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Road Kill Kenny

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Everything posted by Road Kill Kenny

  1. @fallingbrickwork I partly agree with you and partly don't. For one I agree that the "What will you make with LE3" is pretty damn sad cuz the most common thing was make an FPS games. Not that I have anything against FPS game but, because the basic of an FPS are so flopping easy to create, they pretty much have to be AAA to make it anywhere in the market and that can be too much work graphically... There aren't that many indie FPS games for a reason.\ On the other hand I don't understand why you think that LE2's draw was the fantasy of creating AAA games. Sure some people are stupid and come here saying they want to make the next AAA crysis or MMO.... however, the people here that actually know how to do anything with the engine are and have been working on things more feasible. Every community has these people that scream AAA this AAA that and they often are the majority.. Also I don't understand why having a good renderer means you want AAA. Heck 'Rendering' quality and graphical art quality are two freaking different things. For a AAA game you need both good quality rendering and really good art. The art part is the hardest because there can be so much for a 1 or 2 man team to deal with... But why the hell not have a good renderer to offset the lacking quality of graphics in an indie game? My game certainly doesn't have AAA graphics but heck it looks a damn lot better with dynamic shadows... As an indie dev I'll take any advantage I can graphically if It is already done for me to offset my lacking artwork. This is simply not true. I won't say what it is in fear of starting an engine war.
  2. Lol you have to be part of the beta to download it.....
  3. Well it's Mika we're talking about.. who knows? I wouldn't be surprised either way.
  4. 60 seconds is way too long. AI prediction cannot even come close to predicting that length ahead of time.
  5. TCP or UDP... latency is inevitable. You need to use special techniques to make things sync properly.
  6. From what you explained, this is not a problem with RakNet... it is a general networking problem. When I mention that networking is bloody hard I don't mean the RakNet part. Sending and receiving data is a piece of cake.. It's when you have to sync that things get difficult. Latency is an inevitable reality when it comes to Networking and it impossible to keep them completely in sync without doing some tricks. Firstly you shouldn't spawn the character on the client first. The client should send a request to spawn on the server... then the server spawns the character and sends back data saying to spawn the character on the client. Server needs to be in control. Now you need to go Google networking Linear Interpolation, Client Side Prediction & Correction. My tutorials never covered this kind of problem because they were purely a 'How to' for RakNet. Smoke and mirrors. You could easily make a paper on each of these topics so I'm not gonna try explain them here.
  7. To me making a good game is always better than making the best selling game. So be it if I am never rich... So long as I can survive and slowly expand doing what I love most.
  8. Although it is highly unlikely that this will help you I refer you to my solution on this page http://www.leadwerks...ire/#entry50106
  9. Hey I'm not saying I don't believe you when you say it's a recast limitation. Doesn't change the facts....
  10. Well that is just very sad considering recast claims to be world class.... Are we at least able to set this one and only size? or is that completely fixed? I have to really think about this now. I don't know if I can even make my game on LE3 anymore . Will there be any way to turn off the LE pathfinding?
  11. This sounds more like a shortcut than a "good constraint". This means we're limited to human or very humanoid characters in the game. This screws me up a lot tbh... I don't have any giant robots but I have a lot of things with different sized controllers. If they aren't different sized they would look stupid intersecting with each other or colliding with things that don't exist...
  12. Ok cool. So physics is run on a different thread right? That's pretty good.
  13. What about a mode for having no physics body? Not sure whether I like this or not because it seems restrictive... However, I can't really tell until I try it.
  14. Nice to know that the OpenGL 4 renderer for LE3 is already in the works
  15. What exactly runs fine with 30fps... the editor without anything added? If so I wouldn't exactly call that fine.
  16. Packaging manufacturer? Are you going to be selling LE3 in hard copy as well?
  17. Leadwerks + SpeedTree = Leadwerks with Royalties.... no thanks
  18. Graphically it looks really nice. I like the look and feel My only biff with it would be how the speed she runs doesn't match the animation. One way to get around needing a hairbrush thing is to have a standard idle animation and then a list of emote like animations. Every time the idle animations ends you have a certain chance that a random emote will be played. It seems to work pretty well. Good work. Keep it up.
  19. Android will be supported from the very start. Josh has mentioned in the past I think that he want's to streamline development for it as much as possible to make it easy to setup. Either way there will be documentation on how to use it for Android. You will need the Android SDK & NDK and probably Cygwin as well but IMO I'd wait until you get the official documentation where Josh is likely to explain exactly how to set it up to work nicely with Leadwerks.
  20. You may be right. It may just be the best thing for the industry. I wouldn't ever have problems again going to a LAN and no one can play a game because they can't use DX10 on XP. I think it will take a bit of time but Heck if that is where the games are then that is where I will go...
  21. There is a gmf scaling tool made by Marley Ghost. You can only use it on static meshes without bones. It is pretty useful. You will have to search the forum for it though I can't remember where it is.
  22. Don't get me wrong... it is rather important. I've just done a lot of it so It bores me
  23. Ah GUI programming. My most hated task. Not difficult but incredibly boring.
  24. If / when you manage to get familiar with all LE's features as well as some important coding techniques you begin to be able to figure out a way to do just about anything. Whether it is the best way to do it or not is another story. However, I find there aren't too many rules in game development, if you come up with an idea of how something might work... try it.. you never know it might just work. If it fails not all is lost you will have learned something from the experience and will be better for it.
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