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Posts posted by Davaris

  1. Actually looking at it again, there isn't a problem other than the Gamelib one is a lot brighter so the details seem to pop out. I attached some pictures for you to compare.


    The Gamelib one has some extra effects turned on but the roots look kind of flat in the framewerk picture. I don't know if it is the missing effects though.









  2. MG: I just tried your version and the ground doesn't look as good as the Gamelib version I am using. There seems to be less layers and the bump maps aren't working? The firepit is working though. So I have gone back to Gamelib, because more of it seems to be working than not.



    I noticed the firepit particles do not work in GameLib and I can't see where Lua is activated in it.


    So I thought I'd put this in:


    //Set Lua variable
           BP L=GetLuaState();


    However I can't get it to accept this:




    Can someone help me with it?

  3. I just discovered the problem:


    void TScene::ProcessScene()
    	childs = CountChildren(scene);


    In my map:

    cn = ""

    cl = "Model"

    en = "light_directional"


    Later on this needs to be true to create a light:




    So I assume my map is corrupt? It odd because the light is the first loaded and everything else loads just fine.




    I just tried it in a new map with the latest update and cn (classname) for the directional lights and I assume other lights is blank. So this sounds like it is one for Josh to fix.

  4. That Null Framewerk error occurs because you forgot to call SetGlobalObject("fw",m_framework); or whatever your variable name happens to be.


    I'm not getting that NULL message this time. Is that SetGlobalObject command something to do with LUA? Because I am using nothing but C++ atm.

  5. I like main Idea. most of times I paint my textures by myself in same level, as possible as I can. its easy enough for me. :blink: and when I need a new color scheme, I will use Color Scheme Designer.


    If I could rate this feature, I would say:

    Feature status to: Useful

    Feature severity to: 1 - Low




    Also programmers who can't get afford an artist will be buying assets from lots of different places, so something like this will make their scenes look like they were made by the same artist. If this works like the picture Josh posted, it will be terrific.

  6. I think by "procedural" they probably mean they have a series of connected nodes the artist places, and the engine builds a mesh at runtime, sort of like how ours work.


    You are probably right, but I got the impression it was random when I read this:




    On the left is a straightforward heightmap. It’s like a satellite view, with brighter pixels representing higher elevations. The right is the same thing, but with a particular elevation set to red. If you were standing on that red area, you could obviously go pretty far without needing to go up or down, as long as you didn’t mind swerving around a bit. This swerving is basically the exact behavior you see on a road. My program would basically travel on the red as much as possible. If it was forced to go up or down, then the “red” area would shift radially – outward from the tip of the hill if it was moving down, inward if it was moving up.

    Top: The road system on perfectly flat terrain. Bottom: The road system in pervasively hilly country.

    Fuel seems to take a similar approach. It works out a network of roads. It begins with a couple of backbone highways that cut across the zone. Between those, it will form a loose grid of evenly spaced secondary roads. And between those it makes a network of dirt roads. It deliberately tries to make them a bit convoluted. You can see this in action in White Flats, one of the last zones in the game to be unlocked. (I cheated, as unlocking this zone would have been way beyond my skill.) The land is, as the name suggests, perfectly flat. Yet the road system doesn’t just default to an axis-aligned grid. Roads intersect at odd angles and form a plausible network. However, the individual roads are perfectly straight. This suggests that the road system works not unlike the one I came up with, where roads bend due to topography. This means the bends in the road are emergent, which is pretty cool. (As opposed to the programmer trying to force the road to bend around arbitrarily to make it more “realistic”.)


    He's not a FUEL dev, but he has written something similar.

  7. I would also bet a procedurally generated environment would not have as good a hand for balance as a human would.


    One thing I learned while watching an interview with the makers of FUEL, is the roads are procedural as well. They also said the game would have been 20GB bigger instead of 1 GB bigger, if procedural maps were not used. So it looks to me like the artists would have no control over map layouts, unless they were allowed to use 20X more space. B)

  8. I just checked the shaders pack and it is the up to date one.


    This is the code I ran:


    #include "gamelib.h"
    #include "leo.h"
    using namespace LEO ;
    int main( int argn, char* argv[] )
    TGame game;
    Engine engine;
    game.Initialize (800,500);
    while (!Keyboard::I****() && !Engine::IsTerminated())
    	if (!Engine::IsSuspended())// We are not in focus
    		// Render
    		// Send to screen
    return engine.Free();


    This is what Engine.txt said about my card:


    OpenGL Version: 3.2.0

    GLSL Version: 1.50 NVIDIA via Cg compiler

    Render device: GeForce 9800 GTX/9800 GTX+/PCI/SSE2

    Vendor: NVIDIA Corporation

    DrawBuffers2 supported: 1

    32 texture units supported.

    GPU instancing supported: 1

    Max batch size: 1024

    Shader model 4.0 supported: 1

    Conditional render supported: 0

  9. Thanks I just ran it and it loads now. I noticed on exit from loading the maps, I am getting this message now:


    Null framewerk.


    I am also getting the red markings a previous poster mentioned with the tunnels.sbx. The editor displays it perfectly though.



    All the files in directory I am running from are from the latest update.


    I found these messages in the Editor.txt


    Warning: Uniform "saturation" does not exist in shader.

    Warning: Uniform "brightness" does not exist in shader.

    Warning: Uniform "contrast" does not exist in shader.

  10. I'll be using C++ for my core engine, because it needs to be fast. But for game specific bits like quest/plot/telling characters where to go, effects, making things open shut and move, I'll use LUA.

  11. OH! Also, would I be able to make an mmorpg, or a huge rpg game with multiplayer capabilities (I'm guessing the answer is yes, most likely)?

    Thank you,



    Most people couldn't program a MMORPG themselves, as they are very hard to do. There are companies that specialize in making MMORPG engines, but they don't look anywhere near as good as the Lead Works engine - but at least they are ready to make an MMORPG with. Research those engines thoroughly first, because some claim to be more ready than what they really are.

  12. I haven't started using LUA yet and I just downloaded and ran the latest update on a C++ program that was working fine last night and now I get an error.


    ERROR: unable to find DLL function: GetLuaState.



    When I hit 'enter', Vis C++ 2008 stops at CreateWorld() and gives this message:


    Unhandled exception at 0x10126838 in program.exe: 0xC0000005: Access violation.


    Is there something I should be doing with LUA to stop this error?

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