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Paul Thomas

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Everything posted by Paul Thomas

  1. To mimic our moon use pointentity(moon, planetpivot) Doing a solar system (or multiple solar systems) would be really fun to play around with in LE.
  2. Yeah, but unless you make a new mesh_diffuse_bumpmap_sway, it'll effect everything that uses sway. In that file it says: LW_SWAY 0.02 Just increase the number.
  3. I've been web programming for about ten years now (XHTML/CSS/PHP/SQL/CGI-Perl/etc). If you need help in that area let me know. I also know several graphic designers from all the contracting work I've done in the past.
  4. Hmm. Would it matter if it was painted in the transparency world instead of in the main world? I think I need to stop working on my editor and try this myself to help you out better.
  5. Didn't know there was more posts in this thread, apparently my Droid decided to wipe out threads I haven't read when using quickly to skim through everything and then they're reverted when I get back on the PC. Thanks for considering this feature request, Josh. Expanding the engine to allow multiple physics libraries is a plus in my opinion. Officially supporting just Newton is actually ideal. Leave it up to each licensee to determine what route they want to take and with the ability to disable Newton the option is completely there to make that decision. Newton is definitely a nice physics library, I'm not against Newton, I just have my eye/mind on some of the features PhysX provides, or even Havok. All three are great libraries and I just thought it was a good feature request to ask a way to disable Newton so that there's an option to use different physics libraries.
  6. I noticed when using "View New Content" there is a section called "Help Files" which just gives general help about invisionboard. Something like this wouldn't be a bad idea for community supported tutorials or something. If not, maybe a Tutorials forum category? Just an idea. A lot of new people are having a hard time getting started or are quickly learning the tutorials are outdated. Mainly because the tutorials are in a "hard to update" format (video and PDF) even though the videos do the best job as a teaching material. Community support tutorials, video tutorials, and so forth, couldn't do much harm. Make the default listing based on Category/Alphabetical and Rank.
  7. Yeah, could just combine the two. ini.Read("category", "key"); Looks better than my ini.Key("category", "key"); I think back when I was writing this I was going to do ini.Read("category","key") to directly read from a category and make ini.Key("key") to iterate through the ini.Categories() and ini.Keys("category") to find that one key, but obviously dumped that idea. It was a learning experience back then, it could use polishing and expanding.
  8. For this I'm not sure, but you would just have to go into the transparency world just to create the mesh/plane.
  9. I believe this line would do it: if not waterpatch setworld(transparency.world) waterpatch = createpatch(20, 20) entityocclusionmode(waterpatch, true) setworld(Main.world) endif
  10. It also wouldn't hurt to take a look at some C++ tutorials as well. Working with just the basics of Leadwerks isn't very difficult but once you start attempting more complex programs it would be best to have some solid understanding of C++. As Niosop has mentioned start with the LE tutorials. Most of them are outdated but you can get some direction from them. You can also take a look at Lumooja's Power Tutorial located on the Wiki. Just in case you don't know, the Wiki is at http://www.leadwerks.com/wiki which has all the tutorials and a list of LE commands. Some of the commands also have examples to look at. Dedication along with trial and error.
  11. I had a feeling that's why he didn't use a plane, since he does waterplane.setscale(camera.farrange * 3.0). Try using the CreatePatch() (fw.CreatePatch(20, 20) I believe it would be, I've sliced and diced my framewerk several times), see if it makes any difference?
  12. It's done in Renderer: local watertime:float = (apptime() / 200.0 * wavespeed) local waterframe:int local framename:string waterframe = watertime Mod 32 framename = waterframe if waterframe < 10 framename = "0" + framename if not watertexture[waterframe] watertexture[waterframe] = loadtexture("abstract::water02_" + framename + ".dds") endif ' ............. setmaterialtexture(watermaterial[submerged], watertexture[waterframe], 6) setmaterialtexture(watermaterial[submerged], watertexture[Modulate(waterframe-1,32)], 0) ' ............. function Modulate:float(a:float, b:float) a = a Mod b if a < 0 a = b + a return a endfunction The rest can be found in Renderer in the Draw method/function.
  13. mesh/water.frag, (postfilters/caustics.frag,) materials/water
  14. I honestly don't know. Either he'll have to answer that or someone else who would know would have to. I was going to eventually start working on water myself so I'll be curious how far you get. For now I'd use CreatePatch() and CreatePlane() for testing purposes.
  15. CreatePlane() I would have to say. Unless you want to add specific vertex positions and/or triangles for the surface with AddVertex()/AddTriangle(). Which also has been provided by Josh in the Framewerk Renderer as "CreatePatch(xsegments, zsegments)," which is used for the water plane.
  16. I had posted this in the downloads section for anyone who wants to use it: http://leadwerks.com/werkspace/index.php?app=downloads&showfile=58 A C++ forum post reminded me of this program I made during C# college classes to read/write to INI files. I provided source and DLL. It most likely will need to be expanded as I only went as far as I needed it for. It simply uses InteropServices to use "WritePrivateProfileString" and "GetPrivateProfileString."
  17. Anyone know what to pass for the flatten uniform? Everything I've tried just flattens the terrain to 0 eventually.
  18. Only a on/off switch though. Almost reads like he means gravity amount per entity.
  19. Paul Thomas


    Back injuries/problems are the worse ever. During really cold days or not laying down/resting after a long day of standing or sitting my back really gives me problems. Got in an accident back in 2002-03, a guy slammed into the rear of my car while we was going around 55mph, I was at a dead stop with my turn signal on trying to turn. He was in a newish model Ford and I was in a '85 Ford Thunderbird 5.0; practically a fast light tank, lol. He hit me so hard he broke his steering wheel due to the force. Completely totaled his car, mine suffered from a slight crushed rear-end and two broken lights. I was able to drive away and his car had to be loaded on a flat-bed. The part I regret is that I refused to go to the hospital. Hope you recover soon, Josh. Back pains/injuries just have to be the worse type of pain/injury to go through.
  20. Quickly guessing and depends on what you plan on using it for; Rename "varying vec4 texCoord;" to "varying vec2 texcoord0;" and use mesh.vert.
  21. He's probably referring to Masterxilo's video cutting up the logs. ?
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