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Pixel Perfect

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Everything posted by Pixel Perfect

  1. Believe me Rick it wouldn't. To model and animate to a AAA standard, which I assume Michael is referring to, is beyond the capabilities of most of us. I have had quite a bit of experience recently and I have come to the conclusion that whilst the fundamentals are easily understood to move from that into producing work approaching that quality is a pipe dream for most of us. It's a bit like coding AI, you can get 90% of the way quite easily but the devil is in that last 10%. I would prefer to work with an animator/ modeller as part of a team but have faced the possibility that I might have to shell out a sizable amount of money in the end to pay someone to do it for me. After all, if someone was to ask us for a sizable chunk of game code, which might take us several months to write, how much would we charge? Very impressive ... did you train the squirrel too
  2. I agree whole heartedly. It was not meant as a criticism of DexSoft, as I do think their assets are very good value for money which is probably why I have bought so many, but as a general statement of fact. Having done some rigging and animation myself I am accutely aware of how time consuming this is and the skills required. I currently am using placeholder art and animated models (a lot sourced from DexSoft and other similar companies) in order to complete and test my code and produce a working demo and then, if there is any interest, I will be prepared to either team up with good animators or commission work from freelancers as you suggest. I'd welcome the contact details of anyone you could recommend Michael if you'd like to PM me.
  3. This is basically a re-worked version of their SWAT model (still waiting for my replacement for that by the way DexSoft ). If the SWAT model is anything to go by it's quite nice but lacks a lot of the basic animations you would need in a game. This seems to be a general problem with most Indie based model suppliers, a lack of a comprehensive set of good animations. They tend to supply the bare minimum!
  4. Thanks for the offer to share the algorithm Riddlemaster and for the informative links. Your engine does look very nice and the water particularly impressive. I wish you continued success with your engine! It would be nice to see your water techniques implemented with LE.
  5. Wow, there samples are cheap! I'll be interested to see see what you think Gimpy!
  6. I actually like this, it's not as readily accessible as it was before but I like the overall look and feel. I miss some things but will reserve judgement until it's finished.
  7. Sounds interesting. I'll download and give it a try ...thanks
  8. Wow! Spline construction is pretty cool ... how come that got dropped in 3DWS.
  9. Thanks for the link Gimpy, I'll download it and check it out. I used to use Magix software years ago and was always very impressed with it. In fact my first hard drive recording software was made by Magix and undercut the competition by a huge margin for pretty much the same functionality! Gave you all of four tracks to record on as well as syncing it to midi (almost laughable these days when you look at the leaps that have been made in the technology). I have my own studio so probably don't need this but I'm interested in seeing what they are producing these days.
  10. That's great news for any would be purchasers of 3D World Studio ... a highly recommended application for would be level designers with it's CSG capability!
  11. I just love your work Kevin, there is something fresh and exciting about it ... excellent!
  12. I have never used the Dark AI pluggin but if it's functions are completely abstracted from DarkBasic and it's entity/object structures then it might work. I seem to recollect that most Dark Basic pluggins come in the form of some altered DLL so may require a little massaging to access it. I think the interface is published on their site though (I probably have a copy somewhere from my days of working with it). If the pluggin is designed to directly take control of animation and movement of NPCs then its likely it won't work! [EDIT] Having looked at the source code of their AI Demo (which reminded me why no one should ever write code with Dark Basic) I have concluded that the chances of using this with Leadwerks are precisely zero as it appears to control DarkBasic objects directly internally and auto generates the path maps from loaded DBO files!
  13. Nice ambient feel to this Gimpy
  14. I too came from a DarkGDK background, left for pretty much the same reasons and moved to Leadwerks. Enough has been said above on the individual points I'd just like to add my own endorsement and say from my experience that what you are proposing seems quite achievable with Leadwerks given that you are prepared to write your own AI and toolsets where required. Just as a final note, you will find the community here a great asset. Hope to see you on board at some point in the future, failing that good luck with whatever engine you finally settle with.
  15. Phy files possibly! I don't know what version you were upgrading from.
  16. LoadScene must process it but I would recommend using Framework from the word go as that's a huge amount of your rendering flexability sorted!
  17. Very nice ... a big thankyou from me too!
  18. My Maestro card also has the security codes on the signature strip
  19. Pixel Perfect


    Looking very nice, I'm sure the community will love this!
  20. Very impressive presentation. You seem to be approaching this professionally with sufficient info, concepts and realistic time scales to attract the callibre of people you are probably looking for. I wish you every luck with this and am very pleased to see you have chosen Leadwerks.
  21. I love the way some things get lost in translation
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