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Everything posted by Masterxilo

  1. I guess adding only very simple modeling/csg would be easier than that.
  2. What do you mean by "a little bit"? And are you sure it's transparency you're seeing? If you draw a texture blended with "0.5-gray", it'll look just like a texture blended with white and a transparency (alpha) of 0.5 on a black background...
  3. Here's what needs to be done (note I didn't use the leadwerks tools, there might be some way to get it working with those too, but I think going over fbx is just as simple): Open the file (the original "JimboDressed.max" you posted here) in max Select all the visible geometry (body & cloth pieces) and remove the turbo smooth modifier (because there can be no modifier on top of the skin modifier for fbx export to work). Create a new material and choose a diffuse texture for it (the name of that texture will be the le material (.mat) filename that will be applied to the mesh in the engine). I always assign some "animated(.bmp)" file to untextured animated objects. Apply this material to all the visible geometry you should still have selected. Unhide the bone layer. Select all bones as well. Choose to "export selected" and use the fbx format. Choose the following options: Ignore the warnings. Now convert the fbx file by dragging it onto fbx2gmf.exe located in "C:\Program Files\Leadwerks Engine SDK\Tools". Create the material file (make sure to give it the name of the diffuse texture you assigned to the mesh in max) and choose the appropriate shaders. Refer to my material file. OK. This procedure (makes sure there are no modifiers on top of skin, assign material, export only bones and geometry, select "bake animations" option) should work for most animated models. However, there's something else wrong with this specific mesh. This is how it looks after exporting/converting it by following the above instructions: As you see, for some reason the faces of the piece of armor on the right arm are flipped. Here's how you can solve that one (and still have it look correctly in max) Remove the skin modifier from that mesh (called "R Bracer"). Apply a "Reset XForm" modifier from the "Utilities" tab. (TIP: use that regularly DURING THE CREATION of the model, especially when mirroring things.) Collapse all modifiers and edit the mesh. Select all faces and use flip. Reattach the skin modifier and add the correct bone ("R Arm Bone02"). Export the model as described above (select geometry and bones, export selected to fbx...). This is the max file after applying all these steps: JimboDressedFixed.zip I hope that helped.
  4. AFAIK, "if" statements in shaders USED TO BE expensive on old cards, since the whole code still got executed and the results were just deleted afterwards.
  5. Wouldn't the "mathlib.h" functions make this conversion simpler? Instead of doing /255.0 for every value, you could just: SetColor(Vec4(150,200,100,255)/Vec4(255)); Nah, not if you divide a float by an int, that result would be a float. The result has always the precision/type of the operator with the highest precision. (int/int -> int, int/float -> float...)
  6. Wow, their SSAO (activated from 2:42 on) looks fantastic. I really like that generic gray/orange texture with the resolution ("512x512") written on it. Where to get one just like that?
  7. I managed to get the mesh working (animation) and looking (well I didn't bother about the colors) correctly in the engine, except for the smoothing: (one of the things I had to do was remove the turbo smooth modifier): The converted file: JimboDressedGMF.zip
  8. Hi there. Let me have a look at this...
  9. This is because the lua addition is "quite new". The answer is yes, you can use a precompiled engine.exe and have all your code (even the main loop) in lua scripts.
  10. You're sure? Then how come copying files on windows is that slow (10 secs for 500 MB)?
  11. That would be pretty slow, wouldn't it? Writing realtime exchange data to the harddisk? Indeed, networking is so far the best option, but maybe there's something better.
  12. Do you know any other (better) than: Local networking (overkill) Windows messages (OS specific) Direct memory access/hacking (hacking...) I need this for a project.
  13. GP-Install is pretty easy to use and free.
  14. Is that a type or did I miss anything? Where is that download? When did 2.29 come out? My version.txt says 2.28.
  15. CMIIW, but this is (was?) NOT possible. You can only have one terrain.
  16. Are you talking about voxel/cave/overhang modeling? Looks to me like parallax/relief/parallax occlusion mapping FOR TERRAIN TEXTURES is the request, isn't it? Crysis does this, le doesn't, does it?
  17. I just noticed that FPS drop heavily when a window's client area is covered by the vista start orb. Did anyone ever notice that? (the number in the upper left corner of the following pictures is the UPS of the application) Window placed normally (viewport not overlapped by vista start icon): Window placed in such a way that the round part of the start orb covers it (If a viewport is being covered by the taskbar only, fps stay normal, so it's really the round, transparent start icon that causes this) It looks to me as if the application has to wait for the os to render that small round part of the start button over the viewport. What a waste! Why didn't they stay with the simple rectangular taskbar with a start button that fits in it? Why does it have to overlap??? This is nothing le or opengl specific, but obviously happens with any engine and graphics api (tested). So if you make windowed applications: make sure your realtime viewport NEVER covers the vista start button! --- Use this code if you want to see for yourself: #include "engine.h" #include "mathlib.h" int main(void) { // Init Initialize(); Graphics(640,480); TEntity world = CreateWorld(); // Main Loop while(!KeyHit(KEY_ESCAPE) && !AppTerminate()) { UpdateWorld(); UpdateAppTime(); RenderWorld(); DrawText(0,0,"%f",UPS()); Flip(0); } // Terminate return Terminate(); } I'd appreciate if some people could try that out and report if the experience the same slowdown. Maybe there's just something bad going on with my vista/opengl/graphics driver/graphics card/computer...
  18. You can draw using Opengl commands. There, everything you described is possible.
  19. I found what I was looking for: http://www.nathanm.com/photoshop-blending-math/
  20. I'm sure it's just some color formula, just can't figure it out. I'm not talking about the hardware blend modes (blend add, alpha, multiply etc.), just about a way of combining colors.
  21. In ps, there are different color/paint/image blend modes such as "Normal", "Multiply" and "Color". How does the "Color" blend mode work (programming-wise...). How would I recreate that blending in a shader?
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