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Paul Thomas

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Posts posted by Paul Thomas

  1. I had a feeling that's why he didn't use a plane, since he does waterplane.setscale(camera.farrange * 3.0). Try using the CreatePatch() (fw.CreatePatch(20, 20) I believe it would be, I've sliced and diced my framewerk several times), see if it makes any difference?

  2. It's done in Renderer:


     local watertime:float = (apptime() / 200.0 * wavespeed)
     local waterframe:int
     local framename:string
     waterframe = watertime Mod 32
     framename = waterframe
       if waterframe < 10 framename = "0" + framename
       if not watertexture[waterframe]
         watertexture[waterframe] = loadtexture("abstract::water02_" + framename + ".dds")
     ' .............
     setmaterialtexture(watermaterial[submerged], watertexture[waterframe], 6)
     setmaterialtexture(watermaterial[submerged], watertexture[Modulate(waterframe-1,32)], 0)  
     ' .............
     function Modulate:float(a:float, b:float)
       a = a Mod b
         if a < 0 a = b + a
        return a


    The rest can be found in Renderer in the Draw method/function.

  3. I honestly don't know. Either he'll have to answer that or someone else who would know would have to.


    I was going to eventually start working on water myself so I'll be curious how far you get. For now I'd use CreatePatch() and CreatePlane() for testing purposes.

  4. CreatePlane() I would have to say.


    Unless you want to add specific vertex positions and/or triangles for the surface with AddVertex()/AddTriangle(). Which also has been provided by Josh in the Framewerk Renderer as "CreatePatch(xsegments, zsegments)," which is used for the water plane.

  5. I had posted this in the downloads section for anyone who wants to use it: http://leadwerks.com/werkspace/index.php?app=downloads&showfile=58


    A C++ forum post reminded me of this program I made during C# college classes to read/write to INI files. I provided source and DLL. It most likely will need to be expanded as I only went as far as I needed it for. It simply uses InteropServices to use "WritePrivateProfileString" and "GetPrivateProfileString."

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  6. Back injuries/problems are the worse ever. During really cold days or not laying down/resting after a long day of standing or sitting my back really gives me problems. Got in an accident back in 2002-03, a guy slammed into the rear of my car while we was going around 55mph, I was at a dead stop with my turn signal on trying to turn. He was in a newish model Ford and I was in a '85 Ford Thunderbird 5.0; practically a fast light tank, lol.


    He hit me so hard he broke his steering wheel due to the force. Completely totaled his car, mine suffered from a slight crushed rear-end and two broken lights. I was able to drive away and his car had to be loaded on a flat-bed.


    The part I regret is that I refused to go to the hospital.


    Hope you recover soon, Josh. Back pains/injuries just have to be the worse type of pain/injury to go through.

  7. 16 textures per model. So why not make additional models even if it was manually copying them (and renaming them; armor_legs_1, etc.)? Kind of cheap I guess but you'd have a set amount of assets anyways.


    But yeah, a non-instance copying method/function would be great.

  8. I have plans to use PhysX. Almost finished an up-to-date library for blitz and was thinking about how LE would react to it. First thing I remembered was the automatic phy file creation.


    Once I begin using PhysX with LE I'll post up progress. I remember Masterxilo already implementing PhysX but I don't know how far he went with it.


    I figured it would be easy to add a disablenewton method but I could imagine that it's more complex than I'm thinking. But I also think expanding the engine to cater to multiple physics libraries couldn't be a bad thing either.


    I'll bring the subject up again once I get more progress going. Tyler, didn't you have plans to use Havoc? Can't remember.

  9. Two directional lights for dynamic day/night. I've hacked my way around it but of course it was far more work than just being able to have two directional lights. The multiple directional light bug also makes the water plane follow the camera rotation x-axis, and water reflection follow the camera rotation y-axis.

  10. For some of us who want to use a different physics library than Newton. I don't care if blahA is better than blahB, it would great to have the ability to disable Newton (most likely after the Graphics call). One of the obvious reasons is because of the automatic phy file creation.

  11. I did the same exact thing a couple weeks. It did produce sharper results but was an FPS killer. Never tried to optimize it or anything, was just curious at the time. I probably would have better results doing this before any post-processing effects.

  12. I remember when working with XNA they had all the 2D animations for a single character on a single texture. Simply changing the X position in the draw call to change animation. Probably best to do it that way, not really sure, never compared the two before.

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