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Everything posted by Canardia

  1. Yeah, that would make sense, since I don't usually make errors, and I still get those messages. LUA errors show up also differently, with a clear line number and descriptive syntax error. I think the access violation is just a simple memory violation caused by the memory allocation routine of the built-in script editor.
  2. Yeah, I wasn't saving either, it's a bit wierd that LUA errors can occur even when you haven't saved the file yet. Maybe some workaround, like adding -- to the front of the line before doing other changes could avoid the problem
  3. Usually this error starts to popup when I initially make an error in LUA code.
  4. It's not better, but different. One needs to get used to the new one to say if he likes it in the long run. The new theme uses also 3 times more bandwidth, so I think I like the old one better for technical reasons (I use the forum also from my 3G/EDGE mobile phone).
  5. Canardia

    Chat example

    You can't just send something before checking if the network latency is good enough. You would only make it worse if there was some other traffic going on. The network could be also completely down, then you need to wait and collect the messages anyway. That's why you need to collect the packets to be sent, and send them when the latency is good. You should have also different priorities between important messages, like object positions and not so important messages, like chat messages. The object position messages should run at a shorter interval than the chat messages. And if any object position messages are not sent yet, then no chat messages should be sent before them, else people could exploit the system by spamming the chat channel to cause warping of objects and cheating the battle system.
  6. It's IE which destroys the formatting. Use SeaMonkey, or any worse browser, but not IE.
  7. The LUA entity scripts have been simplified, so make sure your entity scripts are done the same way.
  8. Canardia

    Chat example

    If there is only 1 message per packet, it's only 1 byte more to send, but the multiple message feature allows you to have the packet sending on its own time interval, which is very important. With a single message per packet you could only send 1 message per interval, but with multiple messages you could send all messages which happened during that interval, so there would be no huge delay between messages if the interval is set to 5 seconds. If you want to make it even more advanced, you could tune the interval according to the network latency. If there is no latency, the interval would go down, and if there is high latency, the interval would go up to prevent total overload of the network connection.
  9. It's explained in the wiki: http://www.leadwerks.com/wiki/index.php?title=Visual_C%2B%2B_Custom_Syntax_Highlighting
  10. You have to remember that most people don't know english very well either, so better keep the words simple Normally in games those things you mention are called: Bank and Item. For example: Bank: 1p 35g 12s 43c Item: sells for 4g 5s
  11. Canardia


    Take your time to rest and hurry up to get well soon
  12. Canardia


    Reading/writing text and binary files seems very easy in LUA: http://www.lua.org/pil/21.2.html
  13. In space you should set the world gravity to 0/0/0. Then you make a AddBodyForce loop around each planet, so they will drag objects towards them.
  14. That's where the wiki comes in handy: http://www.leadwerks.com/wiki/index.php?title=Collision#Collisions Actually LE doesn't have other collidable collisions than sliding collision, probably because the behaviour is then handled by physics settings (BodyFriction, BodyBounciness, etc...), I remembered it from Blitz3D which has no physics and needs to simulate that behaviour via the Collisions command. Also the recursiveness is set with EntityType.
  15. The actual number of EntityType doesn't have a predefined meaning, it's just a number you use in combination with the Collisions() command to define which EntityTypes should collide with which EntityTypes and how (sliding, stopping, informational) and how deep (recursively all childs or just the body in question). In addition you can also use the SetCollisionCallback() command to add automated program code which is executed when a collision of specifed EntityTypes happens. For example, in addition to the normal sliding collision of a rock on a slope, it would also emit a rumbling sound, and why not also some dust particles.
  16. You don't need those lines at all, since UpdateFramework() does the same thing. It could be also something else, like missing models or scripts.
  17. Yes, but those lines: UpdateAppTime(); UpdateWorld(AppSpeed()); might mess things a bit up.
  18. GameLib itself is ready today (almost got it ready yesterday already), but Josh needs to update a few C/C++ files (which I sent him yesterday also) since they were missing the commands for fog range setting.
  19. It sounds like you didn't update newton.dll in your game folder.
  20. Those are made by code in Editor.exe.
  21. It would be too much code to paste here, but the principle is that you check what was the name of the mesh which was hit with EntityPick().
  22. Could be many reasons, for example that your Character Controller has a too big mass. Better post some short example.
  23. You have to use the integrated framework in C++, not the Framewerk C++. Or just wait until I get GameLib ready, then you don't have to change anything in your game code.
  24. That's just a lot of wasted time. You would have to check each new file also, and implement the new changes to your changed files. With seperate filenames you don't have to do anything.
  25. Yes, LoadScene() loads also roads.
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