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Posts posted by Core

  1. I really think Leadwerks doors hate me. During the past couple of years I've been on and off learning Leadwerks, but nothing has caused more furstration than doors! Feels like every time I try to add a simple door to test map, it means trouble.

    It all began with my very first steps in Leadwerks, for some reason I was not able to create working door even with prefab. I asked my first questions here back then. Well, I moved to other stuff and learned a lot, then second time came back to doors, still no luck! So I went to look for some other door script other than the stock one, found working one and took that as a base for my doors and it worked perfectly. Moved to other stuff, learned more.

    Now I needed to test some stuff with doors, and it's been a while... and AGAIN, they refuse to work, they stutter and shake. So I reverted back to stock script, merged my own additions to doors to that script and it works, AGAIN... for how long, we don't know...

    Ps. This was just a rant, doors work now for me, but I can't believe I'm the only one with this much door problems! I've learned so much, done much more complex things by now, but still... doors. DOORS!

    • Haha 1
  2. Hi again!

    I just noticed, that there is a problem with lense flares when I run my test map. In editor they work properly, for example when testing with prefab "cage light" or just creating lense flare, but in game they are not visible or just flash or flicker every now and then. Not sure when this started, have not payed attention to them until now when I started to think about light stuff... I'm using GTX960 with latest drivers. As always, any help is appreciated!

  3. Finally, got it out of my head and made it "concrete", this is the ship where it all will happen, game "Celeste Incident", that is. My biggest and most complex model so far and I think it turned out ok. Now I have some frame of reference and atmosphere when thinking out the layout of my game levels.


    Space Exploration Vessel "SEV Celeste"

    Comako Heavy Industries Ltd.

    Lenght:      351.8m
    Width:        122.5m
    Height:        62.5m






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  4. Nice thread! My dream game to make would be basically trucking simulator in futuristic setting. In far future, humankind has established colonies on Moon, Mars and maybe even other planets in our solar system. Big dome bases are isolated and far apart and there is need to transport goods and people around. Player is one of these "truckers" and tries to make a living. Gameplay would involve maintaining and upgrading your vehicle, managing your assets etc. Vehicles should have lifelike physics (it is up to player to decide if he thinks he can haul shipment of heavy machinery from here to there considering the route and vehicle he has, for example) and very detailed, sim like approach to vehicle systems. And player would be free to walk around inside his vehicle and stations. Vehicles would age, need periodical maintenance and take easily damage if handled improperly or under too much stress.

    Well, if I get fluent enough with blender and Leadwerks, I might just try to create something like above with smaller scale :)

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  5. This Workflow introduced some new challenges, mainly about shading. This surely is basic stuff, but I just learned that to make flat surfaces really look flat, you need to use very narrow bevels, or use "face weighted normals". I found an addon for blender to do just that and it works, but seems that new calculated normals are lost when exporting to Leadwerks. This is the problem:

    First, tablet I created and rendered in Blender (WIP) and then rendered in Leadwerks. In Leadwerks surfaces look round, not flat.





    • Like 2
  6. Thank you all for your help and tips, they were really helpful! I reduced the polycount to 3135 and redesigned the sofa to better fit the style of my game world. Pillows are no separated and couch frame is made out of metal. I will try more advanced stuff with normal map baking etc when I have more time to learn more about 3d-modelling. At some point you just need to make the decission if something is worth to dig in more, or just settle for now and be happy with your current skill level, what you can create, and is it enough to realize what you are trying to do :) For now, I'm happy with this! Thanks again!



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  7. This must have been asked a million times, sorry for that. But today, how many polygons is reasonable amount to use for a model (prop) I've been learning 3d modelling for few months now and to this point, I have really tried to keep polycount as low as possible for simplicity, speed 20171007232055_1.thumb.jpg.a5efa87ceefd2a4aa6bf23d6e9682046.jpgand I kinda like the "straight lines"-look my game is taking due to this (and currently I just lack the skills to create more complicated objects) .

    But not everything can bee "hard and sharp". like seats. I made a test sofa or couch and used as few polygons as possible to get it's shape, then with much more ploygons, made it rounder and tried to bake normals and then use that texture in low poly model. It looked bad. I'm sure I made several mistakes with the process and I understand how it is essential if you want to have small details without additional polys, but for now, I decided to just try to use high poly version to get the roundiness. And it runs actually well and looks decent for a first couch I've ever made.


    But it has three to four times the polygons compared to my other few models I've managed to create.


    12 325 polygons. 7329 vertices. Is it too much for a prop?

  8. 3 hours ago, Charrua said:

    i made this tri-wheel vehicle

    some years ago... with hinges and a couple of lua scripts

    i know that vehicle is much nice than this... but is another option, here a tri and a quad wheel hinge made vehicles

    last month i revised and tested again those scrips on my mBot simulator and still works correctly




    Cool stuff,  your mBot simulator looks neat!

    • Thanks 1
  9. Yes, I think I can work with this, it is allready working well enough for what I have in mind. I might create new text area widget for multiline texts instead off adding to the old one. All in all, this is one final piece, soon I can start to create actual gameplay content and assets to finally create something you can actually play. I think I'll start project thread and post details of my game project. And demo.

  10. Another one with this... I try to autoscroll my text area and made this script:

    	local i
    	local offset = 10
    	for i=1,offset do
    		self.scroll1 = self.slider[0]:GetSliderValue()
    		self.scroll2 = (self.scroll1+1)

    It works, unless there are more new lines than one. For some reason, it just won't scroll all the way down automatically if there are more lines than one added to the text area widget at the same time. I CAN scroll all the way down with mouse though. I tried with the unmodified TextArea script too, no luck. System:Print prints slider values long after the scrolling has stopped, so it is not that there is too few loops. Strange though, that no matter what "offset" I put, the result is the same.

    So how I can make text area scroll automatically all the way down when text is added to it? Can I "emulate" mouse wheel somehow maybe? 

  11. Thank you again for your help, @GorzenDev, I just got working the first iteration of the interface. This was a big milestone for me! I might never have looked Josh's chat example without your tip.

    One question arised though. How can I make/add own modified widgets or load modified script file to default ones? Now I just modified the stock ones (made backups).



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