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Everything posted by Blitzbat

  1. Hi at all Is it possible to handle multiple worlds at the same time? It's because of a dedicated server that should handle more than one scene. Every map should be handled seperatly. Don't know realy how to start... Thank you so far
  2. yes, that's right! But a 64 bit version of leadwerks were great!
  3. yes, that's right! But an 64 bit version of leadwerks were great!
  4. yes, that's right! But an 64 bit version of leadwerks were great!
  5. Just found the problem.... It's because i have windows 7 64bit and the c# compiler does not recognize that it's a 32bit assembly. I have to set the target plattform to 32 bit and it works
  6. oh sorry i've forgotten to write where it happens it will fail on the Leadwerks.Graphics.Initialize(800, 600); command... It fails on every command i execute.
  7. hi there, I'm getting every time I call leadwerks functions a BadImageFormatException. What is wrong ?! Here is the code: Leadwerks.Graphics.Initialize(800, 600); World w = new World(); while (!Leadwerks.Keyboard.KeyHit(Key.Escape)) { World.Update(1); World.Render(EntityType.All); Leadwerks.Graphics.Flip(1); } thank you
  8. Blitzbat


    Mhh i think you have to play the video with thirdparty libs before you init the leadwerks engine. That's a feature I'm really missing...
  9. mhm I have recognized that no export from cheetah3d works when I add a material. Can this be a problem?
  10. Hi ! I want to test how cheetah3d and leadwerks are working together. Just exported a dae file and tried to open it in the model viewer.. I can't load it. I have attached this file here. Is it a known bug? thanks! test2.zip
  11. just purchased the upgrade too. Just waiting until josh sends me an email.
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