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Posts posted by wailingmonkey

  1. "3dCoat uses p-tex which is not very usable if you want to paint your model in a 2d program."


    it is 1 auto-UV option, of 2...you don't have to leave it as ptex, you can use the programs other

    options to UV-map your object as you would in other software (placing seams, and choosing the unwrap

    style that best fits: ABF LSCM, Planar). The other auto-UV option is the developer's own, and was meant to

    be a quick way to import an object and get to painting fast---by no means is it as optimal as creating your own

    UV layout within the program.

  2. Here's some definitions (see image).


    These are a mix of how 3DCoat handles blending layers (Modulate 2X, Add), and

    a description of how Photoshop handles layers.....in this sense, not sure how LW

    has it implemented, but a starting place for you, I guess.

    post-29-063312100 1284360480_thumb.gif

  3. that looks awesome, Pixel! I don't recall from watching your vids, but is there a 'buffer' property that one can assign,

    for instance, if you wanted to allow somewhat 'close' proximity to a tree?


    Keep up the good werk, dood! :)

  4. I never adopted WASD (and HATE having no ability to customize it if that's the default) and

    I usually ended up 1st-3rd place in the old quake2 CTF days...


    I use:


    z = move left (strafe)

    x = move right (strafe)

    c = crouch

    v = backwards

    space = jump

    shift(left) = use item


    If there's a bunch of additional functionality needed, I'll assign keys to 'b, f, g, r' (and I'll

    put 'a' and 's' as lean-left, lean-right if they're available)



  5. Saving your original out at 4K might be considered wise, Roland, but I'd be more apt to

    be using main character textures at closer to 1K for body and *maybe* 1K for head. 2K if

    you have a lot of close-up capability.


    This will really depend on what your camera will be showing (and the dominant perspective

    you intend to run throughout the game). Otherwise, you're wasting texture space on things

    that, when seen in-game, won't support the higher resolution.


    (I'm not stalking you, Roland...you just happened to ask questions I thought I could help

    with today) :D

  6. haven't use LE in ages, but from 2.26 I used:




    (don't know if that's correct for animated meshes, tho, nor if things have changed since multiple updates)


    Regarding specular, I always added it via 'TextureTool.exe' into the alpha of the normal map, then saved as .dds.

  7. wow!...wow. huge respect, Pixel Perfect!


    watched all 3 vids you've posted so far and I can say I'd love to have this capability

    in editing and setting up AI. Can't wait to see how you implement NPC logic choices based

    upon waypoints and/or player status (will you throw randomization control in there too?...

    like 80% accurate to a certain choice/action, 20% accurate, etc.)


    excellent, excellent work, my friend! :)

  8. nice job, Naughty Alien. :D


    (on the art side, I think you could bump up the Ambient Occlusion on the texture a bit --- to

    pop the underlying scales more --- and work on the specular --- less intense and more related

    to the diffuse scales/design to avoid some of the plastic toy look)

  9. now it's easier to see proportions and form/placement. ;)


    again, if you want realism (or close) then find some resource (there's tons) on the web

    to cross-reference your anatomy and proportions. It's off in lots of places, and a reference

    pic will tell you immediately where. (use 3dc's reference plane option, or just snapshot and

    align in Photoshop/Gimp)


    if you want to be stylized to a large degree, then it looks like you've got some reasonable

    landmarks in there to give the proper gender impression.


    regarding the hair, an option (since you're using 3dc) might be to create your planes with

    the retopo tool initially, then move/scale them a bit in blender. There's also lots of tutorials

    for hair and alpha planes around as well.


    good luck! :)

  10. read what omid3098 wrote again...he's not saying you nailed it.


    if you are going for somewhat realistic:


    -head too small

    -hands too big (probably forearms too)

    -feet too big

    -legs too long in proportion to body


    if you are going for stylized...well, then do what you want. :)



    if you want more honest critiques from artists who do character art, then post this up at polycount.com

    or gameartisans or some such...and post shots of the model from ortho front/back/side rather than just

    perspective-3/4 and slightly above. ;)

  11. Looks around him for his modelers and level designers :angry: Most of us small Indie outfits dont have that luxury!

    Anything that helps and makes the flow more productive has to be a good thing.

    I think they went out for beers with my programmers and never came back!


    (and I definitely agree with you, Pixel Perfect...not sure about the demographics of who's buying LW,

    but if I had to wager I'd say the bulk of purchases go to single-man 'shops', and that's why I find

    it odd to think that building in 'toolsets' to optionally manage engine features--instead of purely

    self-coded--tends to help the majority of the consumer base to use LW to it's fullest. Which in turn,

    will allow for more games being released, instead of just screenshots.)

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