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Everything posted by xtreampb

  1. So i have a concern about the paying for updates. What if i don't want what was released in lets say 3.2 but i want what is included in 3.3 Will i have to buy both 3.2 and 3.3 or would i be able to just buy 3.3 upgrade. I think people would be more welcome and accepting to that since you have decided to charge for the addition of features.
  2. what is a literal i can use for this var?
  3. nope my PC is running constantly and has been on for a while. an appspeed is a positive value as stated in my original post. @cassius it throws the error in debug, and release configurations
  4. xtreampb

    Unit Testing

    community optimized code. awesomeness. @canardian can you post a quick example of what you mean by moving loop vars closer to loop to use registers.
  5. ok so would it be best to have a separate function (apart from the mObj::~mObj() function) that will delete the itself. when i want the object to removed because i'm done with it, I call this function. a separate question. After i'm done processing this object with outside object and functions. Can i remove it from my vector and have it manage itself. more specifically. once it collides, it shows a destroyed model. at this point i want to remove it from my vector and the object starts a timer. when the timer hits 5 secs it deletes itself. am i making sense, and if so, is this praticale?
  6. so i'm coding doing my thing. squashing bugs as can you probably see when all of a sudden i get this error... Unhandled exception at 0x00a5eb16 in Castle Defense-Debug.exe: 0xC0000005: Access violation reading location 0x061e4e58. what makes this hard is that this breaks in the engine.cpp file at this function void UpdateWorld(float stepsize) { leUpdateWorld(stepsize); } i trace the stack to this function call UpdateWorld(AppSpeed()) ; i have made no changes anywhere near this line of code. So why is it all of a sudden complaining. the stepsize that i have when i break is approx 1.1752819 +/- 0.03 Suggestions greatly appriciated ~Xtreampb~
  7. so sort of like a built in memory management/garbage collector. My current question is that i continously loop through the above code. when i'm done looping through do i need to do anything with this pointer. It is stored in the vector so my logic is to remove this pointer b/c i'm not using it. but like i said when i remove the pointer i call "delete _Block;" it removes the reference from my vector. So am i correct in saying when i delete a pointer in one place, it also deletes that pointer in another.
  8. Confusion, can someone please better explain what this DLL does, and is it for C++ use of the engine?
  9. Ok so i'm trying to preform some memory management by deleting pointers to my object that have already been stored in arrays. so like the code below cBlock *_Block=new cBlock(true); _Block->SetPosition(_Pos); SetEntityCallback(_Block->GetFullModel(), (byte*)Coll, ENTITYCALLBACK_COLLISION); CobbleVec.push_back(*_Block); ObjVec.push_back(_Block);//must push back all blocks //delete _Block; i had to remove the delete _Block; line because i believe it is removing all the data completely (based on tests I've been running). I feel as though if I don't delete _Block it will result in a memory leak. As you can see i'm placing this in 2 different vectors. My question is how do I delete this pointer with out removing all references to my object. Is there like a copy command I don't know about? Thanks ~Xtreampb~
  10. i know it has something to do with my collisions. When my object collides it is destroyed. What i think is happening is it is colliding a second time and it hasn't been destroyed from the first collision. so it tries to destroy it the second time but there is nothing to destroy.
  11. xtreampb

    the stack

    I'm trying to do some debugging. When my code goes to the "un-handled exception, press break to debug" message box, it takes me to the utility and vector source code. I know that the bug is in my code, not these classes. So i'm asking how do i use the stack to debug my code. I know i can see what function threw the error, but does it give me any more information like args passed to it? I've never had to use the stack before now so i'm in-experienced in using it to debug software. Thanks ~Xtreampb~
  12. xtreampb


    can i get a little more background. I want to try to incorporate this into a class that already has models and such. Is CurrentTime() an LE built-in function? How is update being called
  13. xtreampb


    I'm trying to figure out how to create and use a timer. Basically when five seconds pass i want to fire a function. Does anyone have any ideas on how i can do this?
  14. xtreampb

    Happy New Year

    is this going to be done through C++, lua, or both.
  15. xtreampb

    Happy New Year

    LE3 on disk would make leadwerks OFFICIAL One quick question. is there (G)UI building support ((g)ui classes) in LE3
  16. can you provide a link with more details about "tolua++"
  17. i have discovered that programming is a theory and the language we use is just the tool used to apply the theory. I like to create multiple programs, each testing individual components that go into my main application. This helps me cut out all the extra code that can clutter my logic. then go back and clean it up, then finally, copy and paste.
  18. does this mean LE3 will be available to makes games for linux
  19. try this to lessen the code Bool Debug=false; if(KeyHit(KEY_Z)) Debug!=Debug; DebugPhysics(Debug); This should set Debug to what it is not
  20. I want to create a lua script but expose the functions of this script to my C++ game. I am making the UI in lua and want to do something like this KeyHit(KEY_P) { //do lua function calls //int result=luaUIBtnPress(); } I would also like to send what button was pressed in my lua UI back to my C++ function, as shown above. Can anyone guide me on how i can do this or a better way to do this. Or should I just use wxWidgets or another UI library? Thanks ~Xtreampb~
  21. xtreampb


    oh oh oh oh super secret special surprise. my guess is LINUX support.
  22. I fixed the issue. I needed to set my block object as a pointer and pass the pointer to the list that stored all my block objects.
  23. my OnColl function is only calling the collision of the last instance of the class that was created. so if one entity collides with another, if another instance of the entity was created after this one, then only the last entity collision function will be called. so another example, object_1 object_2 object_3 was created using class A. rock_1 rock_2 rock_3 was created using class b. when rock_ rock_2 rock_3 collide with object_2, the collisions for object_3 is called and executed. this is done using ricks method. is this happening b/c of polymorphism? i don't see how. anyone got any ideas?
  24. oohhhhh 'super secret special surprise' wonder what makes it 'special'
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