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Posts posted by Robert_d1968

  1. I also tried out the OpenGL on two computers both computers were Alienware's None would display a thing in the box for the 

    Display to be drawn in..  On my alienware it has the gforce 880M video card, it works great with lead werks.

    But I see, that Windows 10 seems to have problems with AMD graphics drivers and I did notice alot of AMD stuff in that program.



  2. In this section of code there is an Error...


    while (!window->Closed())
            iVec2 sz = subwindow->ClientSize();                        "It states that this is not declared"  What should it be declared as?
            glViewport(0, 0, sz.x, sz.y);
            glClearColor(0.15f, 0.15f, 0.15f, 1.0f);

            glColor3f(1, 0, 0);
            glVertex3f(0, 0.5, 0);
            glColor3f(0, 1, 0);
            glVertex3f(0.5, -0.5, 0);
            glColor3f(0, 0, 1);
            glVertex3f(-0.5, -0.5, 0);


    Thanks for any help, Robert

  3. Is this for Ultra App Kit?

    I would like to use this function in there if it is..




    PS. I see it is in C++ language but it does not define what goes where.

    IE. the fist box of code and the second box of code.

  4. I will write some types of plugins once i get used to C++.  I have never made a plugin using C++.

    I'm a XOjO programmer and I just don't like C++. But I will give it a shot this time around.

    I program in assembly language, python and Basic.

    But it will take a bit to get used to Visual C++.


  5. thank you sir, That seemed to get it working for me...

    Now all I have to do is figure out how to use the plugins... ?


    PS is there a special place to ad them to Ultra Engine? Or do they get installed in the Visual C++ somplace?

  6. first error:  Severity    Code    Description    Project    File    Line    Suppression State
    Warning    MSB8003    The WindowsSDKDir property is not defined. Some build tools may not be found.    GUI Application    C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft Visual Studio\2019\Community\MSBuild\Microsoft\VC\v160\Microsoft.CppBuild.targets    501  


    And a warning: 

    Severity    Code    Description    Project    File    Line    Suppression State
    Warning    MSB8003    The WindowsSDKDir property is not defined. Some build tools may not be found.    GUI Application    C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft Visual Studio\2019\Community\MSBuild\Microsoft\VC\v160\Microsoft.CppBuild.targets    501    

    Did i miss installing something?


  7. Hello there, Microsoft just updated my Visual Studio to:

    Microsoft Visual Studio Community 2019
    Version 16.9.1

    No debugging works or compile does not work, it has some errors in it like it is miss configured.

    Shall I uninstall it and reinstall it? or will it works with that version of 16.9.1 ?

  8. I'm using App kit, but it seems the name is now: ULTRAENGINE.


    It seems to be stuck in the C++ language and I can't change it. It states to select the language in the header at the top of the page, but It never shows up.

    I also see no way to create a thing in this application...  Where is a good place to start with it?


    Thanks for your help,


  9. Hello there,

    I have just purchased Ultra app kit. With that being said, where is the best place to find the documentation for this program?

    I would like to start building an application with this software, but I see no way to get started using it.


    Thanks for any help that you can provide.


  10. Okay, I have decided to make use of XOJO to create a program to load the map into a canvas control and draw it.

    This will allow me to inspect it and to find any mistakes in it.

    It looks to me as if the map is encoded in some type of ascii format. is this correct?


  11. I did find a a part for the wall being drawn at run time above the second sub enclosure about 30 feet into the air.

    But It does not show up in the scene. it's like it's a ghost box or something... 

    How can I find this to delete it?

    thanks for any help that you can provide,


  12. I'm a bit like what the heck now, I have attached the PushButton.lua script to the control panel and am using the slider script on the elevator.

    I have the use output in the flow-graph editor going to the open input on the slider script for the elevator... 

    I would think this should work, but nope...

    Is this the correct scripts to be using for this?




  13. I tried this in 4.7 and in 4.6, It would seem that the flowgraph editor is not working for me, I can wire it up but it never works.

    This is something wrong with it...

    I used steam to scan the leadwerks program, but nothing was found wrong..  I did uninstall 4.7 and went back to 4.6 did a re-install of that one, still does not work.

    I tried deleting the the contents in the folders after the install, but still after installing it again, It does not work.


    Is there something else that I'm missing to get this working again?

    Thanks for any help,


  14. Around when will this be ready to purchase. I'm looking foward to it..

    And thanks for your teams effort to get this out as soon as possible. I would really like to purchase soon as It becomes available.



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