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Paul Thomas

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Posts posted by Paul Thomas

  1. Not to mention it's only a predicted feature with unknown quality so at the moment it isn't worth anything. You can already create a sky and weather with the current engine; you just have to do it yourself.

  2. Meh, I got bored on this stormy day with my team absent, so I'm playing with some syntax creation.


    class Vec2
    float x
    float y
    function bool SomeLogic()
    	if self.x > 1
    		return true
    class Vec3 extends Vec2{
    float x
    float y
    float z
    function vec3()
    	return self
    function vec3(x)
    	self.x = x
    	return self
    function vec3(x, y, z = 0)
    	self.x = x
    	self.y = y
    	self.z = z
    function vec3 normalize()
    	vec3 v
    	float m
    	m = sqrt(x * x + y * y + z * z)
    	v.x = self.x / m
    	v.y = self.y / m
    	v.z = self.z / m
    	return v
    function float dot(vec3 v)
    	return self.x * v.x + self.y * v.y + self.z * v.z
    function string ToString()
    	return self.x + ", "+self.y+", "+self.z
    function bool SomeLogic()
    	if self.x > 0
    		if self.x == 1
    			return true
    			if self.x >= 2
    				return false
    	return false
    function bool SomeLogic(int x)
    	if x > 0
    		return self.SomeLogic()
    		return super.SomeLogic() // calls Vec2.SomeLogic()
    vec3 a
    vec3 b
    string c
    a = new vec3(1, 2, 3)
    if a.SomeLogic() == true
    	print a.ToString()
    c = a.ToString()
    b = a
    b.x = 5
    b.y = 8.2
    print a
    print b
    print c
    array<int> d
    array<int>[5] e
    array<int>[5,5] f
    d[foo] = 5
    d[0] = 2
    f[0][1] = 2
    ' - comment
    // - comment
    /* */ - comment block
    ; - allowed and simply stripped out
    {} - allowed and simply stripped out
    if(a > 0){ return true; }
    if(a > 0) return true end
    if a > 0 return true
    case insensitive
    associate and dynamic arrays
    function overloading


    I use to do syntax creation a lot when attempting to build better PHP templating libraries like Smarty. Of course, this is different, but the end result is the same. It parses everything and spits out what it really should do.

  3. Been a while since I've done much with LE, but I remember this part:


    Local myMaterial:tmaterial = LoadMaterial(FILE)
    SetShaderVec3(myMaterial.reference.shader, "ShaderVariableName", vec3(0,0,0))
    ' SetShaderVec4
    ' SetShaderFloat


    Not sure if that's what you meant exactly, but there you go.

  4. Yeah, if you expect it to be completed in several months. A full fledge game project manager with at least the functionality of all the software I had mentioned would take a single programmer months to complete, especially if you expect something of decent quality, and practically no bugs. That is, of course, if you meant building the whole system from the ground up and not just injecting into existing software.

  5. Definitely agreed about the management software available. I really dislike MediaWiki for one. I like it's concepts but it's actual control management is horrible and the only way to get beyond that is to use yet another third party program to make that program better. There are a ton of project management programs available, most worth while you have to purchase, sometimes pay monthly, but they're all geared towards standard project management. There isn't anything geared towards game development with all the features required.


    If you could link between real financing and the community I think it would have a huge impact. It would also give projects something to aim for and that would be to gain the financial interests of a financier. Not to mention make it much easier to gain access to financiers that are willing to find game development projects to invest in.

  6. It would be fantastic to have immediate access to individuals/groups who were willing to invest or even donate for projects like what everyone here is involved with and attempting to complete. I'm sure everyone knows the dire need for funds and it becomes more of an issue the further you progress. I have a few individuals lined up that are ready to invest but they're waiting for something to actually interact with and experience before deciding to take the risk. A ton of screen-shots of assets, characters, or in-game screens won't really influence investors that plan to take a large risk; however at the same time an impressive prototype is hard to make without those funds.


    There are plenty of places to find modelers, artists, programmers, but I have yet to find a place to find investors; and you probably won't ever find such a place. At least in terms of real financing instead of a few hundred here or there. Of course, that few hundred here or there is still a nice option, especially if it's a donation. One of the inventors I was speaking of is merely interested in investing into something different, instead of their normal routines such as stocks, and to be involved in a gaming/entertainment project without actually doing any work, but giving the financial support that the project requires to succeed.


    To change the subject up a bit, after rereading your original post, something caught my attention.


    Team management. Everyone knows that when you're forming a team together, and it's formed, you have to use a ton of third party programs to help keep everything in synchronization. MediaWiki for design documents, SVN for repository or easy file sharing, some sort of bug tracker, communication programs like a forum, project management programs for task lists, and so forth. It's a whole other job to get everything setup, maintained, while working on a game project, and it's just an unnecessary hassle. After using a forum, for example, for several weeks in a row, getting used to the flow when adding new members and I go back to add a member to our design documents, I forget exactly what I had to do (stupid MediaWiki) and have to spend time looking through help files just to add a new user. Don't even get me started on when one of the dozens of programs has an update.


    I had a plan once I was done my project to start a project to put all of these third party programs together as an all-in-one package or to start on that solution from the ground up. Either way it would take a lot of time hence why I'd have to wait until my project was completed. It would be great if there was a team that would take up this task, committed to it, and kept up with the project (for updates, bugs, feature requests, etc). Basically a manager built specifically for game project management with no intention to skip specific features because it's predicted that the whole team are on-site employees.

  7. My team has become fairly large by this time. The most limiting part of the team building was indeed money to spend for development. At times I'd find people with an incredible portfolio but I simply couldn't afford the prices they've quoted. There are those talented individuals that require a large salary that will work with your own financial limitations, but more often they simply couldn't because they're searching for full time (full salary) jobs. Which is of course an understandable situation.


    Other than the financial issues it's incredibly hard to find animators, which also could have been solved with proper finances. This whole time I've only been able to find two that have a decent portfolio and have the experience. You can find assets that are already animated, but as someone else has pointed out, they won't have all the required animations. Also depending on your project you could require custom animations, so you're basically still stuck at square one when you went on the search for assets that are animated.


    Each project will have it's own limitations so it would be fairly hard to pin-point. I think majority of them could be solved with proper financing. Financing is still a battle I have yet to complete, so I couldn't give any input on that portion yet. I just know it's a difficult battle.

  8. Within "DrawEffectSSAO"



    Can be changed to


  9. function Player()
     local player = {}
     player.activeHeight = 1.8
     player.height = 1.8
     player.crouch = 0.8
     player.radius = 0.45
     player.stepHeight = 0.25
     player.maxSlope = 45.0
     player.mass = 10.0
     player.iteractions = 45.0
     player.jump = 0.0
     player.jumpHeight = 6.0
       function player:Create()
         player.controller = CreateController(player.height, player.radius, player.stepHeight, player.maxSlope, player.iteractions)
         player.controller:SetCollisionType(COLLISION_CHARACTER, 0)
       function player:Free()
     return player
    player = Player()
    while KeyHit(KEY_ESCAPE) == 0 do
     if KeyHit(KEY_C) == 1 then
       if player.crouching == true then
         player.crouching = false
         player.controller:SetScale(Vec3(player.controller.scale.x, player.height / 2, player.controller.scale.z))
         player.activeHeight = player.height
         player.crouching = true
         player.controller:SetScale(Vec3(player.controller.scale.x, player.crouch / 2, player.controller.scale.z))
         player.activeHeight = player.crouch
     player.controller:Update(yaw, move, strafe, jump, 40, 10)


    You'll have to fill in the rest. I had retyped this so I apologize for any mistakes. Setting the controller scale works for me. At least it looks like it :)

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