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Everything posted by Epsylon

  1. yes! DE is a enviroment. Well.. we wait and see) and if! at the end.. it wil not work with that DE, then we just change the DE to somthing else..i.e KDE Fortunatly il have another linux distro as i refer on the top... and ill dont loose time to work on my projects..)
  2. The current BUG is faced only in a Debian Distro with DE Cinnamon (i don have test it in outher DE on Debian).. in Ubuntu with any DE on it its works fine and without issues..
  3. Here is the info from screenfetch scrypt.. OS: Debian 8.6 jessie Kernel: x86_64 Linux 3.16.0-4-amd64 Uptime: 57m Packages: 2424 Shell: bash 4.3.30 Resolution: 3840x1080 DE: Cinnamon 2.2.16 WM: Muffin WM Theme: BlueMenta (Greybird) GTK Theme: Greybird [GTK2], Greybird [GTK3] Icon Theme: Fog Font: Sans 9 CPU: AMD FX-8320 Eight-Core @ 3.5GHz GPU: AMD/ATI Curacao XT [Radeon R9 270X] RAM: 923MB / 15983MB
  4. After of updating the LGE to version-4.2 Its start to crashing... and ill start the LGE from console in verbose mode to detect the bug that i "faced!!" so... The point is: when ill trying to click to a texture object in a assets panel to add some needed changes the LGE crash with this outputs: Segmentation fault Game removed: AppID 251810 "Leadwerks Game Engine", ProcID 11691 No cached sticky mapping in ActivateActionSet. Any idea about it.. an how can i fix it? OS Debian Jessie8.6
  5. Ill ges its a major problem of the Blender itself in my case falks) costs its not only colapsing the above "main door" model and its animation..but also dosent bake the vertex color,textures to model..and have an issue in inport-export features.!! The core of that problem is...that ill make a mistake with transfering a folder with blender programm from one distro to another...and there was actualy not the same versions in addons and plugins (from 2.69 to 2.7+) and offcorse the configs also been transfered to...so..thats the deal with..)) And finaly the cure is : completely removing the previus folders and its configs from the directories..and download and using a fresh one with new configurations and addons (need to remove all of previus addons). I hope that this will help..
  6. As far i known the LE dosent support a WM engines...even if its a Lightting or awesomeWM )) So the solution is to use any outher DE of your choise and not on WMs )
  7. Ill delet this model..but create from scratch a completely new one) the issue now is deformation of the model after exporting in LE. The animation is present in the model without armatures (ill intend to add armature leater) and works currentle in blender only!...here is the "blend" file grab it from my cloud https://yadi.sk/d/XN_RlcVSsygzA you can seet it for yourself..) BTW in this new model textures are only normals and defuse! no speculars and oclusion are presents (no needs) )
  8. While extracting a animated door for my project ill faced an issue like this (see the attachment- MainDoor2).. The problem is..that in a 3D space of Blender (the only and my favorite) ) everything is qute and floweles..BUT! when ill extract it to LE the animation is dissapired and the material is transparent..! Il applyed the all bunch of nesessary (animated) shaders,and physics..but without results... If anyone known what is a point that ill miss up,please respound.! Il be very glad and apriciate it. PS: English is my foreign language) so please try to undestand my gramatical mistakes) And something else.. the animation is playing but not seeng in the mesh window. And something else.. the animation is not playable in the mesh-show window but it is in the list..
  9. Geez man.. this is cool !! very nice work man! You just save my time to moderate the shader scrips for my needs..) PS: I'm glad tha you share it.. this is my first time that ill using somthning like this from community))
  10. Very nice job falks! Its was a wonderfull implement-addon that wuld be wery useful in future and current projects that actualy under developent )
  11. http://meshmixer.com/download.html Also avalable for linux in : "x64.deb" (exparimental) But i think is prety slow and qute usable now for our tasks))
  12. From smallest to biggest size..it dosent matter...its refuse to create the terrain and profaning on (see the attachment)... Any idea or solusion, falks?!
  13. Allright then pal thanks for ansver! il just take my information for my asks..))
  14. Hey guys?! i have a simple...maybe silly question.... what is a maximmum resolution of textures that Leadwerks suports and handle without problems?
  15. By my own practise in Linux (no matter what distro is) to avoid the LE crashes its need: installing a proprietary video drivers from official webpage whatever it is NVIDIA or AMD.. if you installing the video driver from driver manager it not work even the steam runtime itself will not start or its start but with bugs)) as the LE to..
  16. To TrollyPolly Ill figure it out!! you just need to complet the name of your prefab model with the extension "pfb" when you add it to a prefab folder ie: model1.pfb And its works!!
  17. My faults guys)))) ill just dosent look at the shaders editor tab on material editor)) Quest problem SOLVED!))
  18. Ill dit it allready pal) but with no results...it still the same( By the way...maybe its a problem that my normal maps and textures are in a PNG formats? For the first time i thinking that this was a problem of my OS..but when ill try this on the Win7 on a second maschine...it was the same result..(
  19. When i load the textures and specialy the normal maps its not aperance like a normal map but like a simple flat blue texture and not aplying hte needet efect! Can somebody tell me what is a problem and how can i fix it? PS:The preloadet normal map i.e: from the sample FPS game from the box its perfectly fine looks and like it must be..but my own created normal maps with GIMP dosent...
  20. Ill have detect the same problem yesterday! I think that the problem is with changing the fglrx from one version to another without cleaning the config files!! I mean if you remove the previus version of fglrx and do not removing after reboot the config files by the command "sudo apt-get autoremove" or doing this in the synaptic pckg manager and rightaway installing the newer version even if aplying the "aticonfig --initial" before reboot or restart the x-server... it will messup and will not work correctly!
  21. Allright then) A litle quest is apears in the horizons with...an issue of exported models from Blender to Leadwerks "fbx" files ofcorse... some mostly times the model seems to corrupted I have no idea what or why the heck is a core of that issue.. If there is any solution or an official addon for blender it will be great and apritiated.!
  22. PROBLEM SOLVED!!! The whole trick was in "deb" package from the oficial steam resourse))) Ill just install it (without removing the steam package installed from Ubuntu repository) and start the Engine as usual.. and..EEEEhaaa!! its work!! Keep that in mind pals in future trables with thats issue!!
  23. Hi everyone and specialy a stuff team! I'm new member in this forum, im obtaned LE "indie" and "standart" editions on Steam servise after testdriving a demo version as a many outher users and developmers... Today 18/11/2015 a LE stops to work with given me an error with messege that there is a missing executables! But yesterday its works fine and perfect! A solutions from Steam to solve the problem dosent work...! For technical info: my mashines are bulding with AMD components from Alpha to Omega) and have more that enougth power to run any type of game at ultra settings with minimmum framerate at 60! and running only and always under Linux OS Ubuntu LTS versions and AMD proprietary drivers from oficial AMD webside and the sugestings such as reinstalling a video drivers and reinstalling a steam itself and a LE arent good idia) sot its useles and its dosent work! Ill have try it before posting this!)) If there is any outher solution to solve this problem (i mean solution from the stuff team, and adding some scripts to LE "if its posible" ) ? And i have a few questions to stuff team...) 1st. Can i provide a localizing translations by myself in LE in greek and russian or outher languages? If its possible,i will appriciate it and ofcorse provide the translations files to you (stuff team) for implementing it on future relises-updates! 2nd.I have installing as well a 3rd party software like (AndroidStudio and CodeBlocks IDE) to combinate it with LE to create Android games and PC games...What else i need or what procedure i nedd to do that my project can be ported on Android devices? For PC game its all clear to me and familliar) 3rd. Its always nessesary to run LE throug steam servise? i mean...there is no outher way to use LE out of the steam? Thank you and forgive me for gramatical mistakes!
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