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Everything posted by Thomas

  1. Do s.th. good and give us a native gnu/linux implementation ;p Maybe we'll even meet some time in League of Legends. If i ever get back to this god damnit flamer children game. With my old 2k1 elo it was playable, but then season 2 with elo reset + some elo decay and welcome in the hell with almost no way out.
  2. 12/21/2012 ;p iOS will kill us all!
  3. This won't end in the best result. It's far better to give feedback to certain things as text, instead of pressing the designer's creativity in a template (more or less).
  4. I like it But now this 'Forum' label is a thorn in my eye. Do we need it? Would it be possible to remove that?
  5. Black bars over the boxes on the right side also would look better. Just this big, black 'thing' over every category is not what i really going to like on the first view. And maybe the bars a little brighter
  6. Don't forget Linux! It's more important as windows
  7. Are you kidding me? But Back2Topic now ;P
  8. are there really some persons using dotNOT? (just a joke from a unix developer )
  9. r4 has been broken on 132 MB
  10. my WinOS is unable to download the file successfully All i get is binary **** Edit: Mh... same with Linux... Something went terrible wrong, i think...
  11. This game made me really, really depressed a few days ago
  12. send me a PM (in german) and please... don't use the google translator... it's terrible
  13. you get the converter when download the engine (inside the tools directory) yes, you can
  14. from maya too fbx and then the fbx2gmx converter. works fine here
  15. yes it is CS5 will be quite buggy before the first patch comes out
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