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Posts posted by Marcousik

  1. Hello I need help with this.

    I found a le_beam_class that I downloaded from here: 


    How should I do to tell Leadwerks to use this?

    I got a .h and .cpp files

    I tried to put them in source directory or in the include classes but it had no effect / Leadwerks ignore them. Thx

  2. 13 hours ago, Josh said:

    Looking at the old Nintendo games, the reason they were fun was because you had constantly changing mechanics. Fighting the same enemy more than a couple times in a row is very boring.

    I was asking me why games became mostly boring with time (for me)  - and that's why I began to have more fun trying to make a game than playing it ! - and I found a few possible reasons for this:

    - Biological: I'm out of my childhood and immersion in virtuality is not more so simple crazy as it was.

    - Games development in the time of morrowind until skyrim made a big big step inviting players to try more and more and always new coming features. Through technik development, worlds became bigger, Graphics better, story and animation cooler, everything became very very attractive ......until the same began to be repeated and not more created; always more or less the same game mechanics got repeated because they were once succesfull. For example for this ubisoft games, always the same procedure, big map, good graph, and "?" pointing everywhere.

    - Gameplay: Look at the possibility the player has to interact with the world; in so much games it becomes always the same. I mean the only interaction that the player can use to operate on the world is his weapon: Sword, bow, magic or gun. Graphics feature got over developped (well I like good looking  games too) and overrated to let this game aspect forgot? Interactions player-world are sometimes so poor in moder games AAA, no surprise for me players get bored.

    In conclusion, seems to be like the chance to make a new experience through gaming got in my opinion reduced with time and furture games that keep players awake and curious, feeding the player with immersion, adrenalin, possibilities in its own endlessly fantasy have to be constantly re-invented. That is the betting challenge developpers have and it is really nothing simple to reach.

  3. Do you know if you can paint the terrain from a script with a function? Is that possible?



    I found that terrain:SetLayerAlpha(1,1) runs ok for painting all the map/ do you know if it is possible to only paint an area from script ?

    I'm happy for any help with this thx

  4. Hey People I come back to this because I really have a bad trip with this.

    I just build a 4096*4096 map and tried to paint it with 6 different textures. I have only the character controller on the map. In the editor the painted zone is ok, but as soons as the game runs, the colored textures  disappeared. Here you can see it:

    1) Game scene in the editor (player is in the circle of grass)



    2) when running the game: (no grass and no flowers)



    This is upsetting please anybody for help thx

    It is like only 4 textures are saved, everything else will be ignored....


  5. I was speaking about a cemetery of dead games, because I feel sad about great games that gone dead...just like hellraid that promised to be so fun.

    I know there are many political and economic reasons to leave a project, but the main question should be why the motivation is going down to finish something that was so promising and maybe exciting?

    At which step of the development are the people beginning to doubt about the project? Or loosing the fun it needs to become a great thing.

    So much great ideas gone lost, and it is really sad if only money was deciding about this.

  6. in the cemetery where never borned ideas are crackling silver dust under your feets, you could walk on tiny fossil bones bleeding out past hope of future memories.

  7. Hi

    You can use source without problems, just create it in start() function like this for example: (out of the car script - available in workshop)


            if self.source.engineloop==nil then
                        if self.sound.engineloop~=nil then             


    After this you can use the source with more options available in UpdateWorld()


            if window:KeyHit(Key.NumPad1) then
                if self.MotorAN==0 then                --Start the engine                
                    self.Fumee:Show()    -- smoke

    this should run ok and let you adjust volume, distance, pitch....

  8. On 2/26/2020 at 1:51 PM, Russell said:

    You can make a scene with all creepy materials and only some marble materials in there. But you need work the Textures. Not the shader.

    yes all right thx ?

    Happy it can be done. So only set the specular to 0 on material and the effect of the shader is gone, cool thing really.

  9. The kinematic joint functions are looking first more complicated as they are but it runs ok. Just create the joint in the center  - entity:GetPosition() - of the entity you want to move. And the joint:SetTargetPosition + joint:SetTargetRotation are very intuitive. 

    Use a mass of about 3 or 5 not more or it won't move.

    Feel free to ask if problems 

    About what reepblue said, I suppose that the slider joint will force the rotation  as soon as the mass is restored. (but not tested) 

    What you could do is to move a pivot with mass along the slider joint and put your box as child and use point() on the child

  10. Here I don't know how point() function is doing with joint functions...

    But I would calculate a simple cosinus/sinus/tan math functions to determine the angle you need for your entity to face the waypoint.

    Then use a joint kinematic on the entity instead of slider: https://www.leadwerks.com/learn?page=API-Reference_Object_Joint_Kinematic

    move with joint:SetTargetPosition() https://www.leadwerks.com/learn?page=API-Reference_Object_Joint_SetTargetPosition

    So then just apply the angle with joint:SetTargetRotation() https://www.leadwerks.com/learn?page=API-Reference_Object_Joint_SetTargetRotation

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  11. I remember I worked on this, trying to make a savefile too, but it is long ago, well I can remember that Seek could be used with an Intervall of 4. I could not understand why but it works, so something like,


    Seek(n+4) ----- and not n+1

    This should be re verified, maybe it is useful

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