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Posts posted by xtom

  1. I opted into the latest beta build to see if this would fix my problem but it hasn't. Basically I can't access any workshop items that I have subscribed to. I can browse the workshop in Leadwerks but my subscribed list is empty even though I have subscribed to some items.


    I have also tried the quick render and publish which I assume puts a screenshot on steam? But I get an error failed to publish so I think there must be some problem with my version connecting to my steam account? Even though I launch it from within steam?





    Edit: doh, nevermind I had steam cloud option unchecked in my steam settings - looks like it's working now smile.png



    • Upvote 2
  2. If you have a prefab... (I had a simple room made of boxes)


    1) Select the prefabs parent object using the scene tree

    2) Move the selected objects position

    3) Click undo


    Instead of just the selected object moving back to it's position the whole prefab moves position.

  3. I dropped a barrel model into the scene and applied monster AI script to. It works and the barrel goes after me but the origin/orientation of the barrel is probably not like a character so it sinks into the ground sidewards. I tried to create a pivot and apply the ai script to that instead hoping I could use that as a new origin point and I made the barrel a child of the pivot but it doesn't seem to work. Is this something that can be done? I'm just testing stuff out at the moment using the basic brushes and assets.

  4. I have downloaded the roads texture pack from the downloads section on the site and noticed when I add for example road_base1.tex to a layer the image thumbnail nor name are displayed in the editor which makes it hard to tell what layer they are on. The actual texture does seem to paint on fine but I noticed if I change the scale it's ignored. For example I tried to adjust the scale to make the white line in the road bigger and smaller and although the change is reflected in the editor when I run the game it seems to just use the same default scale.


    Ok I just tried saving and restarting the editor and now the thumbnail and name are showing on layer fields. Scale doesn't seem to be working when changed during a session but if I change the scale then save and reload the editor and map the new scale is used when I run the game. Strange, probably a bug?


    Edit: so the terrain painting issues I mentioned above aren't happening now, maybe another restart or something sorted it out. But now I have a player object in the scene that I can move around in the editor but it doesn't seem to be working when run game and I couldn't delete it by pressing delete key or by context menu in the scene tree. Save map, restart/reload and it's gone now. wacko.png

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