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Posts posted by reepblue

  1. It's been a while since I looked at the Vectronic demo map, and when I opened it the other day, I noticed that my indicator lights (which was changed to brushes during the "Model Rotation Bug") where ether not facing the correct way, or the offset was off. I can say, these brushes were heavily copied and rotated a lot to make the trail effect. Nothing else seemed out of the normal, however. I was able to quickly fix them however. I'm not sure it's because of a beta update, or just a hiccup, or a similar issue like the models had; but I guess it's something to look at. Sorry for the delay in reporting, it was the 4th after all.



  2. You can use the built in tolua stuff. Here is an example,and a post that helped me. There is not a whole lot of documentation on this, so your best bet is to read headers and search forum posts.


    On the C++ side of things, I do the basic stuff like how levels are changed, UI, menu, etc while lua is mainly the game logic like the Player, elements, etc. Minus that there are some things you can only do in C++, Leadwerks allows you to develop your game anyway you want. After all, it's just a set of libraries called with a console application.

    • Upvote 1
  3. I've read that any program that is designed to run on Windows 7 or 8/8.1 (Which Leadwerks does.) will run without a problem on 10. And If not, I'm sure Josh will rebuild the solutions/fix the issues when the update comes out later this month. But honestly, I don't see why LE wouldn't work.

  4. So far, C++ application that has a settings system, and a MenuUI that can easily work on any LE game. Menu, loading screen and other things can be edited outside of Visual Studio. It also has a background map system too.



    • Upvote 3
  5. Make a new collision response rule in Main.lua.


    -- Props can activate triggers.
    Collision:SetResponse(Collision.Prop, Collision.Trigger, Collision.Trigger)


    You might also want a new collision for objects that are picked up. Vectronic is a working example of this.


    Collision.PickedUpProp = 12
    -- Picked up objects can still collide with triggers, but never characters.
    Collision:SetResponse(Collision.PickedUpProp, Collision.Character, Collision.None)
    Collision:SetResponse(Collision.PickedUpProp, Collision.Scene, Collision.Collide)
    Collision:SetResponse(Collision.PickedUpProp, Collision.Prop, Collision.Collide)
    Collision:SetResponse(Collision.PickedUpProp, Collision.Trigger, Collision.Trigger)
    Collision:SetResponse(Collision.PickedUpProp, Collision.PickedUpProp, Collision.None)

    • Upvote 1
  6. It happens with any map with Post Effects shaders. I took the start map, added shaders. and re-saved it in Windows.




    I test it myself. The Post Effects list clears when loading it on Linux. However, if you where to add Post Effects in a map on Linux, then open the map in Windows, the list does not clear as expected.

  7. Not sure it's a bug or not, but I noticed that when dropping a model in from the asset browser, Occlusion Culling is enabled by default, when on Window's it's disabled. Opening maps on Linux that were saved on Windows will switch all the models OC setting to enabled, and when read back on Windows, it will remain enabled. CSG on the other hand it's disabled by default.


    I understand the linux version has a lot of gotcha's, so not sure if this is intended or not.

  8. Funny, I thought Adobe was dropping their subscription-ware system. My former graphic design teacher said she got an e-mail from them saying they would a few months ago.


    Downloading FUSE right now. If their "Freedium market" still exists (Which I think still does), I'm just gonna use it to play around in.

  9. Will it be imrpoved and developped ? or will it juts goes free and that's it ?


    I think that's it. It's a saying on "Oh hey, have this for free because we are going to take this technology, improve it, and have it be in a future Adobe project!" They could also lost the right to sell it in the signed contract.

  10. Just tried a rebuild from a blank project and same problem. the only thing it did was reduced the size down by 20kb. My executable just tells main.lua to execute and the lua file once and the main.lua script handles it from there. Although my program is lighter, it's still righting slower.


    And unless Josh joined the VS2015 beta, I'm sure he's still using VS2013 like the rest of us. Keep in mind he has more access to the engine than we do so it's possible that he is compiling the stock executables differently than us.

  11. Hmm. I looked over the the project and everything seems to be right to me. I also tried cleaning up the main.cpp file (removing the AppData writes and calling App), and removed the app.cpp/,h files from the project. This still made the exe bigger than the auto generated one, but the game still works.


    #ifndef OS_IOS
    #ifndef _DLL
    #include "Leadwerks.h"
    using namespace Leadwerks;
    void DebugErrorHook(char* c)
    int n=0;//<--------------------------- Add a breakpoint here to catch errors
    #ifdef __APPLE__
    int main_(int argc,const char *argv[])
    int main(int argc,const char *argv[])
    //Set program path
    System::AppPath = FileSystem::ExtractDir(argv[0]);
    //Load command-line parameters
    System::ParseCommandLine(argc, argv);
    //Enable Lua sandboxing
    if (String::Int(System::GetProperty("sandbox")) != 0) Interpreter::sandboxmode = true;
    //Switch directory
    std::string gamepack = System::GetProperty("game");
    if (gamepack != "")
    Package* package = Package::Load(gamepack);
    if (!package) return 1;
    //Add debug hook for catching errors
    //Load any zip files in main directory
    Leadwerks::Directory* dir = Leadwerks::FileSystem::LoadDir(".");
    if (dir)
     for (int i=0; i<dir->files.size(); i++)
    	 std::string file = dir->files[i];
    std::string ext = Leadwerks::String::Lower(Leadwerks::FileSystem::ExtractExt(file));
    	 if (ext=="zip" || ext=="pak")
     delete dir;
    #ifdef DEBUG
    std::string debuggerhostname = System::GetProperty("debuggerhostname");
    if (debuggerhostname!="")
    //Connect to the debugger
    int debuggerport = String::Int(System::GetProperty("debuggerport"));
    if (!Interpreter::Connect(debuggerhostname,debuggerport))
    Print("Error: Failed to connect to debugger with hostname \""+debuggerhostname+"\" and port "+String(debuggerport)+".");
    return false;
    Print("Successfully connected to debugger.");
    std::string breakpointsfile = System::GetProperty("breakpointsfile");
    if (breakpointsfile!="")
    if (!Interpreter::LoadBreakpoints(breakpointsfile))
    Print("Error: Failed to load breakpoints file \""+breakpointsfile+"\".");
    // Print("No debugger hostname supplied in command line.");
    if (FileSystem::GetFileType("Scripts/main.lua") == 1)
    //Execute main script file
    if (Interpreter::ExecuteFile("Scripts/main.lua"))
    #ifdef DEBUG
    //if (!System::SaveSettings(settingsfile)) System::Print("Error: Failed to save settings file \"" + settingsfile + "\".");
    return 0;
    #ifdef DEBUG
    return 1;


    I don't know how or why this is a problem. Maybe there is something with the settings. I'm gonna try building a project from scratch now.

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