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Pixel Perfect

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Posts posted by Pixel Perfect

  1. Thanks for the link Gimpy, I'll download it and check it out.


    I used to use Magix software years ago and was always very impressed with it. In fact my first hard drive recording software was made by Magix and undercut the competition by a huge margin for pretty much the same functionality! Gave you all of four tracks to record on as well as syncing it to midi (almost laughable these days when you look at the leaps that have been made in the technology). I have my own studio so probably don't need this but I'm interested in seeing what they are producing these days.

  2. I have never used the Dark AI pluggin but if it's functions are completely abstracted from DarkBasic and it's entity/object structures then it might work. I seem to recollect that most Dark Basic pluggins come in the form of some altered DLL so may require a little massaging to access it. I think the interface is published on their site though (I probably have a copy somewhere from my days of working with it).


    If the pluggin is designed to directly take control of animation and movement of NPCs then its likely it won't work!


    [EDIT] Having looked at the source code of their AI Demo (which reminded me why no one should ever write code with Dark Basic) I have concluded that the chances of using this with Leadwerks are precisely zero as it appears to control DarkBasic objects directly internally and auto generates the path maps from loaded DBO files!

  3. I too came from a DarkGDK background, left for pretty much the same reasons and moved to Leadwerks. Enough has been said above on the individual points I'd just like to add my own endorsement and say from my experience that what you are proposing seems quite achievable with Leadwerks given that you are prepared to write your own AI and toolsets where required. Just as a final note, you will find the community here a great asset.


    Hope to see you on board at some point in the future, failing that good luck with whatever engine you finally settle with.

  4. Very impressive presentation. You seem to be approaching this professionally with sufficient info, concepts and realistic time scales to attract the callibre of people you are probably looking for. I wish you every luck with this and am very pleased to see you have chosen Leadwerks.

  5. Hi Sytto


    1st in private forums there is enough support to develop your skills to the fullest?, Or at least know how to use the engine with good skill (I'm not talking about learning to program c + + from 0).

    So long as your programming skills are reasonable you should have little problem working with LE. Support from the community is good and people are happy to respond to questions.


    2nd do you have to buy the SDK and then upgrade to 2.3? or update is included in the SDK?

    Buying the full LE licence will get you 2.3, the upgrade is just for those already on a previous version.


    3rd LeadWerks could be used to develop a large-scale game? I've used other game engines and do not like them, right now I think that leadwerks is one of the best available game engines, and I think it is among the 10 best, game engines. what do you think?

    Beauty is in the eye of the beholder they say and I'm sure it’s true. From my personal experience I think Leadwerks is a fantastic engine and in terms of graphics is better than most. You should have no issues developing a large scale game but perhaps you might want to elaborate on exactly what you have in mind, as the devil is often in the detail :D

  6. I have had no issues with Windows 7 what so ever.


    If you don't like UAC then turn it off, just don't blame Microsoft if some hacker's process then runs riot on your PC with full privileges :D Microsoft are damned if they do and damned if they don't. It makes me laugh. The only reason it is continuously under attack by viruses and trojans etc is because it is the most popular OS in the world and hence the biggest target for the sad assed geeks that write this **** when they could be doing something wonderful with that talent!

  7. I find myself nodding and agreeing with everything that Josh stated in his first post. To put everything in place that is needed, even given the huge helping hand we have been given by Josh and all the technology behind LE, is a big undertaking and I believe that is very hard for individuals on their own to achieve. Having said that there will always be exceptions and Naughty Alien appears to be probably the furthest down the line at this point and the best of luck to him!


    My strategy from the beginning has been to aim towards producing a playable demo of my FPS game idea consisting hopefully of about 1 hours game play with less than AAA quality but hopefully to demonstrate the potential for it to be ... should artists, modellers etc feel inspired enough to join up and form a team. I don't honestly believe with my limited time, resources and skills that I could do much more than this on my own.


    In answer to Andy's original post I do believe generally that teams are necessary and the members need to be highly motivated individuals working to a well defined development schedule and time scales. I do not believe your average forum type open projects ever really achieve anything much as fun as they might be initially. People lose interest and drift off and inevitably the projects fall apart.

  8. This may seem arcane but it is for the reasons given. Most generalised questions are posted in the General Forum which is open to the general public and as such you are free to search this and ask any questions. They will be answered by either by Leadwerks or the community at large.


    I think you will find the majority of us very honest in our answers. There is nothing to be gained by the community pushing potential buyers into a product that is unsuitable for them and we would not do so. So feel free to ask.

  9. Pixel Perfect, have you imported a model into Fragmotion, animated it, then exported and used in LE before? I personally don't mind paying $50 for this if someone has animated their models using it and had them work in LE before.



    Milkshape has a good rep for animating too. I have a copy but I can't say I've ever used it for animation. I'd have used blender too but I found it too dificult to get into although I know its capable of great things!

  10. All of 12 minutes for me. I answered one question and I seem to recollect it rebooted itself several times. Easiest and fastest installation I ever did. Plus it comes with its own disk imaging now (see backup) so once you have it all setup and your critical apps installed burn an image of the boot drive to a spare drive for a quick recovery.


    Most people recommend you do a clean installation though rather than upgrade from Vista etc.

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