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Rekindled Phoenix

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Posts posted by Rekindled Phoenix

  1. Actually Fortran is not always faster than C++, but only in most cases. C++ wins when it can use the super efficient STL vector classes, because it's much faster than a hand-made linked list. I don't know how that is possible, but it just is so.


    You amuse me :)

  2. Lazlo's (and ZioRed's) code has served the community well.

    I may be content with the available libraries, but the community may not be. If you feel the Leadwerks.Net library is missing something, feel free to reply with a suggestion below!

    (Can't suggest events and inheritance, since they already are supported.)



    And remember, the C# libraries for Leadwerks come in two flavors:


    - Spiced Nutmeg (Leadwerks.Net)

    - French Vanilla (LE.Net)

  3. I believe Steamworks is like using any another library for networking, achievements, and user updates. The developers are on their own, as if it was any other third-party library. You send commands to their servers using their API to retrieve user information.


    Running Visual Studio (and Leadwerks) using the Steam Client displays the overlay. It attaches to any child process using an OpenGL / DirectX window, and thus is completely separate from the Leadwerks engine.


    (picture shown)


  4. I'm working on this issue today. There's nothing wrong the the shader, but I'm going to have to find a way around this since ATI isn't going to fix their drivers. I wish they would just roll them back six months and stop releasing updates.


    Could you explain in layman's terms what's causing the issue? I'm extremely curious.

  5. Just trying to figure out if I can use this in Visual Basic 2010 Express ?

    Yes you can. It is recommended that your libraries be using .Net 4


    It said somewhere it comes as a DLL.

    'Leadwerks.Net' Wrapper can be used to access the Leadwerks engine.

    (Located HERE)


    'LE.Net', is an alternative library, but is only a direct export of the Leadwerks API without events or strongly-typed inheritance.

    (Located HERE)


    Add either DLL as a reference to your project. VB.Net can call methods from any managed library using the Microsoft's CLR (Common Language Runtime): C#, Visual C++, and even *shudder* F#.


    Not really sure where it is coming from at the moment as I couldn't find any VB examples.

    Take any C# example and paste it into this online converter:Developer Tools Converter


    Does anyone here use it in VB.NET and can shed some light. Like do you do the scripting in Visual Studio or is it it's own editor.

    Leadwerks is a very flexible engine, extensible for scripting both within code, and within the editor. This all depends on your programming style, and whether you wish to learn Lua (which I'd highly recommend). I tend to use a mix of both.


    I have the most experience on the forums when it comes to VB.Net, and will be more than willing to answer any questions you may have.

  6. Just creating a new PHY body with phygen should resolve your issue.


    It did! That solved it! Apparently the method that the Sandbox Editor uses creates PHY files that, for some reason, aren't affected by gravity.


    Should this be reported as a bug?

  7. Unfortunately, that doesn't work.

    (When dragged into the editor, properties mass and gravity are set appropriately, but the object never moves / falls)


    Look at the script for the fixture_hanginglight object. There is no reference to any include file, though they are used and work correctly.

    Same goes for the oil drum, which doesn't specify keys at all, yet is initialized with gravity.


    I'm completely confused...

  8. I'm looking at the Oil drum object, and even the cage lights which are initialized with gravity in the Sandbox editor, and can't replicate the same results! What is wrong with this script?



    local class=CreateClass(...)
    function class:CreateObject(model)
    local object=self.super:CreateObject(model)
    -- OR
    function object:Init()

  9. Here' a recent article on C++ vs C# performance. I know this will not apply to LW for most cases but I thought it would be interesting to share.

    First, I'd like to say thank you for the article. It seems to be very informative, with thorough examples.

    Though, apparently TheoLogic has valid reasons to think this article is rubbish



    Please, in the future, could you post this within the general programming forums? Since there is a constant wave of C# bashing and would be best if placed somewhere else where all languages would have equal ground for discussion.



    I don't think any language wants their flaws picked apart, especially if the programmers using the language already know what they are.

    Basically what Metatron does every week.

  10. I didn't think that I would have to manually call the garbage collector for a script engine... but whatever works!


    collectgarbage(collect) should work if I'm specifying the exact objects in quesiton.

  11. I wrote a small bit of code to cycle though a collection of entities and draw lines between their positions. The objects were not creating any new meshes, only drawing and looping through collections. I had the fortunate mistake of leaving my computer on while eating lunch, and encountered an out of memory exception within the Sandbox. So I ask...


    1. When is the optimal place to use local? What object datatypes are best, if any?


    2. Is it possible calling functions within another function delays the garbage collector?


    3. using collection = classnametable["info_pathing_node"], can I call this once and reuse it? Or do I have to create it every loop in case a new object was added?


    4. Will calling AddHook() with a function cause a small memory leak over time?

  12. I'd want to be able to create high-end graphics, but change the OpenGL settings to allow for extremely simple graphics for customers with dinosaurs as computers.


    Vindictus does this by allowing you to choose different DirectX versions (8 didn't support certain texture maps, rending faster)

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