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Posts posted by wailingmonkey

  1. Everyone can do such workflow with leadwerks. All Josh needs to do is a simple function which allows to turn selected models into a group.

    Without a grouping feature it would be a bit tricky to select the building as one. decals are done by quite some forum members now. maybe

    they even can be done be displayed on geometry

    sorry to quote you again, Michael, but you seem to be dismissing what appears to be a valid example of a few feature

    requests as if they already ship with the engine. It may be possible to emulate what's going on in that video currently with

    LW and a good bit of custom programming, but the toolset to do it is not currently in existence...hence the OP's request

    I'd imagine.


    Why would an artist/level-builder not want such a toolset at their disposal?

  2. .....what he said! :P



    are you able to allow the decal to traverse(project) over multiple objects and the terrain at the same time?

  3. it's going to depend on the object in question's actual scale in the scene

    as well as it's importance to the level. (and expected distance from the player/camera)


    you will be wasting valuable memory by using 4K X 4K textures on 'everything'.


    bad example, but does the custom coffee cup with the "I love Fridays" in the

    breakroom level really need a 4K texture? (realistically, you could probably

    have it 256X256 with proper UV space set to the text itself)

  4. I'd love to see (in this order):


    -Path finding library(including formations, hiding behind geometry, avoiding collisions)

    {-Collision Detection and AI}

    -NPC Behavior library

    -cut scene manager system(interactive/non interactive)


    In your examples for Path Finding, it would seem that they are basically forms of 'NPC Behavior',

    so I'd love to be able to just plug any animation in based upon a specific criteria being met.

    (ex., villain is leg-shot, so 'lower_health=%50' and a 'limp' animation can be blended into the

    normal 'run' animation). Allowing for that, or similar, style of blending and customization would

    be awesome.


    And this would bring me to my own additional library request, which would be that of 'collision

    detection and AI'. Ideally, this would again allow for custom assignment of criteria and response

    on our part. (so another example: NPC struck by sword on arm, play animation 'arm-hit_drop-weapon'

    blended onto the normal upper body 'defend' animation) It would be wonderful to be able to also

    define the collision object bone as well as a radius from said bone.


    I too would pay for 'libraries' like these. B)



    When LUA was first proposed, I had thought this kind of thing (libraries, or self-contained coded

    'plugins' to LE) was one of the intended uses...but I'm curious how your idea of 'Libraries' would


  5. Pancakes...good start. In terms of facial anatomy, you really should pick up a cheap anatomy book to

    hit some general 'rules' of structure (unless you're going for stylized). Some initial things that stand

    out are that the base of the nose is well under the ear-lobe (front-view) when it should be about level.

    Also, where the ear connects to the head is generally where the eyes line up. With a decent anatomy book

    you will see proportions and tricks for alignment of facial features, etc... well worth the '2-5 cups of

    coffee' investment! :)

  6. time delay weapons and booby traps...


    effective camoulflage....




    I initially took the above to mean literal 'time delay' weapons, and not just delayed fuses, so...

    a counter to these traps, called 'burst' mode (which depletes without some form of recharging):


    - speeds the player's movement for a short distance (opportunity to show off kewl rendering techniques -- both from

    the player's perspective and those viewing the player)

    - can be used to counter getting stuck in a time-delay booby-trap (one that makes the player move like molasses

    and become an easy target)

    - can take you out of harm's way ('incoming!') far enough from blast radius that you don't die

    - can be used to get somewhere faster, if you can afford to use it that way




  7. hmm...think you might want to change the ball-joint in knee to a hinge joint,

    and the hinge joint in the ankle to a ball-joint...


    in traditional DCC packages you'd also have an 'up-vector' object controlling the

    alignment of where the knee/hinge joint should be directed.


    but I'm no animation expert </legal clause> :)

  8. just to be sure, rick, you realize that you can have a 4096X4096 texture atlas that could

    theoretically hold 256 different shirt variations all at a 'usable' resolution of 256 pixels (image)


    for higher resolution, your mileage decreases...but that's a lot of shirts in my book... :)


  9. ergo, not exactly what you said at first, is it?



    anyhow, not trying to demonize you....just get tired of seeing people put stuff up for

    free and of their own sweat and then have those that reap the rewards barely manage to

    either put forth some of their own effort to try it, or at the very least say a bit of 'thanks'...


    apologies for derailing, TylerH. :)

    • Upvote 1
  10. I didn't 'down-rate' you (don't ever really check those things nor think they mean much), but come on:


    Below is a drop in replacement for postfilter.frag


    you can't take the time to do that, why should he?...or move on and save your comments for yourself. :)


    (doing the above quote would have taken less time than me commenting now :lol: )

    • Upvote 1
  11. there seems to be *some* difference in model-viewers, but I was comparing 2.26 to 2.3 when

    I tested...anyhow, here's a screenie of the rock in 2.3 with edits I made to the specular. (below)



    I've uploaded all my changes here: http://www.mediafire.com/?nm4wwmz1izm


    and you will see that the 'new_SPEC.tga' is way more subtle in terms of value and highlights.


    I also edited your .mat file values for spec and gloss to 1.5 and .5, respectively.


    Take note of the 'spec-changes-screenie.jpg' in the .rar file to see how drastically different

    the specular alpha values look in 2.22's TextureTool.exe program that Josh made for us way back

    when. (I'd advise you download it for your future material edits, as it's quite handy)


    Of course, maybe you are going for a very shiny wet rock and should disregard all of the above... :)




    *edit* By the way...you may want to edit your UVs a little so you can take care of the seam issue

    you've got going right now...or maybe not. :lol:


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