep end and swim. You never forget what you've learnt and you completely understand it once you've done it. There is no explicit need for source code and a documented development process as these are already available elsewhere with other engines and games. There has in fact never been so much access to 'how to make a game' information as there is today with web access. If people can't learn from them and adapt it to Leadwerks they won’t stand much more of a chance of adapting anything you do present in the way of a finished game other than changing the assets in it much as we saw with the previous Leadwerks Launcher. You don't have to have written it to understand it, but your understanding is usually much more complete if you have! Everyone naturally wants a helping hand but there really does come the point where you have to just get stuck in and get your hands dirty :huh:


    I have been a member of these forums since LE2 was first released and have seen lots of fledgling community game projects. Every single one has never made it to the point of a finished game with documented code and development process, most never even really got of the ground. My advice is basically... don't wait for things to happen, you could be waiting a long time ... make it happen by doing it yourself and learning on the fly. There really is no better way and the forums are full of people who will help when you get stuck.

  8. I'm still continuing to work on putting a game engine together for my game STRANDED. As it's primarily intended to be a single player FPS with some RPG elements it requires some pretty good AI which certainly isn't going to be written overnight ... but is progressing. I have path finding, a player object with full animated weapon support and weapon aquisition and destructible objects. I am now concentrating on getting combat in and am quietly confident that I will have something reasonable up and running in the not too distant future.

  9. I guess you have to do the math. If you know the size of your rectangle and the position and orientation you should be able to calculate the center edge positions for every edge on every rectangle. This is static data and can be calculated up front so there is little cost in looking this up in real time.

  10. I'd say that’s about right Rick, how you store the navmesh nodes and the linking data is pretty much up to you. So long as you can feed it into an A* routine to get your final node traversed list and then retrieve sufficient information to ascertain the mid points of the connecting faces then the simplest route is done. You can apply math to curve through these angle changes if you want to make them slightly more natural but that’s another level of refinement.


    You can go on then to apply heuristics/costs to apply bias to the path finding. So if an enemy is known to be in a certain area and you want to avoid them or if you wanted to represent traversing high ground as less desirable than low ground then applying values to these areas would make the A* routine less likely to pick them. It's not always about the shortest route ;)


    If you're looking for a generic A* solver take a look at MicroPather

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