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Road Kill Kenny

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Everything posted by Road Kill Kenny

  1. It was removed because people kept posting the wrong stuff in it.
  2. Has anyone here tried implementing waves by applying a sine curve function (with some randomness & a few more complexities) to the heights of rows of vertices on a plane? I'd imagine this would be a huge FPS hit but just wondering if anyone has tried it? .. If not I might just give it a try for kicks. Though I doubt it would be very viable performance wise.
  3. Yes I guess You could use it for everything static in a game world. In doing so you would probably be able to increase the poly count of everything else that moves effectively still making it a lot higher quality... I'd imagine if they could ever come up with a way to animate it they would not be able to use any conventional means like skinning etc. they would have to invent a new way to animate that has never been done before that would work.... whether that way exists or not no one knows.
  4. I don't think its a hoax. I live in the same city as this company making it and my Government is paying them a lot of money to work on it. Whether it is feasible in games is another question. They are yet to show animations and physics of course. This one is a bit of a "wait and see" and I doubt we would be seeing it being feasible (if ever feasible) in the near future. As far as being possible.. well people used to say its not possible for the world to be round. There really isn't any way of knowing if it's possible or not... To know for sure that its not possible you would have to know everything.... Of course no one has that kind of enlightenment. Nobody 100 years ago would have believed most technology we use today is 'possible. Neway that being said. I think this kinda thing would be cool but I'm sceptical that it will ever become plausible for animation and physics. In the end it doesn't really matter because graphics doesn't make games, gameplay does. .... sorry for reviving an old topic once again folks XD BTW: Its not much but I found this... Looks like Euclideon is hiring 3D Artists, this one dated Jan this year... not much but its proof they are still working on it. http://www.tsumea.com/news/190112/3d-artist-opening-at-euclideon
  5. Well not roll perse. You need to convert roll*100 to the nearest int... otherwise he'll only ever get 100 or 0.
  6. I try to keep things as simple as possible when doing this stuff. You have to keep the server in command.... So basically the server knows what everyone has... their weapons stats, armor stats etc.... When the client presses a key to attack a "Request to Attack" is sent to the server. The server analysis whether the attack can be done (i.e. goes through a bunch of pre-requisite tests") and.... if successful the server calculates the damage done by using all the stats on the server database.... then it does the damage and simply updates the HP amount on the client (as well as telling the client to do the attack but without dmg calcs) which is even safer than sending a dmg amount to the client because even if an error occurs and somehow a wrong number gets accross... the HP amount will be correct with the server next time it is updated at least.
  7. what is the value of roll usually? And put a screenshot of it.
  8. you can name them however you want. Personally I name mine like so: floor.dds floor_nmap.dds floor_spec.dds And I generally don't do more than that but you can name them anyway you want
  9. ooohhh summer release hey... Goodness you almost gave me a heart attack. But I am all better now that I have remembered that I am in the southern hemisphere so your summer is my winter hence... much sooner than I first thought when I read that hehe. Nice work btw.
  10. Right now I'd rather see LE3D come out but I think this would be good later. Although "so few people" have it I don't think it should be ignored forever.
  11. That makes the light 'project' a texture doesn't it... makes sense
  12. I don't understand why you'd want DX over OpenGL.... Read this to get a better understanding of the differences between DX and OpenGL... http://www.cprogramming.com/tutorial/openglvsdirectx.html Oh and that Hitman video is a pre-rendered video that has nothing to do with the game whatsoever.
  13. Hehe that is pretty cool... It reminds me of an old 2D game called Liquid Wars
  14. Thanks I think UPDATE with the WHERE clause is what I'm after. Cheers should be all good now. Wow its a sign I just flicked over to another tab in the chrome browser and looked like I had already clicked on the update stuff.. cheers yall. http://www.sqlite.org/lang_update.html So does this look right: (Just following the flow chart on the above linked site. UPDATE T1 SET C1=1, C2=2 WHERE id=2 So that should update columns C1 and C2 on row 2 (id is primary key) of table T1 to be 1 and 2?
  15. I have a question for those of you who use sqlite3. I know how to read and write from and into a database. However, I'm not sure exactly how to write into a specific record of a table that has already been created. So for example: Table T1 has Columns C1 & C2 so I would prepare my statement like so: sqlite3_stmt *statement; sqlite3_prepare_v2(database, "INSERT OR REPLACE INTO T1 (C1,C2) VALUES(10,50)" , -1, &statement, 0) sqlite3_step(statement); The thing I don't get is that you can choose the table name and columns but not the rows. How do you get a specific row without overwriting all the rows Now I'd imagine if I used the step function here to step through the rows it would just over write everything on its way to get to the correct row.. So basically how do I just write into the row I want... I'm probably just being a n00b here and missing something simple but please enlighten me
  16. no you need to make your textures .tga and then convert the tga to .dds .bmp and .jpeg don't have an alpha channel. So when you convert .bmp and .jpeg to a .dds you won't have an alpha channel
  17. What format are you saving your image in before converting to .dds. If you want alpha you need to save as .tga files
  18. Totally agree with this lol. You may not need all that stuff but there are definately many must haves. Rent for one... bye bye $320 a week. Food for me and my wife bye bye $80 - 120 a week, fuel to get to work bye bye $60 a week. Don't forget the electricity bill, phone bill etc. insurance yada yada yada. So yeh $200 is not very much. Besides if it weren't for LE2 there would never be an LE3D. How do you think Josh can afford to make LE3D full time? Anyway the thing is I wanted to be a game dev since bloody primary school. However, I knew this was not financially feasible straight off the bat. I had to get a more stable job to support myself and wife and I would work towards my dream. Hence I became an Engineer... Engineering is boring as hell and I go to work dreaming of game deving all day.... I have no passion for it. However, it was the right choice and I wouldn't change it for anything. Because now I can survive while I game dev. What I'm saying here is reality is much more difficult than your planning. Sometimes you have to sacrifice first to get into a position where you can achieve your dreams whatever that may be. That goes for anything not just game dev.
  19. OMG! $200..... the pain... What you want it upfront?? X| oh no I'm not going to eat for a month now. Someone save me.... I don't think I can handle the the once of ever $200 fee which is the price to pay for royalty fee... Unreal and Unity could take millions off me if I'm successful but Oh $200 for life is way too much. nah I'm done with this thread.
  20. Wow... $200 Scott..... that is so unaffordable. For a proffessional copy of DXStudio when I was still there was $800......... and that thing is **** compared to LE....
  21. I wouldn't take any of these reviews seriously to be honest. I came from an engine called DXStudio... and to be honest it is a kids toy. However, it gets 5 stars (http://devmaster.net/devdb/engines/dx-studio#user-reviews) for being idiot proof even though it lacks the ability to make unique games.. However, I used it for a long time and took me a while to see through the idiot proof stuff to find out that it was pretty hopeless.... hence I came here where I have freedom to make my game however I want without being limited to an "editor" Most of the complaints in the LE reviews fit into the (its too hard for me catagory imo).
  22. Haha I saw a review in there saying Abyssal Engine is better.... I know for a fact that the owner of Abyssal posts **** like that in a lot of places..... So that explains that one.
  23. I have a feeling that a lot of people want everything in 1 package where they can pretty much make the whole game in the editor... I personally couldn't care less about that but a lot of people do I guess. In my opinion the editor is just fine for its purpose.. Wow you're right I had a look the reviews.... the latest 6 reviews give only 2 stars 3 stars max but all the older ones are 4 - 5.......
  24. FRAPS is way better than Camstudio no doubt. It is made for this kinda thing. I would highly recommend getting it. I highly recommend myself to get it when Im not buying model packs n such hehe.
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