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Everything posted by SpiderPig

  1. SpiderPig


    Amazing 🙂
  2. Ah it was the fact I hadn't copied the materials folder over or renamed shader families to use .fam instead of .json, thanks for that.
  3. I literally just discovered this too. Was about to make a post. EDIT : I can confirm also that it works as expected.
  4. This model's been exported from blender. Loading it in the editor crashes the program and loading it my game does the same. Haven't used this file in a while but it has worked before. PineLarge_001.zip
  5. Thanks, I did this in BeginDispatch(): switch (hook) { case ComputeHook::RENDER: world->AddHook(HookID::HOOKID_RENDER, BeginComputeShaderDispatch, info, !oneTime); break; case ComputeHook::TRANSFER: world->AddHook(HookID::HOOKID_RENDER, BeginComputeShaderDispatch, info, !oneTime); break; } It doesn't crash now and the cubes spin but remain pink.
  6. Ah I see. Glad I asked before buying one, thanks
  7. Thanks for the info. Dust is my main problem and I thought less fans meant less dust but I can see that might not be the case...
  8. Hey @klepto2 I just tried you compute shader example here. I'm using the latest shaders and I'm getting a consistent access violation in this function: void Reset(VkCommandBuffer buffer) { vkCmdResetQueryPool(buffer, _queryPool, 0, 2); } Any insight you might have is appreciated.
  9. Hey guys, any one here have a water cooled rig? I'm thinking of doing mine as I'm tired of all the dust inside and on the fan inlets but don't know much about water cooling...
  10. Looks terrific, good job!
  11. Updated to v1.1. Release notes in download.
  12. Would it be possible to see an added component affect the object it was added too in the editor? Like the Mover component, I add it and then change the rotation parameter and start seeing the object rotate. I can see how it could work for Lua components but maybe not C++ components. Anyway just a thought.
  13. Yeah I didn't think so. I must have got confused somewhere along the line about what project I was using.
  14. If I write a component in C++ how does it work with a LUA project without needing to be compiled by visual studio?
  15. Tiny error in the example here. Resume() is not part of Thread. https://www.ultraengine.com/learn/Thread_GetResult?lang=cpp
  16. Yes I've been called out with that one too. Glad it's fixed!
  17. I can't see anything else wrong with your code but I'm no lua expert so I'm just rattling off things that might help now... world not null?
  18. Have you checked to make sure start() is actually being called? Maybe a print or notify in there just to be sure that's not the issue?
  19. My first obvious observation. Might just be a typo in the post
  20. While there is no viewer in the shader editor (probably will be once Ultra supports C#) you can create a file watcher in your application to watch the changes you make in real-time. Within a second or two Add this at the start of your program. auto watcher = CreateFileSystemWatcher("Materials"); And add this to your loop. while (PeekEvent()) { auto ev = WaitEvent(); if (ev.id == EVENT_FILECHANGE or ev.id == EVENT_FILECREATE) { //Look for a loaded asset with this file path auto asset = FindCachedAsset(ev.text); if (asset) { //Reload the modified asset if (asset->As<Material>() != nullptr) { auto material = asset->As<Material>(); vector<shared_ptr<Texture>> textures; for (int id = 0; id < 16; id++) { auto tex = material->GetTexture(id); textures.push_back(tex); } asset->Reload(); //If you assign textures progmatically you need to do this to make sure the newly loaded material has them too. material = asset->As<Material>(); for (int id = 0; id < 16; id++) { material->SetTexture(textures[id], id); } } else { asset->Reload(); } } } } You can also setup the shader project to automatically compile and export to multiple projects that may use it. In 'Preferences' under 'Export Options' you can browse to any one of your Ultra projects and add them to the list. This list will be saved between any shader project. You then need to check which Ultra project you want the shader to be exported to and then check 'Auto Export' and 'Save'. Every time the shader project is changed it will attempt to compile. If the compile is successful and 'Auto Export' is checked it will copy all relevant files over to each of the selected Ultra projects in the 'Materials' folder. If 'Auto Export" is disabled, you can go to File->Export All. This is mine. If you have the code above running in your application and your app is running as you edit your shader, you should see it update as you make changes.
  21. Updated start of the thread with a download to try.
  22. Took a few days but I now have high res normal maps generated on the fly as patch's of real-world heightmap data are streamed in. Need to get multithreading working now as its a bit slow. Materials are painted based on slope in the shader. Still loads of work to do there too.
  23. Works perfectly thankyou!
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