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Posts posted by Slastraf

  1. I got some advice from my little helper phind

    The error LNK2019 is a linker error that occurs when the linker can't find a symbol it needs. In your case, the symbol `__std_find_trivial_4` is not found. This symbol is a function in the C++ Standard Library that is used for finding a value in a range. The number '4' in the symbol name indicates the size of the type that the function is working with [Source 0](https://github.com/googleapis/google-cloud-cpp/discussions/11929).

    This error can occur due to several reasons:

    1. **Mismatched Compiler Versions**: If different parts of your project were compiled with different versions of the compiler, you may encounter this error. Make sure all parts of your project are compiled with the same version of the compiler [Source 2](https://github.com/actions/runner-images/issues/6091).

    2. **Incorrect Library Linking**: If you're linking against a library that was compiled with a different version of the compiler, or if the library was compiled with a different runtime library setting, you may encounter this error. Make sure you're linking against the correct libraries and that they were compiled with the same settings as your project [Source 2](https://github.com/actions/runner-images/issues/6091).

    3. **Missing Library**: If the library that contains the `__std_find_trivial_4` function is not being linked, you may encounter this error. Make sure that the library is being correctly linked in your project settings [Source 4](https://github.com/Exiv2/exiv2/issues/2429).

    To resolve this issue, you can try the following steps:

    1. **Rebuild the Project**: Try to clean and rebuild your project. This will ensure that all object files are recompiled and linked with the correct settings [Source 2](https://github.com/actions/runner-images/issues/6091).

    2. **Check the Compiler Version**: Make sure all parts of your project are compiled with the same version of the compiler. You can check this in the project properties in Visual Studio [Source 2](https://github.com/actions/runner-images/issues/6091).

    3. **Check the Library Linking**: Make sure you're linking against the correct libraries and that they were compiled with the same settings as your project. You can check this in the project properties in Visual Studio [Source 4](https://github.com/Exiv2/exiv2/issues/2429).

    4. **Check the Runtime Library Setting**: Make sure that the runtime library setting for all parts of your project is the same. You can check this in the project properties in Visual Studio [Source 2](https://github.com/actions/runner-images/issues/6091).

    If the error still persists after trying these steps, you may need to seek further assistance. It's possible that there's a bug in the compiler or in the library that you're linking against. In that case, you should report the issue to the maintainers of the library or the compiler.


  2. Yes I have the latest VS 2022 version installed on my system, the vulcan API , the recommended redistributables. I can compi;le an unreal engine game for example so it is not completely broken. I can provide more information in private. I am updating gfx drivers at the moment but should not have an impact.

  3. I tried this on new projects on both dev and stable multiple times
    his happens for me with a fresh project and the stable version.

    Also there are a lot of warnings about PDB

    Severity    Code    Description    Project    File    Line    Suppression State    Details
    Warning    LNK4099    PDB 'UltraEngine_d.pdb' was not found with 'UltraEngine_d.lib(dMat4.obj)' or at  ... Ultra Engine\Projects\Testcpp\.vs\Debug\UltraEngine_d.pdb'; linking object as if no debug info    Testcpp     ... e\Projects\Testcpp\UltraEngine_d.lib(dMat4.obj)    1

    For example




  4. Hello
    I have just got Ultra Engine and have not got it to compile yet.
    I added missing ATL modules inside visual studio installer, made a new c++ project multiple times and set the optimization to disabled in the project settings.
    Need help at fixing these errors. The Project is called StereoWindow and i have the exact same problem with another project.


  5. Yes, gamers with a good budget will remain the target group.

    Context Information Visualization
    There is a reason that most graphs for displaying information are 2D.

    As far as I know, most of VR headsets display text very bad and that alone makes it really unattractive for applications.
    Displaying text or any UI element in 3D space has many limitations, such as Anti Aliasing and size and contrast. This will downscale the font of the text and make it look really bad. Also factor in deformation because of different viewing angles
    Also the human does not actually view things in 3d but in some way still two-dimnensional but that is another topic.

    I would not even want to sculpt stuff in it because of accuracy.

  6. you need to iterate svotnodes 

    foreach svotnodes as svotnode :
     level = svotnodes[index].params[2];
     if level == maxlevels -1) : [...]
     for n < 8:
    	if (SVOTNodeContainsNode(svotnodes[index].child[n], x, y, z))
                 foreach svotnodes as svotnode2 :
                 level2 = svotnodes[index].params[2];
                 if level2 == maxlevels -1) : [...]

    if you want to find the "terminal node" you need to iterate over all nodes, however I dont think the index changes so that might be a problem.
    Sorry dont have much time to look over this

  7. lerp = Math::Lerp(2, 0, 0.5);
    will always make the player height zero
    lerp = Math::Lerp(camera->GetPosition().y, (playerheight*cdown ), 0.5);

    does this make sense to you ? camera->GetPosition().y, may be wrong but you need to get the y part of the vector of getposition
    also you need to remove (makes no sense):

    	while (true)
    		// remove this line camera->GetPosition();
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  8. About the turn, I haven't used it as I needed to "snap" rotation in my case.
    Alternatively, have you tried adding a simple box collision to the bone, that dont ollide with each other, make the bones a joint of some sort, and then apply gravity to make it a ragdoll ?

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