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Blog Comments posted by awgsknite

  1. in the google analytics is where i seen it. btw my site is mainly free for information and to get my free songs i made so there were no increase in sales lol

    theres also backlinks. google that if you never heard of it

    theres also advertising companies out there that can increase traffic. But be careful ! some are scams

    if you use wordpress there's also bots you can use to advertise and also if you dont use wordpress theres other bots you can use: https://ezeetraffic.com/traffic-bot/

    idk if bots outside of wordpress are any good 'cos i have not tried them outside of wordpress cos i use wordpress

    • Haha 1
  2. 12 hours ago, Josh said:

    How do you "submit your website" to a search engine? How are there 400 search engines, I have only heard of about five?

    lmao there are thousands of search engines out there if not more ! Anyways....

    there's lots for free. hear is one: https://www.daybyday.website/free-website-submission-to-1000-search-engines/

    also depending on how your site works if you use wordpress there is google analytics : https://marketingplatform.google.com/about/analytics/

    then you use a plugin within your wordpress site :https://themeisle.com/blog/wordpress-seo-plugins/

    but if you dont use wordpress then you could always google for more free submit your website to search engine submits ie.:https://www.google.com/search?client=firefox-b-d&sxsrf=ALeKk038O53Ok21HpsGgjd8r6cHQ4lqJaQ:1618414313970&q=Free+website+submission+to+1000+search+engines&sa=X&ved=2ahUKEwja-KGSh_7vAhUMTawKHRSvD8AQ1QIwGXoECBkQAQ





    then there's the website hosters depending who is your website host: like Godaddy has a free advertising marketing service if you have your site with them and even gives you a free legal company name if you want depending on the country you live in. That is really handy cos a company name costs lots of money to get one !

    hope this helps



  3. Well this all awesome news to hear !

    I bean waiting for this new engine to happen

    One time I submitted my website to some 400+ search engines ( forgot how many but it was a ton ) to get more traffic to my site which brought some more traffic. I bought that search engine submit from some seller on the web but I forgot what seller it was; think it was from ebay but maybe you could try that too ? It was cheap and now my website has been archived and added to so many search engines in their searches !

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