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Everything posted by marchingcubes

  1. Yeah, water is something I am definitely waiting for. I tried shadmar's water shader which was posted in another thread, which looked good from a distance, and mostly worked, but my model seemed to flicker badly and render wrong when it was in the water, hopefully 'official' water will not suffer from this.
  2. This is a short video of what I am currently working on in Leadwerks. Its supposed to feature a Beaver as the main character, but I havent finished the models yet, so used what I had (an otter) Its all programmer-art, but I have to say its been really easy and fun putting this together in Leadwerks. http://marchingcubes.com/otter4.mp4
  3. Hi, I have a character with a set of animations, and my controller's animation section uses the Animation Controller Script. this lets you have a set of looped animations, anf pretty much 'just works' for walk cycles etc. You will need to change speed/blend to match you animations rate. http://www.leadwerks.com/werkspace/page/documentation/_/script-reference/animationmanager-r693 it looks like: function Script:UpdateWorld() if self.parentEntity.script.isAttacking == true then self.baseAnimMgr:SetAnimationSequence(self.AnimAttack, 0.05, 200) else if self.parentEntity.script.playerMovement.z ~=0 or self.parentEntity.script.playerMovement.x ~=0 then if self.parentEntity.script.enteredWater == true then self.baseAnimMgr:SetAnimationSequence(self.AnimSwim, 0.05, 200) else self.baseAnimMgr:SetAnimationSequence(self.AnimWalk, 0.05, 200) end else self.baseAnimMgr:SetAnimationSequence(self.AnimIdle, 0.005, 200) end end Hope that helps
  4. Hi, I tried SetAngle(), but that just rotates the sprite around the axis perpendicular to the camera - it can't correct the 'horizontal flip' I guess I could use DrawText/DrawImage but i want to animate these 'messages' - they will be more like comic-style 'BIFF', 'POW!' type things so its easier to place and animate them with sprites.
  5. Hi, I want to use sprites, parented to the camera in billboard mode to display messages to the player. However I notice that textures applied to sprites are 'flipped' horizontally - e.g. an image with text on it has 'backwards' text when this texture is applied to the sprite. Its easy enough to flip my images horizontally, but it seems like this is a bug - Is there a reason for the sprite texcoords being set up like this? I am on the Steam Indie Beta version for Linux.
  6. Hi, I have a need to create some meshes to represent specific zones in my terrain-based levels, and would ideally like to be able to load the terrain into blender, create some low-poly objects which will fit nicely into the terrain mesh, and use those in leadwerks. Currently, i would probably have to fit a number of CSG objects to my terrain mesh in the leadwerks editor, which works, but is quite cumbersome in comparison to using a full 3d toolset. I would also like to place models on an exported terrain in Blender, and write out a lua script that I could cut n paste into leadwerks for model instantiation/placement at startup time, as placing/quickly editing or reworking large numbers of models is quite difficult in the leadwerks editor Terrain mesh export to .FBX from Leadwerks would be ideal. Is this possible?
  7. Hi, I've recently started using Leadwerks and so fair it's been a pretty great way to get my basic game mechanics in place. I was able to animate and texture my character models in blender, get that into the engine and animation looks and works nice - Terrain looks great (though there seems to be some non-critical performance issues that I am sure will shake out in time), and the lighting/shadows are very nice. Currently I have the Lua-only Leadwerks Indie, and it has been all I have needed to this point. However, I do have a couple of requirements for gameplay in my game that I am unsure about Leadwerk's suitability for - one is underwater swimming - this will be a big component of my game, but I don't see much in the way of support for flight/swim type character controller. I'm not really worried about the way the water looks, but when the player enters water, I would ideally like to have a completely different physics model, where buoyancy, instead of gravity is the dominant force, and 'enemies/prey' that navigate in a way that makes sense in a '3D' environment instead of on a nav mesh. I know 'Water' is on the list of things for 2015, but I am not sure what that means in terms of physics, as opposed to just pretty shaders for water surface. Another is the non-human size/shape of my characters - this already poses a bit of a visual problem navigating around the world as the character intersects with slopes - my current plan to deal with this is to raycast and adjust the character pitch (the model is separate from the invisible character controller, and its position is updated each frame), however, it would be nice if there was a robust way to get 'close to perfect' collision with an arbitary-shaped character mesh - I know from reading other forum posts this is not easy, due to assumptions made in the NavMesh code etc. Theoretically, I could probably implement everything by turning off mass on my objects and just handling motion and collision detection myself in Lua, but I have a feeling this might slow things down, or just get really ugly. Which brings me to my next question - assuming Leadwerks is unlikely to provide this kind of functionality 'out of the box' anytime soon, would I be able to implement this stuff myself using the C++ API? Is it extensible in that way, i.e. could I override the Character Controller class with my own custom setup, or would I effectively need source-level access to Leadwerks to do this kind of thing effectively? I have done a bit of work with OGRE and Bullet previously, which was a lot more 'Open' than Leadwerks is (not a complaint, I'm a happy customer) - But just want some guidance/advice on how I should best proceed with this sort of thing. Should I just buy Leadwerks C++ and get busy hacking, or is it likely that Leadwerks is just not going to work all that well for this concept, and I should look elsewhere?
  8. Hi, I have been trying out the Terrain feature in Leadwerks 3.3 Indie edition, and it seems to have some problems. I have an object that I just set up in mid-air with physics set up, and when it drops onto the terrain, the game window just disappears, and I am dumped into the script editor. There is no Debug output, and the Output pane of the script editor just has 'Process Complete' as the last line. I assume this is a leadwerks crash? I have a 'pick up and carry object' script which uses PhysicsSetPosition() to 'attach' the carried object to the camera - I notice it is possible to 'push' the carried object through the Terrain mesh sometimes - exactly what conditions trigger this to occur I am not certain, but it may have something to do with the below issue... It seems like after a while just running around on my terrain, that things become choppy, like Physics updates are being run much less frequently than they were previously, and camera and model motion becomes very jerky and unstable - I have only noticed this on a scene with terrain in it, doesnt happen when i use a CSG box as my 'terrain'.. This issue is more difficult to describe exactly, but it seems collision/physics related too, as it seems to happen after my character controller has moved on a slope or other non-flat part of my terrain, however this is more of a vague guess at a correlation than a specific cause. I am on Linux (Ubuntu 14.04 w/Steam Leadwerks, NVidia GTX770). I could do screen recordings to show both these issues if they would be helpful?
  9. Hopefully this isn't cluttering the forum too much, but I have now got multiple actions from my blender project into my leadwerks model using the blender exporter. It is necessary to have the armature selected in the blender GUI when invoking the export script, not the mesh it is affecting - previously I had my model selected in Object Mode, and this resulted in the first action being duplicated for all actions - if multiple actions are to be successfully exported, the armature should be selected, in Pose Mode, before invoking the export script. I hope this helps others who are having difficulty getting their animations into Leadwerks.
  10. And more.. now that it seems from reading other bug reports that the model viewer is indeed just broken with animated meshes on Linux, ignoring that, and loading the exported objects into the engine seems to mostly work (i have an animated mesh in my game, w00t!), but it seems that multiple actions are not exported correctly - the model editor shows there are multiple animations in the model with names corresponding to the actions set up in blender, but using the SingleAnimation.lua script to play them back just plays the same animation, regardless of the index used. As far as I can see, it looks like when the leadwerks exporter is baking out its animations it is not actually switching the action on the bound skeleton (the same actions show up on the object as well as the armature, maybe this is where the problem is?), resulting in a number of actions exported, but all with the same data as whatever action was currently set to active on the skeleton at the time of export. I have attached a second .blend file and exported .mdl with a cube containing 2 actions (one called 'test' and one called 'second_action') with keyframes on the bones of the skeleton, however examination of the .mdl should show that 'second_action' is actually a clone of 'test' after export. http://marchingcubes.com/leadwerks_test2.blend http://marchingcubes.com/leadwerks_test2.mdl It is also possible I am setting up my models and rigs wrong for optimal leadwerks use - perhaps there is something I can do to avoid this issue?
  11. Sorry for the forum spam, but additional info: The animations that flicker and appear broken in the model viewer would actually seem to work OK in the game world. Is this 'animated meshes flicker and appear broken' a known bug in the model viewer on Linux? If so, it would be good to get a fix for this, as every tutorial and document around animated meshes relies heavily on usage of the model viewer.
  12. Hi, further to my previous post, I have a test .blend, a very simple cube mesh, with 2 bones, an IK target bone and a single action. http://marchingcubes.com/leadwerks_test.blend and the result: http://marchingcubes.com/leadwerks_test.mdl When i export this to leadwerks using the leadwerks blender exporter, load it in the model viewer, and assign a material with animation support e.g. the crawler material, the animation does play, but I get the mesh flickering in and out of existence at various frames. I am on ubuntu 14.04, using leadwerks 3.3 from steam, blender 2.72 and the latest blender exporter from this site. Hopefully you can reproduce and/or suggest a fix for me, I would really like to get this resolved as a solid pipeline for doing armature-driven animation from blender is essential to my work.
  13. I too am having problems with animations - In fact this was the reason I am a Leadwerks customer, the promise of easy blender->game engine workflow. I have a model that is set up with bones and vertex groups, and animated using IK with bones in the skeleton as targets. The exporter pulls out the deformed mesh ok (according to whatever frame was set when invoking the exporter) but the skeleton in Leadwerks is messed up, and no animation on the mesh is evident. Exporting to FBX yields a different result - a correctly animated skeleton in Leadwerks model viewer, but no movement in the mesh itself. Are there some examples of blender character rigs that do export correctly into Leadwerks so I can emulate their construction? Are there limitations (like with OGRE's hardware skinning) around how many bones a vertex may be affected by?
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