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Posts posted by klepto2

  1. It is aways a bad idea to compare float values directly lets take your exsample:


    value set in the Editor = 2:

    value sent to the shader = 2 / 255 = ~0.0078431372


    calculation in the shader: 0.0078431372 * 255 = 1.9999 which is != 2


    you may try something like:


    vec3 intcolor = round(floatcolor * 255.0);


    or you can make a comparison with a given tolerance.

  2. I know that these gl_* matrices are obsolete.

    To make my question more clear:


    What are the equal terms in Leadwerks? cameramatrix = ?, etc.

    Or if not available, how to constuct or pass them to the Leadwerks Shader system?


    Its hard to find information about this if you don't know exactly what the leadwerks matrizes are equal to in other languages.

    • Upvote 1
  3. Hi, i'm currently trying to translate a shader which is written in glsl 1.5 and i have some trouble to find the correct matrix values in Leadwerks:


    vec4 getWorldPosition(vec2 coord)
    vec3 view = getViewPosition(coord);
    vec4 world = vec4(view.x,view.y,-view.z,1.0);
    world = gl_ModelViewMatrixTranspose*world+gl_ModelViewMatrixInverse[3];
    return world;
    vec4 getCamPosition(vec2 coord)
    vec3 view = getViewPosition(coord);
    vec4 world = vec4(view.x,view.y,-view.z,1.0);
    return gl_ModelViewMatrixTranspose*world;


    I know i can use transpose() and inverse() but what are

    gl_ModelViewMatrix and gl_ModelViewProjectionMatrix in Leadwerks shader system?

  4. So you can see why I would also like it if Leadwerks is able to use/intergrate Daz genesis (1 and 2) characters natively or in a separate model/render path as the Daz genesis bases are powerful and well made.

    Daz Indie Dev licenses are $500, but the quality and quantity make it worth it.




    When Networking is done,

    I would like it, so that when we publish a game (not workshop publish) that it can have a simple level editor that only uses in-game assets/entitites, ... etc to increase that game's community as well as the leadwerks community.


    Native integration of DAZ models is not possible. There is no direct SDK to use and while the models are really nice they are not useable by any 3d Engine in the daz format (to much polygons, morph algorithms are not available and much more). The only way to use them is to use the provided daz tools to reduce polygons and export them as fbx which already works with leadwerks.

  5. As you're using c++ you should have access to the lower members of the model. There should be a vector (or smth. like that) containing the surfaces. In theory you should remove them from there and then a call of model->Update should do the rest. I can't tell you the correct member in the model class, as i have no access to the headers at work, but i would suggest to look into the headers yourself. I found a lot of knowledge about the engine-internals just by studying the headers.

    • Upvote 1
  6. physic particles for me are particles reacting to physical shapes (collision etc.) Your explanation makes your request obsolete as LE3 is capabale of this from the beginning:


    less than one minute in LE3 = fontain:



    mass with pysics can be a simulated with negative velocity.

    • Upvote 1
  7. Something old? Not. real physic particles are heavy to calculate and just yet really usable with cuda or other gpu processing.

    did you even notice that the video you posted is 2d and not 3d?


    I would suggest to focus on refining current features and adding things which where already included in LE2.x

  8. It looks to me like you're using the fpsplayer prefab which comes with the Leadwerks Editor. If thats the case, then the generic model gets deleted because it is just a dummy used in the Editor to visualize the position of the controller. In the real game it is not needed and so it gets deleted as soon as the script is loaded.

  9. As you all may know i have played a lot with the postprocessing feature currently implemented in Leadwerks 3.1. I have to admit Josh was right with implementing them in a stack.


    But with everything which seems to be easy at first i found some issues which in my opinion need to be adressed.

    1. the glsl and lua shaders are nice, but i think a small envelope object for a postprocess might be needed.

      1. you can add additional information like a dictionary of shader or script variables which can be accessed and modified from outside

    [*]the AddPostProcess should at least return an index but better the previously mentioned envelope object together with an index.

    1. Add methods to add Posteffects at a specified index and AddFirst and AddLast
    2. Helps to manage posteffects which are essential to be rendered at first/last

    [*]Something which might be hard to maintain, but might be useful for workshop effects and others

    1. Add a global buffer dictionary maybe with some naming convention based on buffer usage, size and pixelformat
    2. Currently all posteffects with identical buffers would need to create them on their own which leads in unneeded rendering and texture memory

    [*]A general addition mostly related to (in my case) to posteffects would be a way to add layers of worlds to the editor, eg for volume fog primitives or water regions.


    Currently the posteffects are nearly unmaintable either from code or from Editor. Without the usage of global tables where you save your variables there is no way to interact with the posteffects. Also with global tables as a variable store you rely on 3rd parties or you need to modify the posteffects on your own which might be a pain for non shader users and artists.


    This is what came into my mind when working with the post effects. I have some more additions in mind but these are the most important ones from my point of view.




    • Upvote 2
  10. You can use a global container class for such values and use them in the postprocess lua file. If no lua file is present you might need create one and modify it to your needs. As an exsample or starting point you can take a look at my pfx manager in the prefab section of the workshop.

    • Upvote 1
  11. Hi, sorry for the silence tha last days.


    The C-DLL functions has a lot of functionality + a lot of editor related stuff, but i doubt it reflect the complete api.

    I am already evaluating my wrapper generator with 3.1, but i need to solve some things here and there and i want to have LE 3.1 more matured before i release a wrapper which is subject to change frequently.


    the 3.0 wrapper is currently hiddden because its not 3.1 compatible and Josh cleaned the workshop to only support 3.1 related stuff.

    (So you can only download compatible stuff)

  12. - C# (.NET/mono) is coming unofficially but it will come


    -auto completion: What would be needed is real intellisense, plain autocompletion will result in longer coding times

    -intellisense = doable with some affort

    -error catching

    not possible in the way you want it. Lua is intepreted at runtime, so lua doesn't know what might happen with some variable later

    in the program

    Hint: Learn Test-driven development will save lots of debugging sessions once you're into it.

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