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Everything posted by smashthewindow

  1. CEGUI doesn't have that big of a learning curve actually, but it's REALLY bloated library (CEGUI dlls are more heavy than Leadwerks dll...) All you have to do is design everything in the provided layout editor and only use C++ code to set callback functions.
  2. You remind me of the times when I was struggling with CEUGI... 간단합니다. 마우스가 눌러져있지 않은 프레임에는 ButtonUp 함수를 호출해주어야합니다. Example: if( MouseDown(LE::MOUSE_LEFT) ) CEGUI::System::getSingleton().injectMouseButtonDown( CEGUI::MouseButton::LeftButton ); else CEGUI::System::getSingleton().injectMouseButtonUp( CEGUI::MouseButton::LeftButton ); if( MouseDown(LE::MOUSE_MIDDLE) ) CEGUI::System::getSingleton().injectMouseButtonDown( CEGUI::MouseButton::MiddleButton ); else CEGUI::System::getSingleton().injectMouseButtonUp( CEGUI::MouseButton::MiddleButton ); if( MouseDown(LE::MOUSE_RIGHT) ) CEGUI::System::getSingleton().injectMouseButtonDown( CEGUI::MouseButton::RightButton ); else CEGUI::System::getSingleton().injectMouseButtonUp( CEGUI::MouseButton::RightButton ); 또한 이것도 나중에 막히실것 같아서 미리 말해두는데 CEGUI Animations 시스템을 사용시에는 CEGUI에 마지막 프레임에서부터 걸린 시간을 입력해 주어야합니다. Example: (CEGUI 렌더링전 매 프레임마다 호출해 주십시요.) CEGUI::System::getSingleton().injectTimePulse( (AppTime()-m_timestep)/1000 ); m_timestep = AppTime();
  3. I'm thinking of a teleport function which moves an entity with exactly the same movement info and relative position to the entrance as it came in, which is why I need the normals and the force. Does the movement info ( velocity, force) get preserved after PositionEntity()? I don't have access to a Windows platform till next weekend so unfortunately I cannot test this...
  4. But then how would the normal or force vector be expressed in global coordinate? Also is there a LE function to change position relative to entity0?
  5. void _stdcall EntityCollisionCallback( TEntity entity0, TEntity entity1, byte* position, byte* normal, byte* force, flt speed ) Is the position, normal, force parameters relative to entity0 or entity1?
  6. .layout 파일은 xml로 스크립팅하시고 기본 레이아웃을 불러들여서 각 버튼마다 호출할 콜백을 설정하시면 됩니다.
  7. (Excuse the foreign language, I'll reply in Korean.) 저 한국인입니다만 저 그래프로는 무엇을 말하는지 모르겠네요. 리소스에디터로 만들고, CEGUI 인스턴스를 게임내 생성하고 CEGUI 싱글톤 매니져에서 생성한 윈도우 찾아 콜백을 설정하시면 끝입니다만...
  8. My OpenGL book shows how they made Shrek and 2012. A line summary: Create models just like you would for a game, animate them using 3d motion cameras or just by labor, and render them in high-quality in a massive render farm. Interesting to know that they used OpenGL for the renderer.
  9. TinyXML is pretty mature & stable, and the only place where I have to save to an external file is settings & animations (since my game doesn't even have save), so I'll still to XML for now. When I work on something more complex, I guess I have to option but to learn SQL.
  10. is there a significant speed difference or advantage between saving it as SQLite database and XML file?
  11. Just curious, how are everyone managing their animations system? I don't want a bunch of big enums or defines in code, so I'm thinking of creating a separate XML file to save the animation info there. (Or I might just save them as entity keys and cast them...) How are everyone managing animations?
  12. If I add a white transparent material to the window, will it still be bright?
  13. I played splinter cell conviction yesterday, and started working on a code solution for an environmental HUD. I eventually gave up, but tried something similar for my main menu only. 3D Main Menu GUI: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=j1bTGBlLeNo&feature=youtu.be You might wanna skip a minute or so to see menu selection. P.S: Does anyone know how I could get strong lightning as shown on my first video? That was when I didn't have a ceiling on my room... Now it's blocking the directional light...
  14. Thank you, I've been thinking that's what happens but it clears a lot for me
  15. I've been trying to create the controller class in Leadwerks to C++. The frequency of collision callback getting called seems to be random - in some frames they are called once, in some frame several times. So say that I have a boolean function that is set to true on collision callback function, and I do my jump if the boolean is set to true. I'm not sure where I should be setting that boolean to false, beginning of every frame gives me false-positives. Anyone shed some light on this?
  16. Nice idea. I guess if you import it into 3DWS or other modelling software it would be easy reference for size. It's what I do with my marbles.
  17. Chinese eh? Fine, then here's Korean: 모두들 크리스마스 잘 보내세요~
  18. Ended up solving it completely differently, but thanks for the reply.
  19. How would you check the distance check from the surface of a sphere? I can only think of distance check from the sphere's center. EDIT: Oh wait, EntityDistance()... will give that a go EDIT2: EntityDistance( _ball, _ground ) is never returning 0... some value like 3.65 . Am I doing this right? This is insanely frustrating.
  20. I have a big problem. I need to call collision callback function every frame whenever a model is in contact with the ground. However, whenever the body is inactive (or not-moving) the callback doesn't seem to get called. Let me show you what I mean. Now notice the UpdateCollision() function being called & the ball behind it being active (or moving) and shown in green in physics debug mode. However, if you see the picture above, the function does not get called (should be called between PreUpdate() and PostUpdate()) when the ball in inactive. The ball is shown in red in debug mode. Now is this normal or is it just a bug? This functionality takes up a crucial part of the my game, and I can't find any other solution. Thanks for taking interest.
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