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Posts posted by klepto2

  1. hi,


    it was me who was contacting you. I'm currently working on some Extensions to the LE.Net Wrapper including a class which handle Awesomium. Some details can be found in my blog here:




    And here is a newer screenshot which shows a small test app with interactive Awesomium on a cube. (Mouse and Keyboard input is working)




    Feel free to contact me via MSN/ICQ or Mail.

  2. Hi,


    I have started a small project called Leadwerks.Extensions. The goal is to provide some deeper functionality from Blitzmax to other languages (not Blitzmax commands directly, but eg missing commands from the provided dll. I have started a test dll which should made my realtime cubemap code available to all languages. Unfortuntly I become errors in the code itself.

    The function access itself works well, but in the buffer creation function i get access violation errors (protected memory) when using glGenFramebuffersEXT.


    Here is my current Blitzmax code:


    Framework leadwerks.ENGINE
    Const COMPILE_DLL:Int = True
    Function ObjectPointer:Byte Ptr(o:Object)
    If o=Null Return Null
    Local p:Byte Ptr
    Return p
    Type TCubeBuffer
    Field texture:TTexture
    Field buffer:TBuffer
    Field rb:Int[1]
    Field fb:Int[1]
    Field sb:Int[1]
    Field db:Int[1]
    Function Create:TCubeBuffer(texture:TTexture,buffer:TBuffer) 
    	Local cb:TCubeBuffer = New TCubeBuffer
    	Notify "Debug 1"
    	cb.Texture = texture
    	Notify "Debug 2"
    	cb.Buffer = buffer
    	Notify "Debug 3"
    	Notify "Debug 4"
    	cb.Buffer.Framebuffer = cb.fb[0]
    	Notify "Debug 5"
    	cb.Buffer.colorbuffer[0] = texture
    	Notify "Debug 6"
    	Return cb
    End Function
    Method _BuildBuffer()
    	Notify "Debug 3.1"
    	Local w:Int = texture.reference._Width
    	Notify "Debug 3.2"
    	Local h:Int = texture.reference._Height
    	Notify "Debug 3.3"
    	glBindTexture(GL_TEXTURE_CUBE_MAP , texture.reference._index) 
    	Notify "Debug 3.4"
    	glTexImage2D GL_TEXTURE_CUBE_MAP_NEGATIVE_Y , 0 , GL_RGBA8 , w , h , 0 , GL_RGBA , GL_UNSIGNED_BYTE , Null
    Notify "Debug 3.5"
    	glGenFramebuffersEXT(1 , fb ) 
    	Notify "Debug 3.5.1"
    	glGenRenderbuffersEXT(1 , rb) 
    	Notify "Debug 3.5.2"
    	glGenRenderbuffersEXT(1 , sb) 
    	Notify "Debug 3.6"
    	glBindFramebufferEXT(GL_FRAMEBUFFER_EXT , fb[0]) ;
    	glFramebufferTexture2DEXT(GL_FRAMEBUFFER_EXT , GL_COLOR_ATTACHMENT0_EXT , GL_TEXTURE_CUBE_MAP , texture.reference._index, 0) ; 
    	Notify "Debug 3.7"
    	glBindRenderbufferEXT(GL_RENDERBUFFER_EXT , rb[0]) ;
    	Notify "Debug 3.8"
    	glBindFramebufferEXT(GL_FRAMEBUFFER_EXT , 0) 
    	glBindRenderbufferEXT(GL_RENDERBUFFER_EXT , 0) ;
    End Method
    Method Set(cubeface:Int)
    	Select cubeface
    		Case 0 glFramebufferTexture2DEXT(GL_FRAMEBUFFER_EXT , GL_COLOR_ATTACHMENT0_EXT ,GL_TEXTURE_CUBE_MAP_POSITIVE_X,texture.reference._index,0)
    		Case 1 glFramebufferTexture2DEXT(GL_FRAMEBUFFER_EXT , GL_COLOR_ATTACHMENT0_EXT ,GL_TEXTURE_CUBE_MAP_NEGATIVE_X,texture.reference._index,0)
    		Case 2 glFramebufferTexture2DEXT(GL_FRAMEBUFFER_EXT , GL_COLOR_ATTACHMENT0_EXT ,GL_TEXTURE_CUBE_MAP_POSITIVE_Y,texture.reference._index,0)
    		Case 3 glFramebufferTexture2DEXT(GL_FRAMEBUFFER_EXT , GL_COLOR_ATTACHMENT0_EXT ,GL_TEXTURE_CUBE_MAP_NEGATIVE_Y,texture.reference._index,0)
    		Case 4 glFramebufferTexture2DEXT(GL_FRAMEBUFFER_EXT , GL_COLOR_ATTACHMENT0_EXT ,GL_TEXTURE_CUBE_MAP_POSITIVE_Z,texture.reference._index,0)
    		Case 5 glFramebufferTexture2DEXT(GL_FRAMEBUFFER_EXT , GL_COLOR_ATTACHMENT0_EXT ,GL_TEXTURE_CUBE_MAP_NEGATIVE_Z,texture.reference._index,0)
    	End Select
    End Method
    Method Unset() 
    	glBindFramebufferEXT(GL_FRAMEBUFFER_EXT , 0)
    End Method
    Method CheckFBOStatus:Int(index:Int = 0) 
    	   Local status:Int = glCheckFramebufferStatusEXT(GL_FRAMEBUFFER_EXT) 
    	   Select status
    			Print index + ": FBO Complete"
    			Print index + ": Incomplete attachment"
    		     Print index + ": Missing attachment"
    		     Print index + ": Incomplete dimensions"
    		     Print index + ": Incomplete formats"
    		     Print index + ": Incomplete draw buffer"
    		     Print index + ": Incomplete read buffer"
    		     Print index + ": Framebufferobjects unsupported"
    	Return Status
    End Method
    End Type
    Function CubeBuffer_Create:TCubeBuffer(cubemap:TTexture , cubemapbuffer:TBuffer) "win32"
    If COMPILE_DLL Then GCEnter() 
    Notify "Create_Start"
    If cubemap <> Null Then Notify "Cubemap valid"
    If cubemapbuffer <> Null Then Notify "cubemapbuffer valid"
    Local b:TCubebuffer = TCubeBuffer.Create(cubemap , cubemapbuffer) 
    Notify "buffer created"
    Return b
    End Function
    Function CubeBuffer_ActivateFace(cubebuffer:TCubebuffer , face:Int = 0) "win32"
    If COMPILE_DLL Then GCEnter() 
    End Function
    Function CubeBuffer_Deactivate(cubebuffer:TCubebuffer) "win32"
    If COMPILE_DLL Then GCEnter() 
    End Function
    Function CreateCubemap:TTexture(width:Int , height:Int) "win32"
    If COMPILE_DLL Then GCEnter() 
    Return Leadwerks.Engine.CreateCubemap(width , height) 
    End Function


    I have added some debug notfiies to check where the error occurs. The same code called from Blitzmax works. Using it from C# it fails and throws the error in line 64. (glGenFramebuffersEXT(1 , fb )

    ) The CreateCubemap command works well.


    Does anybody know what is causing this and maybe how to solve this issue?


    thx in advance

  3. You may have to change the OpenGL states to fit the needs of MyGui.


    try something like this:

    leglBegin(GetLayerCamera(background), cameraZoom);
    leglEnd(true); // End and specify that we used 3D projection



    // Includes, libs
    #pragma comment(lib,"opengl32.lib")
    #pragma comment(lib,"glu32.lib")
    #include "engine.h"
    #include <gl/gl.h>  // Standard opengl include.
    #include <gl/glu.h> // GLU include.
    // Constants
    enum CullMode 
       CULL_NONE,      // Both sides of faces are drawn.
       CULL_DRAW_CCW,  // Only faces defined by vertices declared in ccw order will be drawn (default).
       CULL_DRAW_CW    // Same as above but cw.
    // Commands (declarations)
    void leglBegin      (TCamera camera = NULL, float zoom = 1.0f, CullMode cm = CULL_DRAW_CCW);
    void leglEnd        (bool was3D = false);
    void leglBindTexture(TTexture texture);
    // Implementations (definitions)
    // Use NULL for the camera to set up 2D drawing instead of 3D.
    // The "zoom" parameter is only required because there's no GetCameraZoom() function.
    void leglBegin(TCamera camera, float zoom, CullMode cm)
       // Setup projetion according to argument
       if (NULL != camera)
           // Save current projection matrix. Then reset
           glMatrixMode(GL_PROJECTION); glPushMatrix(); 
           // Calculate the view frustum
           float nearRange, farRange; GetCameraRange(camera, nearRange, farRange);
           float theta = 1.0f / zoom; // tan(45°) = 1.0f
           float aspect = float(BufferWidth(CurrentBuffer()))/BufferHeight(CurrentBuffer());
           glFrustum (-nearRange*theta, nearRange*theta, -nearRange/aspect*theta, nearRange/aspect*theta, nearRange,farRange);
           // Reset transformation
           glMatrixMode(GL_MODELVIEW); glPushMatrix();
           // LE uses a differently handed coordinate system than ogl does
           glScalef(1.0f, 1.0f, -1.0f); 
           // Calculate the LookAt vectors (camera direction and up vector)...
           TVec3 from = EntityPosition(camera, true);
           TVec3 to = {0,0,-1}; to = TFormVector(to, camera, NULL); to += from;
           TVec3 up = {0,1,0}; up = TFormVector(up, camera, NULL);
           // Set LookAt 
           gluLookAt(from.X, from.Y, from.Z, to.X, to.Y , to.Z, up.X, up.Y, up.Z);
           // Set orthographic projection (used for 2D drawing)
           // Get the current viewport/buffer size.
           int vPort[4]; glGetIntegerv(GL_VIEWPORT, vPort); 
           // Set the projection
           gluOrtho2D(0, vPort[2], vPort[3], 0); // like glOrtho(0, vPort[2], vPort[3], 0, -1, 1); 
           // Reset transformation
           glMatrixMode(GL_MODELVIEW); glPushMatrix();
       // Setup default drawing settings.
       // Alpha blending.
       glEnable(GL_BLEND); glBlendFunc(GL_SRC_ALPHA, GL_ONE_MINUS_SRC_ALPHA);
       // Backface culling.
       if (CULL_NONE != cm)glEnable(GL_CULL_FACE); 
       if (NULL != camera)glCullFace((CULL_DRAW_CCW == cm) ? GL_BACK : GL_FRONT);
       else glCullFace((CULL_DRAW_CCW == cm) ? GL_FRONT : GL_BACK);
       // Depth test for 3D projection
       if (NULL != camera)glEnable(GL_DEPTH_TEST);
       // Drawing color.
       glColor4f(1.0f, 1.0f, 1.0f, 1.0f);
    // Use NULL (0) for the texture to reset (bind no texture)
    void leglBindTexture(TTexture texture)
       if(NULL != texture)
           BindTexture(texture, 0); // LE command.
           glBindTexture(GL_TEXTURE_2D, NULL);
    // End drawing. Set "was3D" to true if you specified a camera at leglBegin (= used 3D projection).
    void leglEnd(bool was3D)
       // Undo changes only made in 3D mode (camera != NULL)
       if (was3D) 
           glMatrixMode(GL_PROJECTION); glPopMatrix();
       // Reset transformation.
       glMatrixMode(GL_MODELVIEW); glPopMatrix();
       // Undo changed settings.
       glCullFace(GL_BACK); glDisable(GL_CULL_FACE);
       glColor4f(1.0f, 1.0f, 1.0f, 1.0f);

  4. Hi,


    thx for the feedback. I have uploaded an updated version ( Download at first post).



    - Removed unneeded references to lua files

    - Fixed the ambientlight bug.

    - Reordered the Options and splitted them in different categories

  5. thx macklebee,


    I will add it to the toolbox as soon as it is stable and balanced enough. Currently the dawn and dusk effect is a bit out of sync (the effect starts to early and stays to long). intensity.lua and suncolor.lua are data scripts i have used in an earlier version and i have forgotten to delete the references in the current script. They are not needed.

  6. Hi, after long silence I want to present a small wip script/shader which replaces the Atmosphere script in the Editor with a dynamic sky tool. The other options from the old atmosphere script are all available through mine.



    post-4-090690200 1288989871_thumb.jpg






    Unzip this in the models/Environment folder (or somewhere you like within your SDK/Editor folder) and restart the Editor.


    Keep in mind that this is still WIP and needs tweaking on various aspects, also I will add moving clouds in a later version.

    I hope you like it and I waiting for feedback.


    thx klepto2

  7. // - Save new Mesh (wip)


    I was always interested: what that "wip" means? :)


    wip = Work in progress


    Save Mesh will save the mesh with the new materials and ready to use with LE. I'm also thinking about adding the abillity to load meshes in different formats / edit them and make them LE ready. It will also split (optionally) the mesh by worlds. eg: a house normally imported as one Mesh with submeshes and surfaces, the walls etc will be located in the main world, but things like windows should normally be rendered in the transparent world. My tool will split the meshes by the world and create a lua script with a base mesh, which will provide the submeshes to the correct worlds, even colored shadows will be supported.

  8. Hi, I want to introduce you to a tool i'm currently developing. Yes it is a material editor (again :) ) but this one will have some more features in the end.


    Features i want to include:

    - Realtime Material Editing (done)

    - Save new Mesh (wip)

    - Export as prefab ( you will be able to add entities like particles, othe meshes etc. and my tool will create a prefab mesh with a lua script/materials etc ready for LE Editor)

    - and much more.


    Here is a small preview of the material editor:


    I'm using the new C# headers (thx to Lazlo and tyler).


    I will keep you informed on progress and will provide a demo as soon as possible.

  9. First thx for the fast fix.


    1. GetPrefferedMaterialName was critical for me because I wasn't able to access surface properties at all. This was due an internal Entrynotfound exception and causes the running program to stop.

    2. Global/Local Vectors (ok bad description) Position and Rotation of an entity have a global and a local value. How to get them?

    3. I don't use a reflector, but i have tried to implement SetVertexColor/GetVertexColor to my CoreAdditions as I need them for highlighting selected surfaces. And by doing this i have noticed this issue. If i have used a reflector i might have seen that this is wanted behaviour :).


    Why are you making the mesh.Scale so complicated? Why don't you just renew the mesh.Scale property with MeshScale and then you can access them like this:

    m.Scale ; ScaleMesh

    ((Entity)m).Scale ; ScaleEntity

  10. Ok, some more things i have found.


    -- ScaleMesh isn't included in the OOP header.

    -- How to retrieve global or local vectors?

    -- GetPreferedMaterialName isn't defined in the Engine.dll !! Critical !! Cant use the Surface object

    -- Color cast from float[] to Color doesn't multiply with 255 (backcast from color to float[] devides by 255)

  11. Wow guys, this is looking great!

    Can we use Leadwerks in conjunction with Windows Forms (e.g. render to a picturebox)? This would be the way to go then certainly for Leadwerks GUI tools.


    I have succesfully converted my LEControl yesterday and i will contribute it as soon as it is tested and works stable.

  12. At first congrats for releasing it and thx for the hard work you both have done so far.


    I have found some small additions/bugs:


    Missing functions

    -- CreateSurface | Declared only in Core but not in Mesh or Surface

    -- Get/SetVertexColor | Not declared in Core


    Small bug:

    -- TriangleVertex returns void, but should return int.


    Hope this will be fixed soon ;) Currently I have a small workaround for this (Klepto.CoreAdditions).

    Otherwise it seems very complete and nice.



    found out that you can use mesh.surfaces.add([material]) as CreateSurface

    the standard functions should still be accessable IMHO


    @Rick: I believe he means extra getter / setter which are not available in the other languages because the engine.dll provided with LE doesn't offer these. The C# header uses a modified dll with much more functions. When using this sll with c++ or other languages, they can provide these features as well.

  13. Don't use Entity.NullPointer, these Pointers are needed if you use the standard Pointer functions and not the OOP classes. Replace it with null or don't use it at all, it is an optional parameter.

  14. Hi


    I hope i can help you.


    1. You need to download the package from the first post as it includes all needed references like OpenTK, Leadwerks.dll etc.

    2. Download tha latest version of the Control here : http://leadwerks.com/werkspace/index.php?/topic/2429-new-letkcontrol-beta/page__view__findpost__p__22982

    3. Make sure you have set all References set correctly: you need a Reference to Leadwerks.dll and a reference to the 3 delivered OpenTK dlls.


    If you have done this, you should be able to run the sample.

  15. Nice suggestions Lazlo.


    - Scilexer.dll doesn't need to be distributed as it is just for the scripteditor and not needed for the engine itself.

    - Currently i notice that a lot of bmx users also distribut engine.dll --> not needed in bmx.

    - I remember a chat with Josh about having Scripts in a pak file and I also rememer that this should be possible with > 2.32. @Rick he means the model scripts, not the general script folder.

    - I have a Batch Asset creator in the works. I have already converted > 300MB Packages from Arteria and Dexsoft in less than 5 minutes.

    Currently it is just a prototype, but it already let you convert from GMF, FBX, Obj to GMF format. Rescaling is implemented and it autogenerates materials if it can't find proper materials.

    It also generates normalmaps and simple scripts. Currently the pipeline is not that easy as it sounds, but this is what i'm currently working on. Least it packs the converted models into a clean

    ordered Folder.


    Otherwise +1 for the other things.

  16. Rick, here is a new version:Klepto.Controls.dll



    - Added an AfterFrameworkRender eventhandler, please test if this helps and works

    - Fixed MouseZ bug.


    btw, its no problem that you find bugs :mellow: thats why i call this beta.


    PS: the FPS thing is something i need to work on. Somehow the TKcontrol limits the rendering speed and the timer is a also a bit weird.

    Currently I'm experimenting with BackgroundWorkers which should work better.




    - Changed Timing from timer to backgroundworker. RefreshRate works now correct, set RefreshRate to -1 for fullspeed.

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