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Posts posted by Marcousik

  1. Yes I thought about the sound and light effect and all a question of timing. Thx for the links.

    It seems to me they are using acceleration and deceleration while animating making a sword moving quicker and giving a pause if I don't know critical or maybe blocked so that all the rythm of the combat becomes non liniar.

    This seems a crazy work of coordination, maybe they have tools for that, maybe programmers are just incredible artists and that's why so much other games come out without that quality.

    • Like 1
  2. There are for Skyrim ten years after release many mods and modders that are trying to reinvent the combat system that feels maybe to soft,or simply boring.

    This could introduce my question, does anyone here know anything about animations Technics on how you can create

    Energy fully effects in the characters animations 

    How the player gets a chocking feedback on weapon collision? Hit Feedback? Blocked chock Feedback feelings like metal hits something and not feeling like a knife in a mushroom yes. Here is a good example how it is possible to feel the combat dynamically:

    What's the plan to go from a classically mixamo animation to a reactive effective and responsive behavior of the NPCs in-game?

    I enjoy all suggestions thx


  3. Quote

    the problem now is, if i would show it again, i got an error.

    this is the code for showing the child

    function Script:becomewater()--in
    	local child = self.entity:FindChild("WaterforBucket")	
    		if child:Hidden() then

    the child is now nil. (Script Error attempt to index local "child" (a nil value)

    why now the child is not found?

    This is still a good question...

    Maybe it depends on where do you call the becomewater() function from 

  4. Right I did not know that. Like in Canada and Australian.


    In 1863 the English football association set the name association football (German: Verbandsfußball) as the official name. The word soccer is a neologism from the university area: originated from the abbreviation Assoc with subsequent slang-like transformation to socca (1889), then socker (1891, included in the first Concise Oxford Dictionary 1911) and finally soccer (1895).


  5. Here is the bug

    I use a script summoning Model:Sphere() props shaped with Shape:Sphere()

    You can see the shape with the debug mode but the props react with physics as if they were round like footballs:

    (there is no invisible tricks)


    Here with the same script it works normallly as expected if using Shape:ConvexHull(surface) on the Spheres:




  7. Thx all for answers

    So Is it correct to say that the parallax shader uses the "displacement" slot?

    And I found a diffuse+normal+specular+parallax+roughness.shader -> this should use the 5 first slots of a material, correct?

    And there is somewhere the shadmar substance for metal, it is top.

  8. Hi,

    I need noob help with this:

    When I download a model with textures, there are often:

    - WhateverName_Albedo

    - WhateverName_Normal

    - WhateverName_Roughness

    - WhateverName_Metalness

    - WhateverName_AO

    How is this supposed to be used with the material Leadwerks functionality?

    It seems that:

    Albedo -> Diffuse

    Normal is easy Normal

    What is specularity?

    Can I use the others one?

    Do anybody know why the names are different?

    Thx a lot for answers



    • Like 1
  9. I can imagine that this for you annoying effect could exactly be desired in another case/game; I mean that the player controller physics reacts to a moving ground, like for example rolling stairs have to accelerate the speed of the player movement going in the same way.

    So it is really difficult..

    Did you try to remove the gravity? SetGravityMode(false)

  10. On 5/22/2021 at 7:11 PM, Slastraf said:

    It seems to be very small at 4000 aswell.
    In this scene I put the size to 4000 in the editor and did the same thing from before but the player still disappeared.
    This is a major issue to the game I want to develop, and even still this should not be the limit to this engine.

    What now? Is this solved or not?

    I played a lot with 4096x4096 maps with a lot of models and never got an issue, so this is strange...

    Maybe I don't understand this.

    So you say the player + shadow disappear at the edges of the map? Is that correct?

  11. Yes. But now no idea how to make it in shader language?



    window = Window:Create("terrain example",0,0,800,600,Window.Titlebar+Window.Center)
    context = Context:Create(window)
    world = World:Create()
    camera = Camera:Create()
    skybox = Texture:Load("Materials/Sky/skybox_texture.tex")
    light = DirectionalLight:Create()

    terrain = Terrain:Create(64,true)
    terrain:SetLayerTexture(0, Texture:Load("Materials/Developer/Bluegrid.tex"), 0)

    ball = Model:Sphere(32)
    ballmat = Material:Load("Materials/Developer/Orangegrid.mat")
    shape = Shape:Sphere(0,0,0, 0,0,0, 1,1,1)


    while window:KeyDown(Key.Escape)==false do
        if window:Closed() then break end
        pos = ball:GetPosition(true)
        if terrain~=nil then
                local y = Time:Millisecs()/600

            for x = 0, 64  do
                for z = 0, 64 do
                    local height = math.sin(y+(x*math.sin(z))) / 40


  12. Yes it could be, but it is not, or not exactly like that.

    Shaders have this genious thing to modify the surface using other textures.

    In this case, havenphilip uses a displacement texture to create the basic waves. So this uses no sin functions in shader.


    But it is still true that it has a sin composition, so that's my idea too, from a script to try to reproduce this sinusoide that the image containts.

    It is difficult but not impossible.

    Once that would be  found, I could add fúrther more complex operations (like sin) that the shader adds.

    I see no other solution. For now I obtained this: The ball floating is coded with a script (no physics)


  13. Hi Slas,

    It was an idea I got for finding how to calculate the waves movement generated by a shader,

    but I'm thinking now shader does not move the vertices, does it?

    So I doubt I can use this method...

    I'm out of idea how to do this.

    Calculating the movement with a script seems impossible, while I need to know at a time t which height has a wave to know if a car or whatever is underwater or not....

    But thx whatever


    Tested: Shader doesn't move the vertice so this can't be a method for calculation of shader movement.

  14. I found this function in FPSPlayer.lua in relation with kinematics joints / carryingentity.... So this could be usefull for me.

    But what is this for?

    I can't find any effect if I change the values of it...




  15. Yes sure it works well with adding a sword to a bone. You can even turn the head for example while animated skeleton.

    But when I told this, I supposed the sword will not get a SetRotation () with movements.

    For example I had strange issues with the simple rotations of the propeller set as child on an helicopter model: If the movements became too complex, the rotations of the propeller did not match what was expected anymore, going really crazy, just as if the calculation would go too expensive and ended with strange results.

    So it seems using turn or move on children generated strange results, unless the scene stays simple... 

    I know this helps not a lot, but it something to consider.

    Seems that using joints with Mass like for car's wheels give a much solider realistic results as turn on no Mass children, even at higher Speed.

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