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Everything posted by thehankinator

  1. I'm glad you enjoyed it! Thank you for the feedback, I was worried the puzzles would be too difficult!
  2. Thanks! I'm glad you liked it. I have a story and some other mechanics that I had originally planned on doing but ran out of time. Maybe in the future
  3. Making things pretty has never been my strong point!
  4. This is very much a work in progress, lots of undecorated rooms and story to be added but the basics of the game are there. You are locked in a mysterious underground bunker where something has gone terribly wrong. The only way out is through the horrors lurking in the dark corridors of South Central Biotechnics' forgotten facility. Left click - Move/Shoot R - Reload (can be held down) Shift - Run F - Flashlight http://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=749141006
  5. Have you looked at the tutorials for Leadwerks? Covers learning Lua and Leadwerks API. There is a bunch here http://www.leadwerks.com/werkspace/page/tutorials/
  6. For the same reason you make a prefab of a single model! I want to place that prefab in multiple places that is precisely the same size with the exact same texturing and the same script and script properties. Also if I ever change something about the prefab, I won't have to do it in a million places, just in the prefab.
  7. That's frustrating, I don't see anywhere in the tutorial that says prefabs should be used with models not CSG.
  8. I closed the map and opened it again and everything is fine BUT if I place the prefab or perform the copy they are still messed up. Saving and reopening "fixes" it. Looks like there is a bug in the editor placing or copying things with "Texture Lock" turned on.
  9. Maybe the problem is with texture lock? Since I can't get the prefab to work I've been holding Ctrl and move to create an another instance of the door but every time I do this I get weird results like the screen shot below. I tried to copy the door on the left to the position on the right. Every time the texture is super stretched. If I select the surface and hit the "fit" button the texture fits the surface but the texture is now backwards and the editor says that the scale is 0.0x1.0 which makes no sense to me. Am I doing something wrong here? Map: https://drive.google.com/file/d/0B8AlYY49_v2bNVVySFE0NS1Ncnc/view?usp=sharing
  10. I've created 2 prefabs, both have the same problem. When I place the prefab everything looks fine but the first time (and the first time only) I move the prefab the texture gets shifted. I have Texture Lock ON. This makes prefabs near useless if I have to keep adjusting the textures every time. I am using the stable Leadwerks. You will need to install the Scifi dirty textures from the workshop. Prefabs: https://drive.google.com/file/d/0B8AlYY49_v2bRVVGbFN2Y1U3UzQ/view?usp=sharing When I place the prefab: After I've moved the prefab any distance at all:
  11. Can you tell us what size spotlight (and other light types if applicable) is reasonable or what size is in danger of significantly impacting performance?
  12. Beer helps but to to reset the timer just reinitialize StartTime with Time:GetCurrent()
  13. God yes, I've been struggling to get my (simple)game to run well on my laptop's 7670m.
  14. Time:GetCurrent() is in MS. I'd do it something like below. StartTime would need to be initialized to whatever time the timer starts with Time:GetCurrent() local MS = Time:GetCurrent() - StartTime local Minutes = math.floor(MS / 60000) MS = MS - Minutes * 60000 local Seconds = math.floor(MS / 1000) MS = MS - Seconds * 1000 local TimeStamp = Minutes..":"..Seconds..":"..MS
  15. I'd see a new driver update and install it with a pain in my heart. The heavy weight of despair would sap any hope that would allow there to be light in such a dark place. The walls of my office echo with the sound of my tears of updates past. But Today, today all that **** changes! Drinks all around! Driver version 16.7.3
  16. For MosterAI.lua to work you need to build the nav mesh. Here is a tutorial on how to build the navmesh, it's about 2/3 down the page. http://www.leadwerks.com/werkspace/page/tutorials/_/ai-pathfinding-and-events-r28
  17. The codeblocks project file is usually located in Projects/Linux/something.cbp The only supported Linux distro is Ubuntu 14.04 LTS 64-bit so your results may vary with Mint (or anything else).
  18. Josh, have you thought about adding -Wunknown-pragmas to the "Other compiler options" in Codeblocks? It'd clean up a ton of those annoying warnings.
  19. This is a common thing people ask about. To directly link an entity into your script you could do it by adding the following line of code to the top of your ball script. Script.cube = nil --Entity "Cube" With this code you can go into the editor and select your ball entity, then go to the script tab, there should now be a box labeled "Cube", drag the cube from the Scene tab into this box. Now within your script you could do something like local distance = self.entity:GetDistance(self.cube) There are many other ways to do this and without knowing more about what you are trying to accomplish, another method might be better.
  20. Have you looked at this yet? http://www.leadwerks.com/werkspace/page/viewitem?fileid=641192226
  21. This would be a bug I guess, really minor. Materials/Effects/default.tex is only in the Advanced FPS template but Materials/Effects/default.mat is in "Common". Using something like Blank Project causes an error loading default.mat until you track down default.tex and copy it over. Wherever they go, they should probably stick together.
  22. You said Windows, but I think you mean Linux. Typically that message happens when you try to link a library with the wrong architecture(x86 vs x86_64). It will keep searching for one that matches. If it successfully built I'd guess it did find a match.
  23. What I meant by that was providing a cmake file to build the Leadwerks static library to allow development with different compilers on Windows would require the source (doubt that'll happen). Anyone could make a cmake file for building a Leadwerks application but on Windows it's gotta use the MSVC compiler.
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