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Pixel Perfect

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Everything posted by Pixel Perfect

  1. Very interesting, thanks for the post BES
  2. I'm guessing that nobody knows at this point in time. Looks like a great library though.
  3. Leadwerks supports alpha mapped textures both transparent and translucent. There are seperate shaders to enable each. I'd recommend looking at the transparency tutorials to familiarise yourself with the framework Leadwerks uses and its effects on transparency.
  4. I am not aware of any inherent problems with using C#. If that is your preference then by all means use it.
  5. Good luck BLaBZ, looks great!
  6. This is true, as do quite a number of other applications. I bought TextureMaker years ago before using Gimp but it does have some nice features that result in it still being my first choice for tiled texture work. The resynthesizer plugin in Gimp remains an invaluable tool for removing those annoying repeating items though.
  7. I completely agree, to liaise effectively with others who specialise in areas you don't requires some level of understanding of the tasks they are involved in. The greater the understanding the better.
  8. Very impressive, looking forward to seeing more of this
  9. I use Gimp as I find it pretty much does everything I need of it. I also use TextureMaker for tiled texture production.
  10. The dds files need to use DTX1 or DTX5 (if you have transparency) compression format and have mipmaps generated. The mat files can be constructed fairly quickly manually once you get used to the syntax used in them, or you can used automated programs such as the one cassius is suggesting.
  11. Good to have you aboard CreativeOcclusion. With regard to loading models in code; as well as creating the models you need to create the material files for each of the textures referenced in the models and ensure both the mat files and the texture files are all present. With those in place you can then call LoadModel or LoadMesh with an explicit path or an abstract::file name string to have Leadwerks find the file within a configurable abstract path directory structure. The models can be positioned using PositionEntity. In theory that should pretty much get you there. If you are still having problems it's best to post some code so we can get a better idea of what you are doing.
  12. It was a patched version of 2.32. I have no idea if its still available for download but it was the only version that contained a copy of 'The Zone' ... as it was then. Very impressive!
  13. I remember someone else taking a look at this a while back but they never really demoed anything. Nice work MG!
  14. Yeah, good move. That's a more intuitive home for it and other items like it
  15. It's Aggrors Leadwerk's 2.3 User Guide in pdf format. I was sending a link to a new Leadwerks user when I noticed it was no longer where it used to be! Yeah its basic stuff but a useful reference document, invaluable to new users. Full link is Leadwerks 2.3 User Guide
  16. Please ignore ... I've found it! Tutorials / Design / Leadwerks 2.3 User Guide
  17. Where has the articles section gone? I was about to send a link to Aggror's User Guide to someone when I noticed the link is no longer valid.
  18. So your advice for new PC users of Leadwerks is to set their resolution to 640 x 400 rather than update their graphics card Oh look, I now get 30fps but geeez, I think I need some better Anti Aliasing as I have jaggies the size of Lego bricks
  19. Sure, but who is going to be designing or playing games at 640x400 these days, or would even want to. Pointless argument!
  20. Sandbox editor is simply renamed: Editor.exe If you can still download the 2.32r5 version then you get a version of 'The Zone' to play with ... really nice!
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