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Everything posted by gamecreator

  1. Ideally you simulate on the client side too and use the server as an authenticity check. This way, if the connection is briefly lost, you don't have to immediately stop the game (especially if, for example, you're in an area all by yourself at that point). DH, your code is pretty lengthy for me to look over but you have at least two options: Display the packets being received on the server from your client. Make sure that after the client player spawns, the serrver is receiving player data from the client and you're reacting accordingly (updating x,y, etc.). You can take Ken's advice and have server authorize client's player before they each create it.
  2. Yes and no. As with Rick's order delay example, you can have a very small delay on the client side from the action being recognized (player reaching ammo) and the action being implemented (ammo disappearing and added to player). It's only a fraction of a second or even a second but it should be enough time to run it by the server so you'd never get to ammo being increased then decreased. On the other hand, with major lag, yes, you'd see the scenario you described but that can't be helped. In that case you'd see a LOT of sudden corrections once connection is reestablished.
  3. gamecreator

    It's Friday

    Ha, that was a Simpson's quote.
  4. If you're talking about a game like Star Control II, that's no problem. If you don't need ship collision, you can even do your own movement and not worry about physics.
  5. I think the general consensus was that it's best to use RakNet for this. See here for a member video tutorial.
  6. And I'd put my money where my mouth is. I'd help you convert current wiki samples to the LE3 format for a few dozen of the simpler functions, if you needed the help.
  7. Yeah, snippets and simple examples like those on the wiki are VITAL.
  8. I still have my fingers crossed for 2D platformer physics support but I've also been learning Box2D and its tweaks, just in case.
  9. If you were a major developer looking for money, you'd be making Call of Duty 83 or some other lame clone. As an indie, it's a bit more tricky. I'm sure there are some sales sites out there and you can also check to see what Kickstarter projects are doing well. But there isn't a magic game genre out there that will make you millions of dollars for a few months of work.
  10. gamecreator

    One Last Thing

    Neat. So we could do something like this? particle->load("chris_explosion4.ptl"); particle->set(ANIMATION_SPEED,5.0f); particle->initiateatlocation(0.0f,0.0.0f,0.0f);
  11. gamecreator

    One Last Thing

    I was hoping explosions would be a preset in the particle engine, along with fire, smoke and maybe muzzle flashes. Will the particle engine have editable presets? It would make sense because just like character controllers and tree/character placeholders, pretty much every developer needs these, I think.
  12. Have you already looked at TurnEntity? You can specify each axis and if the turn is global or local. (Or just apply the code that makes your head spin to the model. )
  13. gamecreator


    This now seems like such a pleasantly short list though I know the documentation will be time consuming. Please don't forget simple examples. The good news here is that less is more, usually. Don't try to get clever or "advanced." Also, I noticed on the last two occasions I tried to help people that the wiki had better examples than the documentation page. For example the GetEntityAABB wiki has a clear picture illustration whereas the doc page doesn't. It works wonders to illustrate what the example is doing.
  14. Gotta love the useful features being added.
  15. You're looking for this function, I believe. http://www.leadwerks.com/wiki/index.php?title=GetEntityAABB
  16. The wiki has the simpler, clearer and more thorough example for Collisions Callback, here: http://www.leadwerks.com/wiki/index.php?title=EntityCollisionCallback
  17. You can start here http://www.leadwerks...g#Font_Commands but I think you need the older version because 4.1 doesn't generate a file Leadwerks needs. I forget where I got the older version from but I can post it once I get home. EDIT: Ah,this is probably it: www.leadwerks.com/werkspace/topic/3699-font-studio/
  18. It's been predicted via dream to be released March 23, 2013.
  19. You can also give the developer the choice, if you want. Something like:
  20. http://www.virtualdub.org/blog/pivot/entry.php?id=312
  21. I'm guessing each OS has several ways of handling it. I don't have a preference. Curious how most games do it (I don't think it's INI files in the Windows folder though).
  22. This is obviously for down the line but I think it's worth considering how patch/expansion/add-on/DLC installations would work. The installer would need to automatically know where the original was installed (registry entry?) and install there without prompting for a folder. It would also need to overwrite files with no prompts.
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